

单词 leadership



L0084700 (lē′dər-shĭp′)n.1. The position or office of a leader: ascended to the leadership of the party.2. Capacity or ability to lead: showed strong leadership during her first term in office.3. A group of leaders: met with the leadership of the nation's top unions.4. Guidance; direction: The business prospered under the leadership of the new president.


(ˈliːdəʃɪp) n1. the position or function of a leader2. the period during which a person occupies the position of leader: during her leadership very little was achieved. 3. a. the ability to leadb. (as modifier): leadership qualities. 4. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the leaders as a group of a party, union, etc: the union leadership is now very reactionary.


(ˈli dərˌʃɪp)

n. 1. the position or function of a leader. 2. ability to lead. 3. an act or instance of leading; guidance; direction. 4. the leaders of a group. [1815–25]
Noun1.leadership - the activity of leadingleadership - the activity of leading; "his leadership inspired the team"leadingactivity - any specific behavior; "they avoided all recreational activity"helm - a position of leadership; "the President is at the helm of the Ship of State"lead - a position of leadership (especially in the phrase `take the lead'); "he takes the lead in any group"; "we were just waiting for someone to take the lead"; "they didn't follow our lead"trend setting - the initiating or popularizing of a trend or fashion
2.leadership - the body of people who lead a groupleadership - the body of people who lead a group; "the national leadership adopted his plan"leadersbody - a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity; "the whole body filed out of the auditorium"; "the student body"; "administrative body"Rome - the leadership of the Roman Catholic Churchhigh command, supreme headquarters - the highest leaders in an organization (e.g. the commander-in-chief and senior officers of the military)
3.leadership - the status of a leader; "they challenged his leadership of the union"status, position - the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society; "he had the status of a minor"; "the novel attained the status of a classic"; "atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life"
4.leadership - the ability to lead; "he believed that leadership can be taught"ability, power - possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done; "danger heightened his powers of discrimination"generalship - the leadership ability of a military general


noun1. leaders, directors, chiefs, governors, commanders, rulers, controllers, supervisors, superintendents, overseers He is expected to hold talks with the Slovenian leadership.2. authority, control, influence, command, premiership, captaincy, governance, headship, superintendency He praised her leadership during the crisis.3. guidance, government, authority, management, administration, direction, supervision, domination, directorship, superintendency What most people want to see is determined, decisive action and firm leadership.


noun1. The capacity to lead others:command, lead.2. An act or instance of guiding:direction, guidance, lead, management.


(liːd) past tense, past participle led (led) verb1. to guide or direct or cause to go in a certain direction. Follow my car and I'll lead you to the motorway; She took the child by the hand and led him across the road; He was leading the horse into the stable; The sound of hammering led us to the garage; You led us to believe that we would be paid! 引導 引导2. to go or carry to a particular place or along a particular course. A small path leads through the woods. 通向 通向3. (with to) to cause or bring about a certain situation or state of affairs. The heavy rain led to serious floods. 導致 导致4. to be first (in). An official car led the procession; He is still leading in the competition. 領先 领先5. to live (a certain kind of life). She leads a pleasant existence on a Greek island. 過(某種生活) 使...过(某种生活) noun1. the front place or position. He has taken over the lead in the race. 首位 首位,领先 2. the state of being first. We have a lead over the rest of the world in this kind of research. 領先 领先3. the act of leading. We all followed his lead. 領導 领导4. the amount by which one is ahead of others. He has a lead of twenty metres (over the man in second place). 領先的程度 领先的程度5. a leather strap or chain for leading a dog etc. All dogs must be kept on a lead. (繫在寵物頸部的)皮帶 (牵狗等用的)皮带 6. a piece of information which will help to solve a mystery etc. The police have several leads concerning the identity of the thief. 線索 线索7. a leading part in a play etc. Who plays the lead in that film? 主角 主角ˈleader noun1. a person who is in front or goes first. The fourth runner is several miles behind the leaders. 領先者 领先者2. a person who is the head of, organizes or is in charge (of something). The leader of the expedition is a scientist. 領導 领导3. an article in a newspaper etc written to express the opinions of the editor. 社論 社论ˈleadership noun1. the state of being a leader. He took over the leadership of the Labour party two years later. 領導地位 领导2. the quality of being able to lead others; leadership ability. The post requires a person who combines leadership and energy; She's got leadership potential; Does he have any leadership qualities?. 領導能力 领导能力lead on1. to deceive with false expectations. 誘騙 引诱2. to go first; to show the way. Lead on! 率領,帶路 率领lead up the garden path to deceive. 矇騙 蒙骗lead up to to progress towards; to contribute to. to lead up to a climax; the events leading up to the First World War. 把...逐步導向 把...一直带领到,导致 lead the way to go first (especially to show the way). She led the way upstairs. 帶路 带路



