National Laboratory of Psychical Research
National Laboratory of Psychical Research
(religion, spiritualism, and occult)The National Laboratory of Psychical Research was founded in 1925 in London by psychical researcher Harry Price. It was established, with Price as Director, “to investigate in a dispassionate manner and by purely scientific means every phase of psychic or alleged psychic phenomena.” It was located at 13 Roland Gardens, London, SW 7, England, but had ceased to function by 1950. During its lifetime it published a bimonthly, The British Journal of Psychical Research which ran from 1925 until 1929. It also published a number of bulletins including Regurgitation and the Duncan Mediumship (1932), Fraudulent Mediums (1932), The Identification of the “Walter” Prints (1933), and An Account of Some Further Experiments with Rudi Schneider (1933).