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DictionarySeedegenerationEncyclopediaSeeDegenerationNissl degeneration
Ni·ssl de·gen·er·a·tion (nis'ĕl), degeneration of the cell body occurring after transection of the axon; characterized by dispersion of the granular endoplasmic reticulum, swelling of the soma, and movement of the nucleus to an eccentric position in the cell.Nissl degenerationNerve cell degeneration after division of the axon. See also: Nissl, FranzNissl, Franz, German neurologist, 1860-1919. Nissl bodies - Synonym(s): Nissl substanceNissl degeneration - cell body degeneration occurring after transection of the axon.Nissl granules - Synonym(s): Nissl substanceNissl methods - staining techniques.Nissl stain - a method for staining nerve cells.Nissl substance - the material consisting of granular endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes that occurs in nerve cell bodies and dendrites. Synonym(s): basophil substance; Nissl bodies; Nissl granules; substantia basophilia; tigroid bodies |