the abilities, qualities and behaviour associated with the ROLE of group leader. This role may be conferred on individuals on the basis of personal characteristics and experience, or through tradition and/or position occupied. However, contingency approaches to leadership have led to awareness that effective leaders are not so simply by virtue of specific characteristics or behaviour, rather, different styles of leadership (e.g. task-oriented v. relationship-oriented) are required by different situations. See also GROUP, GROUP DYNAMICS, LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY (OR POLITICAL LEGITIMACY), OPINION LEADER.



one of the mechanisms for integrating group activity, in which an individual or part of a social group plays the role of leader—that is, unites and directs the actions of an entire group, which expects, accepts, and supports the leader’s actions. To some extent, the term “leadership” overlaps with the concepts of “management” and “direction,” but it also refers to a specific form of relations in a group or organization. The character of a society, or the structure and character of a particular group, determines the type of leadership associated with it.

In contemporary bourgeois sociology and social psychology the most widespread concept of leadership views it as an interaction between the leader’s traits, the group situation, and the psychological “expectations” of the followers and their reaction to the leader. A great deal of research on leadership is based on a typology of authority proposed by the German philosopher and sociologist M. Weber. The study of leadership in bourgeois sociology and social psychology aims at elaborating the methods of effective leadership and selection of leaders. Psychometric and sociometric tests and methods have been created by sociologists such as K. Lewin, J. Moreno, H. H. Jennings, and F. Fiedler of the USA. When applied to small groups, these tests afford concrete results. But many bourgeois works interpret leadership nonhistorically, ignoring its class nature.

Dialectical and historical materialism is the methodological basis for the scientific study of leadership, which is viewed as the complex interaction of people in social groups, on the basis of dominant societal relationships. This interaction is influenced by the character of the group, the sphere of its activity, specific aspects of the situation, psychological features of the participants, the goals of activity, and the personality of the leader. In the course of a group’s activity leadership develops as an objective need of the group, which is transformed in the consciousness of the participants and takes the form of expectations and demands directed toward the individual who is playing the role of leader.

In terms of style, authoritative leadership, which presupposes a single directing influence that relies on a threat to use force, is distinguished from democratic leadership, which allows group members to participate in setting the goals and direction of group activity.

In organizations a distinction is drawn between “formal” and “informal” leadership. The former, which is associated with established rules for the designation of leaders, implies functional relations. “Informal” leadership develops where there are personal relations among members of a group. These types of leadership are either complementary (combined in the person of an authoritative leader) or in conflict, in which case the effectiveness of the organization is diminished.

Various sciences study leadership. Psychology and psychiatry investigate the distinctive features of the personality of a leader, whereas sociology examines leadership from the perspective of a social system. Social psychology studies leadership as the interaction of social and psychological factors, investigates its mechanisms, and develops methods (depending on the character of the group or organization) for the selection, instruction, and promotion of leaders.

The problem of political leadership is particularly important. Empirical research on individual cases and situations of political leadership has become common in bourgeois sociology, but there is still no scientific theory of political leadership. Frequently, the results of research on leadership in small groups are generalized to all of society. Marxist researchers rely on the theory of relations between popular masses, classes, parties, and political leaders formulated by V. I. Lenin (see V. I. Lenin, Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 41, p. 24). Political leadership develops during the class struggle. “Not a single class in history has achieved power without producing its political leaders, its prominent representatives, able to organize a movement and lead it” (ibid., vol. 4, p. 375). Each stage of social development and each class is characterized by its own methods of training, educating, and promoting leaders and by its own organization of leadership. As it developed, the communist movement elaborated the principles of democratic centralism, which are the foundation for the education, selection, and promotion of leaders. In all spheres of socialist society the role of scientific management and organization is growing, as is the importance of the study of the sociological and sociopsychological aspects of leadership.


