Login Geiden

Geiden, Login Petrovich


(also Ludwig Sigismund Jacob). Born Aug. 25 (Sept. 5) 1772, in The Hague; died Oct. 5 (17), 1850, in Tallinn. Count, Russian admiral (1833). A Dutchman by nationality. He served in the Dutch Navy and entered the Russian service in 1795. He participated in Ushakov’s Mediterranean campaign of 1798-1800, in the Russo-Swedish war of 1808-09, and in military operations near Danzig in 1813. In 1827, while commanding a squadron of the Baltic Fleet, he led a campaign into the Mediterranean and participated in the battle of Navarino of 1827 and then commanded the blockade of the Dardanelles. In 1830 he became commander of the 1st Division of the Baltic Fleet, in 1834 Revel military governor, and in 1838 chief commander of the Revel port.