Acronym | Definition |
MDC➣Movement for Democratic Change (Zimbabwe) |
MDC➣Missouri Department of Conservation |
MDC➣Miami-Dade College |
MDC➣MCS (Message Conversion System) Directory Component |
MDC➣Model Design Construction (hobby models; UK) |
MDC➣Message Distribution Center |
MDC➣Maison de Commerce (French: Commercial Firm) |
MDC➣Multiple Description Coding |
MDC➣Maschera di Cera (Italian film) |
MDC➣Mozilla Developer Center (est. 2005) |
MDC➣Metropolitan District Commission (Boston) |
MDC➣Myeloid Dendritic Cell |
MDC➣Macrophage Derived Chemokine (immunobiology) |
MDC➣Master of Development Communication (various locations) |
MDC➣Media Development Centre (various locations) |
MDC➣Millions of Dead Cops (1980s band) |
MDC➣Mouvement des Citoyens (French: Citizens Movement) |
MDC➣Mansfield District Council (UK) |
MDC➣Max Delbrueck Center (medical research; Germany) |
MDC➣Major Diagnosis Category |
MDC➣Microsoft Download Center |
MDC➣Meta Data Client |
MDC➣Marker Distributor Control |
MDC➣Management Data Clock |
MDC➣Multi Driving Concept |
MDC➣Mcafee Development Center |
MDC➣Manager of Distributed Computing |
MDC➣Modified Direct Costs |
MDC➣Mdt Digitizing Card |
MDC➣Master Data Center |
MDC➣Manipulation Detecting Code |
MDC➣Metropolitan Detention Center |
MDC➣Minnesota Department of Commerce |
MDC➣Multi Dimensional Clustering |
MDC➣Multimedia Development Corporation |
MDC➣Marine Discovery Center (New Smyrna Beach, FL) |
MDC➣Minimum Detectable Concentration |
MDC➣Maldon District Council (UK) |
MDC➣Modem Daughter Card |
MDC➣Mater Dei Catholic (Australia) |
MDC➣Major Diagnostic Categories |
MDC➣McDonnell Douglas Corporation |
MDC➣Model Die Casting (model railroad manufacturer) |
MDC➣Milk Development Council |
MDC➣Mavica Digital Camera (Sony) |
MDC➣Meta Data Coalition (non-profit group of vendors/users of metadata) |
MDC➣Miniature Detonation Cord (ejection seat device) |
MDC➣Management Development Center |
MDC➣Medical Day Care (various locations) |
MDC➣Manipulation Detection Code |
MDC➣Mead Data Central |
MDC➣Mark David Chapman (man who shot John Lennon) |
MDC➣Mobile Daughter Card (mobile computing) |
MDC➣More Developed Countries |
MDC➣Modification Detection Code (cryptography) |
MDC➣Meridian Digital Centrex |
MDC➣Medical Device Certification GmbH |
MDC➣Multi-Death Corporation (MDC album) |
MDC➣MUMPS Development Committee |
MDC➣Malawi Development Corporation |
MDC➣Maintenance Data Collection |
MDC➣Medical Device Classification (Saudi Food and Drug Authority; Saudi Arabia) |
MDC➣Media Distribution Center |
MDC➣Management Data Clock (IEEE 802.3) |
MDC➣Multi-Door Courthouse (dispute resolution; various organizations) |
MDC➣Massachusetts District Court |
MDC➣ (web site) |
MDC➣Multi Disciplinary Conference |
MDC➣Managed Dental Care |
MDC➣Manuel de Codage (hieroglyphs encoding standard) |
MDC➣Minimum Desktop Configuration (US DoD) |
MDC➣Mobile Digital Computer (used in Washington, DC police cars) |
MDC➣Mobile Data Center |
MDC➣Mission Director's Center (US NASA) |
MDC➣Membership Development Council (various agencies) |
MDC➣Microsoft Developer Conference (computing) |
MDC➣Mountain Day Camp (Boulder, CO) |
MDC➣Manado, Indonesia - Samratulang (Airport Code) |
MDC➣MAGTF (Marine Air-Ground Task Force) Distribution Center |
MDC➣Missile Destroyed Civilization (song by MDC) |
MDC➣MindTouch Developer Center (San Diego, CA) |
MDC➣Monex Deposit Company (California) |
MDC➣Mobile Data Collector (wireless sensor network) |
MDC➣Mercer Delta Consulting (various locations) |
MDC➣Museum Documentation Center (Zagreb, Coatia) |
MDC➣Men's Derby Coalition (est. 2007) |
MDC➣Mine Dog Center (training dogs to assist in demining operations) |
MDC➣Management Development Committee |
MDC➣Most Dangerous Clique (gang) |
MDC➣Message Digest Cipher |
MDC➣Mega Damage Capacity (Palladium Games; see SDC) |
MDC➣Movement Designator Code |
MDC➣Maintenance and Deactivation Contracts |
MDC➣Mechanical Dry Cycle (semiconductors) |
MDC➣Mini Drift Chamber |
MDC➣Multistage Depressed Collector |
MDC➣Monodansylcadeaverine (cancer cells) |
MDC➣Marine Design Center |
MDC➣Media Data Center (InterVU) |
MDC➣Manufacturing Development Center |
MDC➣Main Distribution Center |
MDC➣Maintenance Data Computer |
MDC➣Machine-Dependent Code (computer science) |
MDC➣Metro Disability Coalition (Louisville, Kentucky) |
MDC➣Mission Duty Cycle |
MDC➣Mood Disorders Clinic (psychiatry) |
MDC➣Magazine Data Card |
MDC➣Manufacturer Declaration of Conformity |
MDC➣Missile Development Center |
MDC➣Moderately Developed Country |
MDC➣Management Decision Center |
MDC➣Magnetic Disk Cartridge |
MDC➣Mother Daughter Crafters (Florida skin care company) |
MDC➣Missile Data Center |
MDC➣Multiple Duplication with Comparison (computer theory) |
MDC➣Mine Development Committee (Canada) |
MDC➣Mine-Destruction Charge |
MDC➣Materiel Development Cell |
MDC➣Modeling Decision Council |
MDC➣Mentally Disturbed Comics (web comic) |
MDC➣Multiple Dependent and Coherent |
MDC➣Mission Data Converter |
MDC➣Message and Device Controller |
MDC➣Medical Diagnostic Classification |
MDC➣Multiple Domain Controllers |
MDC➣Middle Developed Country |