Ashin, G. K. “Problema liderstva v sovremennoi zarubezhnoi empiricheskoi sotsiologii.” Voprosy filosofii, 1968, no. 5.
Zherebova, N. S. “Issledovaniia liderstva v ‘malykh gruppakh’ burzhuaznymi sotsiologami SShA.” Nauchnye doklady Vyshei shkoly: Filosofskie nauki, 1968, no. 5.
Gvishiani, D. M. Organizatsiia i upravlenie, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1972.
Parygin, B. D. Osnovy sotsial’no-psichologicheskoi teorii. Moscow, 1971. Chapter 8.
Seliukov, F. T. Rukovoditel’ i podchinennyi v sisteme upravleniia. Moscow, 1971.
Shepel’, V. M. Rukovoditel’ i podchinennyi. Moscow, 1972.
Bass, B. M. Leadership, Psychology, and Organizational Behavior. New York, 1960.
Jennings, H. H. An Anatomy of Leadership. New York, 1960.
Petrullo, E., and B. M. Bass, eds. Leadership and Interpersonal Behavior. New York, 1961.
Tibb, C. “Leadership.” Handbook of Social Psychology, 2nd ed., vol. 4. Reading (Mass.), 1969.





The stocks with the highest trading volume over a given period of time. Leadership may give an indication of future market movements. That is, a large amount of interest in certain stocks may mean that the market will continue to be interested in them. Leadership may be either good or bad for the market. For example, poor leadership may result from too much speculation, while solid leadership comes from sustainable investing practices. It is also called market leadership.


See market leadership.
LeadershipFig. 49 Leadership. Blake and Mouton's managerial grid.


the process of influencing others to achieve certain goals. Effective leadership is often seen as the outcome of leadership qualities (traits) which some people have and some do not. In this conception, leadership is often seen as an autocratic activity, and leadership qualities are thought to include strength of personality, charisma, etc. Unfortunately, research into associated traits has been unable to prove conclusively a positive relationship between aspects of personality and effective management.

Academic work on leadership then shifted its attention away from what leaders are to what managers actually do in leadership roles. Two basic approaches to leadership were identified and have formed the core of theories of leadership and MANAGEMENT STYLE ever since. These are concern for production, as exemplified by SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT, and concern for people, as found in HUMAN RELATIONS philosophy. In the former, managers concentrate on getting the job done and their leadership style is essentially directive. In the latter, managers devote their efforts to ensuring that their subordinates are satisfied in their jobs, on the basis that a contented worker is an effective one. These twin dimensions are combined together in the Managerial Grid, devised by Americans Robert Blake (1918 -) and Jane Mouton (1930 -), as shown in Fig. 49. In their view the most effective form of management is Team Management, where leaders show a marked concern for people and for getting the job done.

However, research findings do not fully support this contention, leading some analysts to suggest that the situation in which leadership occurs needs to be considered too. American writer Fred Fiedler (1922-) has suggested that the extent to which tasks are structured and the nature of the leader -subordinate relationship (including the power resources of the leader) influence the effectiveness of leadership styles. A task-oriented approach is most effective where tasks are either highly structured or fairly unstructured and where the leader-subordinate relationship is very good or very poor. It is in the middling positions that a people-oriented style is most effective. Fiedler believed that managers find it difficult to change their styles and therefore advocated that managers should attempt to modify the situation to enhance effectiveness. Other writers, however, have argued, in what has come to be known as ‘situational management’, that leaders should adapt their style to the demands of the situation. It has been suggested that a critical factor is the job ‘maturity’ of subordinates, i.e. their capacity to direct their own job performance. At low levels of maturity a task-orientation is most appropriate to provide direction. As maturity increases leaders should adopt a people-orientation to provide support whilst reducing the amount of task direction. As individuals reach full maturity the manager can reduce both task-and people-orientation and allow individuals to perform the job as they see fit. In a sense, at this point successful leadership is the absence of overt leadership.



  • noun

Synonyms for leadership

noun leaders


  • leaders
  • directors
  • chiefs
  • governors
  • commanders
  • rulers
  • controllers
  • supervisors
  • superintendents
  • overseers

noun authority


  • authority
  • control
  • influence
  • command
  • premiership
  • captaincy
  • governance
  • headship
  • superintendency

noun guidance


  • guidance
  • government
  • authority
  • management
  • administration
  • direction
  • supervision
  • domination
  • directorship
  • superintendency

Synonyms for leadership

noun the capacity to lead others


  • command
  • lead

noun an act or instance of guiding


  • direction
  • guidance
  • lead
  • management

Synonyms for leadership

noun the activity of leading


  • leading

Related Words

  • activity
  • helm
  • lead
  • trend setting

noun the body of people who lead a group


  • leaders

Related Words

  • body
  • Rome
  • high command
  • supreme headquarters

noun the status of a leader

Related Words

  • status
  • position

noun the ability to lead

Related Words

  • ability
  • power
  • generalship




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