AMCRAmerican Crow
AMCRAsset Management Competition Report
AMCRAfghan Mother and Child Rescue
AMCRAccès Multiple par Code de Répartition (French)
AMCRAverage Monthly Crime Rate
AMCRAdvanced MP3 Catalog Reader
AMCRAdvertising and Marketing Communications Roundtable
AMCRAlliance for Mediation and Conflict Resolution
AMCRActive Monte Carlo Recognition
AMCRAuto Model Club du Roussillon (French model car club)
AMCRAir Mobility Command Regulation (USAF)
AMCRAthens Medical Center (Greece)
AMCRAmerican College of Rejuvenology
AMCRAssociation for Managed Care Review
AMCRAir Model Club de Romilly (France)
AMCRAmcor American Depositary Receipts (stock symbol)
AMCRArmy Material Command Regulation
AMCRAlternate Management Control Review
AMCRAlianza de Mujeres Costarricenses in Costa Rica (Spanish)
AMCRAutonomous Mobile Communication Relay
AMCRAminopyrine Metabolic Clearance Rate
AMCRAustralian Men's Course Rating (golf)
AMCRÁrea de Mata Ciliar a ser Recuperada (Portugese)
AMCRAnalyses Microéconomiques des Comportements À Risque (French)
AMCRAccelerator Main Control Room
AMCRAgonist-Mediated Ca2+ Release