

单词 mda





(1) (Monochrome Display Adapter) The first IBM PC monochrome video display standard for text. Due to its lack of graphics, MDA cards were often replaced with Hercules cards, which included graphics. See Hercules Graphics and VGA.

(2) (Model Driven Architecture) See Object Management Architecture.

(3) (Mechanical Design Automation) Applications that help automate the design and engineering processes from concept to manufacturing. Automotive, aerospace and discrete manufacturing are examples of industries that use MDA.

(4) (Modular Digital Architecture) An earlier snap-together, building-block approach for adding peripherals to a PC from NeoSystems, Inc.



 (MDA) [meth″il-di-ok″se-am-fet´ah-mēn] a hallucinogenic compound chemically related to amphetamine and mescaline; it is widely abused and causes dependence.


A phenethylamine and amphetamine class of psychoactive agent, used primarily as a recreational drug but also to facilitate transcendence, meditation, psychedelic psychotherap and psychonautics. There are no medical indications for MDA.
Adverse effects
Cardiovascular and CNS stimulation; acute effects include agitation, sweating, hypertension, tachycardia, hyperthermia, convulsions, death.


1. Mento-dextra anterior–obstetrics.2. Methydopamine.3. 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. See Ecstasy.



See: Multiple discriminant analysis


GOST 7.67 Latin three-letter geocode for Moldova. The code is used for transactions to and from Moldovan bank accounts and for international shipping to Moldova. As with all GOST 7.67 codes, it is used primarily in Cyrillic alphabets.


MDAMuscular Dystrophy Association
MDAMonochrome Display Adapter (720 by 350 pixels; 2.06:1 aspect ratio)
MDAModel Driven Architecture (OMG)
MDAMissile Defense Agency (formerly BMDO)
MDAMedia Development Authority (Singapore)
MDAMoldova (ISO Country code)
MDAMichigan Department of Agriculture (Lansing, MI)
MDAMississippi Development Authority (Jackson, MS)
MDAManagement's Discussion and Analysis
MDAMail Delivery Agent
MDAMagen David Adom (Israel's national Emergency Medical Service)
MDAMcDonald, Dettwiley and Associates (Canada)
MDAMaryland Department of Agriculture
MDAMaritime Domain Awareness (US Coast Guard)
MDAMark's Daily Apple (health journal)
MDAMedical Devices Agency
MDAMajor Domestic Appliances (industry sector)
MDAMultidimensional Data Analysis
MDAMode Select a
MDAMeta Data Architecture
MDAMessage Digest Algorithm
MDAMacintosh Desktop Administrator
MDAMini Driver Architecture
MDAMap Development Area
MDAMonochrome Display Adapter
MDAModel Driven Architecture
MDAMilestone Decision Authority
MDAMinimum Descent Altitude
MDAMobile Data Association
MDAMuseum Documentation Association
MDAMichigan Dental Association
MDAMaison des Artistes (French: House of Artists)
MDAMad Dogg Athletics (equipment-based education company)
MDAMass Drug Administration (disease prevention tactic)
MDAMultiple Displacement Amplification (biology)
MDAMetropolitan Development Authority (various locations)
MDAMunicipal and District Assemblies (Ghana)
MDAMacDonald Dettwiler & Associates Ltd.
MDAMetropolitan Development Association (Syracuse, NY)
MDAMultidisciplinary Assessment (various organizations)
MDAMinistries, Departments and Agencies
MDAMedia Development Agency (various locations)
MDAMood Disorders Association (of British Columbia)
MDAMissile Defense Act
MDAMobile Digital Assistant
MDAMinimum Detectable Activity
MDAMuseum of Decorative Arts (various locations)
MDAMedia Development Association (various locations)
MDAMcDonnell-Douglas Aerospace
MDAMajorations de Durée d'Assurance (French: Increased Period of Insurance)
MDAMedia Dependent Adapter
MDAMidwest Dairy Association (est. 1971)
MDAMissouri Dental Association
MDAMétodo de Discipulado Apostólico (Portuguese: Apostolic Discipleship Method)
MDAMalaysian Dental Association
MDAMuscular Dystrophy Association Australia
MDAMulticultural Development Association (Australia)
MDAMaterial Disposal Area
MDAM.D. Anderson Hospital (Houston, TX, USA)
MDAMessage Delivery Attempt (telecommunications)
MDAMultiple Docking Adapter (Skylab component)
MDAManufacturing Defects Analyzer
MDAMaternally Derived Antibody
MDAMassachusetts Dietetic Association
MDAMovement for Democracy in Algeria
MDAMailpiece Design Analyst (US Postal Service)
MDAMiss Deaf America (pageant)
MDAMcDonnell-Douglas Aircraft
MDAMusic Distributors Association
MDAMinimum Detectable Amount
MDAMighty Ducks of Anaheim (NHL team)
MDAMichigan Deaf Association
MDAModel-Driven Analysis
MDAMuseum District Association (Virginia)
MDAManufacturing Defects Analysis (system for testing electronic assemblies)
MDAMedicated Digest Authentication
MDAMedical Digital Assistant (PDA for medical applications)
MDAMinimum Decision Altitude
MDAMalaysian Dancers' Association
MDAMaryland Dressage Association
MDAMal Dunn Associates (Brewster, NY)
MDAMaster Distribution Amplifier
MDAMissouri Dietetic Association
MDAMaster Derivatives Agreement
MDAMine Danger Area
MDAMotorized Door Assembly
MDAMorgan Dressage Association
MDAMidwest Distributors Association
MDAMultan Development Authority (Pakistan)
MDAMaster of Defence Administration (UK)
MDAMedical Dental Association
MDAMatrix Decomposition Algorithm
MDAMongko Defense Army
MDAMagnetron Directional Amplifier
MDAMaximum Development Area
MDAMaximum Development Area (real estate)
MDAManual Data Automatic
MDAMusic Design Awards (UK)
MDAMilitary Damage Assessment
MDAMetal De-Activator
MDAMission Database Application
MDAMechanisms Drive Assembly (NASA)
MDAMain Defense Area
MDAMultimedia Digital Assistant (electronic handheld information device)
MDAMotorola Dext Android (mobile phone)
MDAManagement Domain Architecture
MDAMultifunction Digital Adapter
MDAMicrostrip Disk Antenna
MDAMarketing Department of America
MDAMilitary Design Authority
MDAMunition Disassembly Area
MDAMulti-Variate Data Analysis
MDAMosaic Detector Array (photonics)
MDAMicrowave Digital Archive
MDAMultiservice Digital Access
MDAMulti-Dimensional Attribute
MDAMeasurable Development Application (Northern Vantage, Inc.)
MDAMulti-Dimensional Data Association
MDAMedical Doctor Assistant
MDAMeteorological Data Assembly
MDAMessage Disk/Core Address
MDAMilestone Delegation Authority
MDAMotor Discrimination Acuity
MDAMarriage Dissolution Agreement (legal)
MDAMedical Doctor of Anesthesiology
MDAMaterial Damage Adjustment Corporation




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