Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access

(database)A relational database running under Microsoft Windows. Data is stored as a number of "tables",e.g. "Stock". Each table consists of a number of "records"(e.g. for different items) and each record contains a numberof "fields", e.g. "Product code", "Supplier", "Quantity instock".

Access allows the user to create "forms" and "reports". Aform shows one record in a user-designed format and allows theuser to step through records one at a time. A report showsselected records in a user-designed format, possibly groupedinto sections with different kinds of total (including sum,minimum, maximum, average).

There are also facilities to use links ("joins") betweentables which share a common field and to filter recordsaccording to certain criteria or search for particular fieldvalues.

Version: 2 (date?).

Usenet newsgroup:

Microsoft Access

(communications)A communications program from Microsoft,meant to compete with ProComm and other programs. It suckedand was dropped. Years later they reused the name for theirdatabase.

Microsoft Access

A database program for Windows, available separately or included in the Microsoft Office suite. Access is programmable using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Access can read Paradox, dBASE and Btrieve files, and using ODBC, Microsoft SQL Server, SYBASE SQL Server and Oracle data.