Acronym | Definition |
AMCR➣American Crow |
AMCR➣Asset Management Competition Report |
AMCR➣Afghan Mother and Child Rescue |
AMCR➣Accès Multiple par Code de Répartition (French) |
AMCR➣Average Monthly Crime Rate |
AMCR➣Advanced MP3 Catalog Reader |
AMCR➣Advertising and Marketing Communications Roundtable |
AMCR➣Americorps |
AMCR➣Alliance for Mediation and Conflict Resolution |
AMCR➣Active Monte Carlo Recognition |
AMCR➣Auto Model Club du Roussillon (French model car club) |
AMCR➣Air Mobility Command Regulation (USAF) |
AMCR➣Athens Medical Center (Greece) |
AMCR➣American College of Rejuvenology |
AMCR➣Association for Managed Care Review |
AMCR➣Air Model Club de Romilly (France) |
AMCR➣Amcor American Depositary Receipts (stock symbol) |
AMCR➣Army Material Command Regulation |
AMCR➣Alternate Management Control Review |
AMCR➣Alianza de Mujeres Costarricenses in Costa Rica (Spanish) |
AMCR➣Autonomous Mobile Communication Relay |
AMCR➣Aminopyrine Metabolic Clearance Rate |
AMCR➣Australian Men's Course Rating (golf) |
AMCR➣Área de Mata Ciliar a ser Recuperada (Portugese) |
AMCR➣Analyses Microéconomiques des Comportements À Risque (French) |
AMCR➣Accelerator Main Control Room |
AMCR➣Agonist-Mediated Ca2+ Release |