

单词 leaflet



L0087100 (lē′flĭt)n.1. One of the segments of a compound leaf.2. A small leaf or leaflike part.3. A printed, usually folded handbill or flier intended for free distribution.v. leaf·let·ed, leaf·let·ing, leaf·lets also leaf·let·ted or leaf·let·ting v.intr. To hand out leaflets.v.tr. To hand out leaflets to or in: leafleted the morning commuters; leaflet a neighborhood.


(ˈliːflɪt) n1. (Journalism & Publishing) a printed and usually folded sheet of paper for distribution, usually free and containing advertising material or information about a political party, charity, etc2. (Botany) any of the subdivisions of a compound leaf such as a fern leaf3. (Botany) (loosely) any small leaf or leaflike partvbto distribute printed leaflets (to): they leafleted every flat in the area. ˈleafleter n


(ˈlif lɪt)

n., v. -let•ed let•ted, -let•ing -let•ting. n. 1. a small flat or folded sheet of printed matter, as an advertisement, usu. intended for free distribution. 2. one of the separate blades or divisions of a compound leaf. 3. a small leaflike part. v.t. 4. to distribute leaflets to or among. v.i. 5. to distribute leaflets. [1780–90] leaf`let•eer′ (-lɪˈtɪər) leaf′let•er, n.


(lē′flĭt) A small leaf or leaf-like part, especially one of the blades or divisions of a compound leaf.


Past participle: leafleted
Gerund: leafleting
I leaflet
you leaflet
he/she/it leaflets
we leaflet
you leaflet
they leaflet
I leafleted
you leafleted
he/she/it leafleted
we leafleted
you leafleted
they leafleted
Present Continuous
I am leafleting
you are leafleting
he/she/it is leafleting
we are leafleting
you are leafleting
they are leafleting
Present Perfect
I have leafleted
you have leafleted
he/she/it has leafleted
we have leafleted
you have leafleted
they have leafleted
Past Continuous
I was leafleting
you were leafleting
he/she/it was leafleting
we were leafleting
you were leafleting
they were leafleting
Past Perfect
I had leafleted
you had leafleted
he/she/it had leafleted
we had leafleted
you had leafleted
they had leafleted
I will leaflet
you will leaflet
he/she/it will leaflet
we will leaflet
you will leaflet
they will leaflet
Future Perfect
I will have leafleted
you will have leafleted
he/she/it will have leafleted
we will have leafleted
you will have leafleted
they will have leafleted
Future Continuous
I will be leafleting
you will be leafleting
he/she/it will be leafleting
we will be leafleting
you will be leafleting
they will be leafleting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been leafleting
you have been leafleting
he/she/it has been leafleting
we have been leafleting
you have been leafleting
they have been leafleting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been leafleting
you will have been leafleting
he/she/it will have been leafleting
we will have been leafleting
you will have been leafleting
they will have been leafleting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been leafleting
you had been leafleting
he/she/it had been leafleting
we had been leafleting
you had been leafleting
they had been leafleting
I would leaflet
you would leaflet
he/she/it would leaflet
we would leaflet
you would leaflet
they would leaflet
Past Conditional
I would have leafleted
you would have leafleted
he/she/it would have leafleted
we would have leafleted
you would have leafleted
they would have leafleted
Noun1.leaflet - a thin triangular flap of a heart valvecuspflap - a movable piece of tissue partly connected to the bodycardiac valve, heart valve - a valve to control one-way flow of blood
2.leaflet - part of a compound leaffoliage, leaf, leafage - the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plantspinna, pinnule - division of a usually pinnately divided leaf
3.leaflet - a small book usually having a paper coverleaflet - a small book usually having a paper coverbooklet, brochure, folder, pamphletbook - a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together); "I am reading a good book on economics"blue book - a blue booklet used in universities for writing examinationsticket book - a book of tickets that can be torn out and used


noun booklet, notice, advert (Brit. informal), brochure, bill, circular, flyer, tract, pamphlet, handout, mailshot, handbill Campaigners handed out leaflets on passive smoking.


(liːf) plural leaves (liːvz) noun1. a part of a plant growing from the side of a stem, usually green, flat and thin, but of various shapes depending on the plant. Many trees lose their leaves in autumn.2. something thin like a leaf, especially the page of a book. Several leaves had been torn out of the book. (書刊等的)一張 (书刊等的)一张 3. an extra part of a table, either attached to one side with a hinge or added to the centre when the two ends are apart. 活動桌面板 活动桌面ˈleaflet (-lit) noun a small, printed sheet containing information etc. 傳單 传单ˈleafy adjective having many leaves. a leafy plant. 多葉的 叶茂的turn over a new leaf to begin a new and better way of behaving, working etc. 改頭換面,重新做人 翻开新的一页,重新开始,改过自新


  • Do you have a brochure in English? (US)
    Do you have a leaflet in English? (UK) → 有英文版的旅游小册子吗?



1. any of the subdivisions of a compound leaf such as a fern leaf 2. (loosely) any small leaf or leaflike part



a printed sheet with a political-agitational or informative text or picture. The distinguishing features of leaflets are their up-to-date content, the comparatively large number of copies printed, the promptness of publication and distribution, and brief use. Leaflets may present either original texts of appeals and announcements or reprints (official documents or works of art, for example).

The first leaflets were printed soon after the invention of the printing press. Originally they were used to publicize government decrees. Revolutionary leaflets were used throughout Germany during the Peasant War of 1524–26. In the 18th to 20th centuries leaflets became an accepted form of mass revolutionary propaganda. They were also widely used in preelection struggles among bourgeois parties. During wars (especially World War I and World War II) leaflets were issued by governments and by military commands.

