

单词 mcp



abbr. male chauvinist pig


abbreviation for male chauvinist pig



An initialism of "male chauvinist pig," a man who considers and treats women as being lesser in intelligence, talent, or competence in comparison to men, especially by placing more value on a woman's looks or abilities as a homemaker than as an equal member of society. I know it makes me sound like an MCP, but there are some activities in the world that men are simply better at than women—blame biology, not me!


and male chauvinist pig n. a male who acts superior to and aggressively toward women. (From the woman’s liberation movements of the 1970s.) The guy is just a male chauvinist pig, and he’ll never change. That’s you! Walter L. Waddington, MCP.



motion compensated prediction


(1) See Microsoft certification.

(2) (Master Control Program) See operating system.

(3) (MultiChip Package) A chip package that contains two or more chips. It is essentially a multichip module (MCM) that uses a laminated, printed-circuit-board-like substrate (MCM-L) rather than ceramic (MCM-C). MCPs are also tested after packaging, whereas the bare chips of ceramic-based MCMs were tested before packaging so as not to waste the more costly ceramic substrate if the chips were no good. See MCM.

Multichip Packages
These are examples of multichip packages with stacked chips (top) and side-by-side chips (bottom). The chips are wire bonded to the resin-based substrate which is attached to the printed circuit board using a ball grid array (BGA). (Illustration courtesy of Joseph Fjelstad.)



Abbreviation for metacarpophalangeal.


Abbreviation for metacarpophalangeal.


