Acronym | Definition |
ARSA➣Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery (anatomy) |
ARSA➣Arylsulfatase A |
ARSA➣Aeronautical Repair Station Association |
ARSA➣Airheads Radio Survey Archive |
ARSA➣Auto Rétro Sport d'Armorique (French sports car club) |
ARSA➣Airport Radar Service Area |
ARSA➣Automated Radioxenon Sampler/Analyzer |
ARSA➣Akita Rescue Society of America, Inc. (est. 1976) |
ARSA➣Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy |
ARSA➣Alberta River Surfing Association (Calgary, AB, Canada) |
ARSA➣Airborne Reconnaissance and Surveillance Architecture |
ARSA➣Anglican Rite Synod in the Americas |