Acronym | Definition |
AMCC➣Applied Micro Circuits Corporation |
AMCC➣Alternate Military Command Center (US DoD) |
AMCC➣Allied Movement Coordination Center (US DoD) |
AMCC➣American Matchcover Collecting Club (Asheville, NC) |
AMCC➣Augusta Metro Chamber of Commerce (Georgia) |
AMCC➣Association Mondiale pour La Communication Chrétienne (French: World Association for Christian Communication) |
AMCC➣Air Mobility Control Center |
AMCC➣Ashore Mobile Contingency Communications |
AMCC➣American Muscle Car Club (various locations) |
AMCC➣Advanced Materials Commercialization Center |
AMCC➣ARTCC Monitor and Control Center |
AMCC➣Air Mobility Command Center |
AMCC➣Ashore Mobile Communications Center |
AMCC➣American Muslim Chamber of Commerce |
AMCC➣A Merry Car Club (Belgium) |
AMCC➣Autonomous Model Complexity Control |