MCPMicrosoft Certified Professional
MCPMilitary Continuous Power
MCPMaster Control Program
MCPMulti-Chip Package
MCPMolecular & Cellular Proteomics (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
MCPMicrosoft Certified Partner
MCPMonocyte Chemoattractant Protein
MCPMonocyte Chemotactic Protein
MCPMassachusetts Contingency Plan
MCPMulti-Core Processor
MCPMetacarpophalangeal (joint)
MCPMedia and Communications Processor (NVIDIA nForce)
MCPMicrochannel Plate
MCPModified Citrus Pectin (antiadhesive agent)
MCPMembrane Cofactor Protein
MCPMath Co-Processor
MCPMsn Cached Pages
MCPMulti Choice Precoding
MCPMulti Channel Portal
MCPMedia and Communications Processor
MCPMean Continuous Period
MCPMultiple Chip Product
MCPMulti Chip Package
MCPMedia Controller Processor
MCPMultiprotocol Communication Processor
MCPMission Critical Partnership
MCPMultiple Channel Protocol
MCPMulti Channel Processor
MCPMalawi Congress Party (Malawi political party)
MCPMedical College of Pennsylvania
MCPMulti Camera Production
MCPMaritime Communications Partner (telecommunications company)
MCPMathematics, Chemistry and Physics (various universities)
MCPMacromolecular Chemistry and Physics (publication; Wiley)
MCPMacmillan Computer Publishing
MCPMod Coder Pack (Minecraft)
MCPManagement Certificate Program (various schools)
MCPMilitary Care Package
MCPMolecular and Cellular Pharmacology (various schools)
MCPMassachusetts College of Pharmacy
MCPMajor Capital Project
MCPMode Control Panel
MCPMobile Contactless Payment
MCPMalayan Communist Party (political group)
MCPMar Cor Purification (various locations)
MCPMaster Control Panel
MCPMedia Communications Processor
MCPMarket Clearing Price (equilibrium price)
MCPMaster of City Planning
MCPMale Chauvinist Pig
MCPMonthly Capitation Payment (healthcare)
MCPMotion Compensated Prediction
MCPMedi-Cal Program (Department of Health Care Services; California)
MCPMobile Command Post
MCPMedicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy (various organizations)
MCPMode Conditioning Patch (cable)
MCPMinimum Convex Polygons
MCPMinimum Contract Period
MCPMotor Circuit Protector
MCPMotor Challenge Programme (EU)
MCPMaternity Care Program (various locations)
MCPMedical Claims Processing (various companies)
MCPMaster Computer Program
MCPMeritorious Commissioning Program (US Marine Corps)
MCPMentoring Children of Prisoners
MCPMass Customization Platform
MCPManagement Control Program
MCPMulti Channel Plate
MCPMath Coprocessor
MCPMoto Club Pirate (French: Pirate Motorcycle Club; Switzerland)
MCPMarketing Communication Plan
MCPMedically Compromised Patient
MCPManual Call Point
MCPMulti-Channel Processing (various locations)
MCPMontgomery County Police (Maryland)
MCPManual of Concrete Practice (American Concrete Institute)
MCPMeasurement Comparison Program (laboratory measurement assurance)
MCPMaximum Continuous Power
MCPMixed Complementarity Problem
MCPManagement Communication Program (Stanford University; California)
MCPMaster Control Processor
MCPMaster Change Proposal
MCPMinority Counsel Program (American Bar Association)
MCPMentoring Children of Promise (various locations)
MCPMarginal Cost-Pricing (economics)
MCPMillennium Coastal Park (UK)
MCPMission Critical Partnership (Hewlett Packard)
MCPMobile Computing Program (various universities)
MCPManagement Control Plan
MCPMetrowerks CodeWarrior Project
MCPMalay Concordance Project
MCPMaine Coastal Program (Augusta, ME)
MCPMaster of Community Planning
MCPMetal Clay Powder (silver)
MCPMission City Press
MCPMaster Code Professional (fire safety certification)
MCPMyrinet Control Program
MCPMission Capability Package(s)
MCPMain Command Post
MCPMacapa, Amapa, Brazil (Airport Code)
MCPMajor Crown Project (Canada)
MCPMedical Center of Plano (Texas)
MCPMission Control Programmer (US NASA)
MCPMaintenance Collection Point
MCPMercy Care Plan
MCPMeth Cleanup Program (Montana)
MCPMain Coolant Pipeline (nuclear energy)
MCPMaster Control Process
MCPMarketing Company President
MCPMicrobial Cell Project (US Department of Energy)
MCPMoral Courage Project (New York University)
MCPMethyl Chemotaxis Protein
MCPMy Course Planning (Australia)
MCPMultifocal Choroiditis and Panuveitis (ophthalmology)
MCPMunicipal Compliance Plan
MCPMotor Control Panel
MCPMark C Pope Associates, Inc (Smyrna, GA)
MCPMessage Control Program
MCPMerchant Control Panel (software)
MCPMinimally Conscious Patient
MCPMultimode Communications Processor
MCPMarine Corps Capabilities Plan
MCPMedico Cirujano Y Partero (Spanish)
MCPMagic Cooking Products (Australia)
MCPMission Comptable Permanente (French: Permanent Mission Accountant)
MCPMiamisburg Closure Project
MCPMaintenance Control Program
MCPMission Critical Program
MCPMultiport Communication Processor
MCPMetasynthesis of Computing Paradigms
MCPMalaysia Conference on Photonics
MCPMultiprotocol Communications Processor (Sun Microsystems)
MCPMaterials Control Plan
MCPMaster's of City Planning
MCPMekong Collaboration Program (InSTEDD)
MCPMississippi Coastal Program
MCPManagement Consulting Process
MCPMission Coordinating Paper
MCPMerged Call Processor (Sprint)
MCPMulti Control Panel
MCPMission Control Panel
MCPManagement and Control Processor (ATM)
MCPMajor Case Prints
MCPMateriel Change Program
MCPMessage Processing Center
MCPMain Controller Power (AT&T)
MCPMedical Continuation Pay
MCPMain Coolant/Cooling Pump
MCPMaine Central Power
MCPMonitor Microchannel Plate
MCPMaster Control Port (Cisco)
MCPMembrane Co-factor of Proteolysis
MCPManaging Complexity Programme (University of York; UK)
MCPMaintenance Computer Program
MCPMonitor and Control Protocol
MCPMission Concept Paper
MCPMelamine Component Panel
MCPMaster Craftsman Program
MCPMinistry Certificate Program
MCPMorse Critical Point
MCPMotion Capture Process
MCPMateriel Change Plan
MCPMerge Control Process
MCPMultiple Cable Penetrator
MCPMilitary Cooperation Program
MCPMetal Conjugated Polymer
MCPMilitary Construction Plan/Program
MCPMulti-Component Product Code
MCPMore Coffee Please
MCPModel Compliance Program
MCPMobile Checkpoint (military/peacekeeping)
MCPMean Continuous Period (manufacturing)
MCPMinimum Carriage Paid
MCPMethane Combustion Project
MCPModular Component Prediction
MCPMishap Co-Pilot
MCPMutual Coupling Parameter
MCPMake Connor Proud (memorial)
MCPMission Collage Prepatory
MCPMike & Chris Productions (YouTube channel)
MCPMember of Canadian Parliament
MCPMobile Call Pickup (NewStep Networks)
ThesaurusSeeoperating system




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