

单词 ars
释义 DictionarySeear



On drawings, abbr. for asbestos roof shingles.



Abbreviation for acute radiation syndrome.



The ISO 4217 currency code for Argentinian Peso.


ISO 4217 code for the Argentinian peso. It was introduced in 1992, replacing the austral following hyperinflation. At introduction, it was pegged to the U.S. dollar at a one-to-one ratio, meaning that if one presented one peso to the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina, it could be redeemed for one dollar. This peg was dropped in the Argentine economic crisis of 2001, but the Central Bank attempts to keep the value of the peso around three dollars to promote stability. It is also called the peso convertible.


ARSAddiction Recovery Services (various locations)
ARSArtists Rights Society
ARSAgricultural Research Service (USDA)
ARSArgentina Peso (national currency; successor of Austral 1992)
ARSAlt.Religion.Scientology (newsgroup)
ARSAmerican Rose Society
ARSArizona Revised Statutes
ARSAmerican Rhododendron Society
ARSAutomatic Route Selection
ARSAnimal Rescue Site
ARSAgence Régionale de Santé (French: Regional Health Agency)
ARSAllocation de Rentrée Scolaire (French: Back to School Allowance)
ARSAction Request System (Remedy Corp/AT&T)
ARSAcute Radiation Sickness
ARSApple Retail Store (various locations)
ARSAirline Reservation System
ARSAttendance Recording System (software; various companies)
ARSInternational Applied Reliability Symposium
ARSArhiv Republike Slovenije (Slovenian: Archives of the Republic of Slovenia)
ARSAcute Radiation Syndrome
ARSAcute Retroviral Syndrome (illness)
ARSApplication and Reporting System (Nordplus Framework Programme)
ARSAdolf Reichwein Schule (German: Adolf Reichwein School)
ARSAdaptive Restraint System
ARSApple Retail Store
ARSAdvanced Router System
ARSAdvanced Replacement Rma Service
ARSAbstract Record Structure
ARSAutomatic Routing Selection
ARSAcoustic Noise Reduction System
ARSAutomatic Recognition System
ARSAsset Recovery Services
ARSAuto Route Smtp
ARSAdvanced Vehicle Restraint System
ARSAddress Resolution Server
ARSActive Roll Stabilization
ARSAtlanta Rhythm Section (band)
ARSAir Refueling Squadron
ARSSalvage Ship
ARSAlliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia (political group)
ARSAuction Rate Security
ARSActive Roll Stabilization (automotive design)
ARSAir Reserve Station
ARSAmateur Radio Service
ARSAttorney Referral Service (various organizations)
ARSAutonomously Replicating Sequence (genetics)
ARSAmateur Radio Station
ARSAon Risk Services (various locations)
ARSArmenian Relief Society (Watertown, Massachusetts)
ARSAsphalt Roofing Shingles
ARSAutomated Response System
ARSAmerican Rhinologic Society
ARSAir Rescue Service (USAF)
ARSAuthorized Return Service (UPS)
ARSAmerican Rocket Society
ARSAUTEC (Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center) Range Services
ARSAssociation pour la Recherche sur la Sclérose Latérale Amyotrophique
ARSAnnual Report to Shareholders
ARSArea of Research Strength (various schools)
ARSAir-Raid Siren
ARSAutomatic Retrieval System (libraries)
ARSArterial Road System (St. Louis, MO)
ARSAmerican Radium Society
ARSAccident Reporting System
ARSAdsense Revenue Sharing
ARSAngular Rate Sensor
ARSAuto Repuestos del Sur (Spanish: South Auto Parts; Guatemala)
ARSAir Rescue Squadron (USAF)
ARSAmerican Residential Services, Inc.
ARSAir Revitalization System
ARSAir Recovery System
ARSAccredited Relocation Specialist (real estate)
ARSAyn Rand Society
ARSAgricultural Recruitment System
ARSAir Roll Spin (bodyboarding)
ARSAlternate Route Selection
ARSAerial Refueling System
ARSAtelier de Recherche Sociologique (French: Sociological Research Workshop)
ARSAttitude Reference System
ARSAnaesthetic Research Society
ARSActive Roles Server (Quest Software, Inc.)
ARSAbstraction Reference and Synthesis
ARSAcoustic Resonance Spectroscopy
ARSAnti-Reflux Surgery
ARSAustralian Rhododendron Society
ARSArgus Remote Surveillance (software)
ARSAnti-Rabies Serum (equine origin)
ARSApproximate Reasoning in Scheduling
ARSArkansas Southern Railroad
ARSAustralian Rugby Shield (competition)
ARSAir Reserve Squadron (USAF)
ARSAdvanced Recovery System
ARSAir Radio System
ARSAddress Resolution Service (Sprint)
ARSAerial Refueling Store
ARSAmphibious Reconnaissance School (Marine Corps)
ARSAseguradoras del Régimen Subsidiado (Colombia)
ARSAuxiliary Rescue/Salvage (Ship)
ARSAdvanced Regulating Station
ARSAction Remedy System
ARSAdvanced Radiographic System
ARSAlternative Response Systems
ARSAccount Registration System
ARSAngle Resolved Scatter (measures angular distribution of light scattered from surface)
ARSAtmospheric Revitalization System
ARSAdditive Requirements
ARSAdvanced Rocket System
ARSArchive and Retrieval Subsystem
ARSApplication Requirements Specification
ARSActive Radar Seeker
ARSAudible Ring Signaler
ARSAutomatic Reserve Sharing System (energy production)
ARSAerial Reconnaissance and Surveillance
ARSArchive Retrieval System
ARSAir Refueling Store
ARSAir Resupply Squadron (USAF)
ARSAs Required for Subject Assembly
ARSActive Repeater Satellite
ARSActive Request System
ARSALTAIR Recording System
ARSActive Ranging Sensor
ARSAerial RADIAC System
ARSAgency Rating Systems Inc (Waxahachie, TX)
ARSAddress Recognition System
ARSArchival Recording System
ARSAntenna Receiving System
ARSAdvanced Records System
ARSAccount Record Storage Manager
ARSAttack Radar Set
ARSAtomic Resonance Spectroscopy
ARSAccess Rate System
ARSAirborne Relay Station
ARSAuriol Racing Services (France)
ARSArm Rest Switch
ARSAccount Retention Specialist
ARSAutomatic Refueling System
ARSAdvanced Research Section
ARSAsil Residential Services, Inc.
ARSAlcohol Rehabilitation Service
ARSAutomated Refueling System
ARSArmy Reserve Sustainment
ARSAutomated Reconfiguration System
ARSAerial Recovery System
ARSAutomated/Automatic Reporting System
ARSAutomated Resume Subsystem
ARSAuto Registration Sensor
ARSAttenuating Restraint Systems
ARSAerial Reconnaissance & Security
ARSAutomated Requisition System
ARSAutomobile Repair Sales & Towing (Milwaukee, WI)
ARSAutonomous Replicating Sequence element




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