During the 18th and 19th centuries the Russian government issued manifestos, decrees, and addresses to the population by means of flyers, a form of leaflet. For example, flyers were distributed during the Patriotic War of 1812. The forerunners of revolutionary leaflets were handwritten “anonymous letters” and “inciting (prelestnye) charters” summoning the people to rebellion and distributed by the leaders of the peasant wars of the 17th and 18th centuries (I. Bolotnikov, S. Razin, K. Bulavin, and E. Pugachev). Revolutionary leaflets called proclamations were printed in London by the Free Russian Printing House for distribution in Russia. During the phase of the Russian liberation movement that was dominated by the raznochintsy (intellectuals of no definite class), proclamation-leaflets were issued by Zemlia i Volia (Land and Freedom) in the 1860’s and 1870’s, by the People’s Will, by the first workers’ circles, and by other revolutionary organizations inside the country and abroad. The St. Petersburg Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class, which was headed by V. I. Lenin in 1895, made extensive use of leaflets. Revolutionary leaflets were issued on a mass scale during the Revolution of 1905–07 and during the preparation for and implementation of the October Socialist Revolution of 1917, as well as during the Civil War of 1918–20.

The publication and distribution of leaflets are forms of agitational work done by party, soviet, and Komsomol organizations in the USSR. There are two main types of leaflets: placardleaflets and “militant sheets.” During the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45 leaflets played a major role in the party’s ideological struggle against sinister fascist German propaganda by helping to mobilize and unite popular forces to rout the enemy. Leaflets are used to publish appeals and urgent communiqués. They are a means of disseminating the experience of advanced workers. In addition, leaflets are used for commercial and other forms of advertising.


1 marta 1881 g.: Proklamatsii i vozzvaniia, izdannye posle tsareubiistva. Petrograd, 1920.
Pamiatniki agitatsionnoi literatury RSDRP. Vol. 6 (1914–17): “Period voiny,” fasc. 1, “Proklamatsii 1914 g.” Moscow-Petrograd, 1923.
Proklamatsii shestidesiatykh godov. Moscow-Leningrad, 1926.
Literatura Moskovskogo Rabochego Soiuza. Moscow, 1930.
Listovki Peterburgskogo ‘Soiuza bor’by za osvobozhdenie rabochego klassa,’ 1895–1897 gg. Moscow, 1934.
Listovki peterburgskikh bol’shevikov 1902–917, vols. 1–3. [Moscow-Leningrad] 1939–57.
Listovki Grazhdanskoi voiny v SSSR, 1918–1922. Moscow, 1942.
Listovki Moskovskoi organizatsii bol’shevikov, 1914–1925 gg. Moscow, 1954.
Listovki bol’shevistskikh organizatsii v pervoi russkoi revoliutsii 1905–1907 gg., parts 1–3. Moscow, 1956.
Geroi ipodvigi: Sovetskie listovki Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny 1941–1945 gg. Moscow, 1958.
Listovki Otechestvennoi voiny 1912 g. Moscow, 1962.
Revoliutsiini vidozvi do ukrains’koho narodu 1850–1870 rr. Kiev, 1920.


Likhachev, N. Katalog letuchikh izdanii i ikh perepechatoh Manifesty, ukazy i dr. pravitel’stvennye rasporiazheniia v otdel’nykh izdaniiakh i perepechatkakh. St. Petersburg, 1895.
Bitovt, lu. Redkie russkie knigi i letuchie izdaniia XVIII v. Moscow, 1905.
Pervomaiskie proklamatsii: Bibliografich. opisanie. Leningrad, 1924.
Sotsial-demokraticheskie listovki, 1894–1917 gg.: Bibliografich. ukaza-tel’, vols. 1–2. Moscow, 1931–34.
Mez’er, A. V. Slovamyi ukazatel’ po knigovedeniiu, part 3. Moscow-Leningrad, 1934. Pages 503–620.
Klevenskii, M. M., E. N. Kusheva, and O. P. Markova. Russkaia podpol’naia i zarubezhnaia pechat’ Bibliografich. ukazatel’, vol. 1. Moscow, 1935.
Petropavlovskii, E. S. Listovki kak istochnik pri izuchenii istorii KPSS. Moscow, 1966.
Istochnikovedenie istorii SSSR XIX–nach. XX vv. Moscow, 1970. Pages 328–45.


[′lēf·lət] (botany) A division of a compound leaf. A small or young foliage leaf.



(lēf'let), 1. A layer of phospholipid; thus, a lipid bilayer has two leaflets. 2. A thin, flattened object or structure.


The part of a valve designed to open in the direction of flow and close to prevent backflow. Its base is typically attached to a larger structure by a fixed stalk and its unattached end moves.


Any small, leaf-like structure such as the cusps of a heart or other valve.
See LF
See LF


  • noun

Synonyms for leaflet

noun booklet


  • booklet
  • notice
  • advert
  • brochure
  • bill
  • circular
  • flyer
  • tract
  • pamphlet
  • handout
  • mailshot
  • handbill

Synonyms for leaflet

noun a thin triangular flap of a heart valve


  • cusp

Related Words

  • flap
  • cardiac valve
  • heart valve

noun part of a compound leaf

Related Words

  • foliage
  • leaf
  • leafage
  • pinna
  • pinnule

noun a small book usually having a paper cover


  • booklet
  • brochure
  • folder
  • pamphlet

Related Words

  • book
  • blue book
  • ticket book




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