

单词 ldp



1. ladyship. 2. lordship.



Linux Documentation Project


LDPLiberal Democratic Party
LDPLinux Documentation Project
LDPLeadership Development Program
LDPLabel Distribution Protocol (IETF)
LDPLane Departure Prevention (automotive)
LDPLatihan Dalam Perkhidmatan (Malay: In-Service Training; education)
LDPLoader Debugger Protocol
LDPLeak Detection Pump (automotive engineering)
LDPLow Density Lipoprotein
LDPLarge Deviation Principle
LDPLimited Driving Privilege (various locations)
LDPLaban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (Philippines political group)
LDPLocal Delivery Plan (National Health Service; UK)
LDPLinux Distribution Partner
LDPLevel of Development Plan
LDPLabel Distribution Protocol
LDPLaser Disc Player
LDPLivelihood Development Program (various organizations)
LDPLiberal Demokrat Parti
LDPLe Domaine Public (French: The Public Domain)
LDPLong Distance Path (UK; formerly National Trails)
LDPLanding Decision Point (final point in rotorcraft approach when a balked landing may be accomplished)
LDPLiquid Dairy Products (TetraPak)
LDPLegal Document Preparer (Arizona)
LDPLocal Distribution Point
LDPLink-Disjoint Path
LDPLegal Disciplinary Partnership (UK law practice)
LDPLoan Deficiency Program (USDA program payment for low commodity prices)
LDPLogistics Development Program
LDPLanded Duty Paid
LDPLiquid Dispersion Polymer
LDPLand Disturbing Permit (Virginia)
LDPLivestock, Dairy & Poultry
LDPLucky Duck Productions (New York, NY)
LDPLancha de Desembarque Pequena (Portuguese Navy)
LDPLanguage Designated Position
LDPLeast Damage Possible (banking, mergers and acquisitions)
LDPLong Distance Platform
LDPLingwa de Planeta (language)
LDPLong Distance Pumping (skateboarding)
LDPLanguage and Diversity Program
LDPLightweight Directory Protocol
LDPLocal Data Processor
LDPLiberal Demokrasi Partisi (Turkey)
LDPLow Density Presort (Canada Post)
LDPLocal Distribution Panel (electrical switchgear)
LDPLogistic Data Process
LDPLoaded Deployability Posture (STADEPS)
LDPLomas Data Products, Incorporated
LDPLung Damaging Particle
LDPLet's Discuss, Please
LDPLeading Dimensions Profile (Leading Dimensions Consulting)




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