Nosov, Evgenii Ivanovich

Nosov, Evgenii Ivanovich


Born Jan. 15, 1925, in Kursk. Soviet Russian writer. Participant in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45.

Nosov’s works first appeared in print in 1947. He graduated from the Higher Courses in Literature of the Writers’ Union of the USSR in 1962. In his lyrical stories and novellas, Nosov reveals the inner life of the modern rural worker and depicts poetic scenes of nature in central Russia (the collections On the Fisherman’s Path, 1958; Thirty Grains, 1961; Where the Sun Rises, 1965; The Broom Tea, 1968; The Bridge, 1974). His impressions of the war years are related in a number of works, including the collection The Red Wine of Victory (1971). His style is characterized by a gentle tone, a delicate feeling for language, and the skillful use of significant details. Nosov has been awarded three orders and various medals.


Rasskazy. Kursk, 1959.
Berega. [Introductory article by V. Astaf’ev.] Moscow, 1971.
Shumit lugovaia ovsianitsa: Povesti i rasskazy. Moscow, 1973.


Rostovtseva, I. Sokrovennoe v cheloveke. Voronezh, 1968.
Chalmaev, V. Khram Afrodity: Tvorcheskii put’ i masterstvo Evgeniia Nosova. Moscow, 1972.