Neftianoe Khoziaistvo

Neftianoe Khoziaistvo


(Petroleum Industry), a monthly scientific and trade journal of the Ministry of the Petroleum Industry of the USSR and the Central Board of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Oil and Gas Industry. Published in Moscow.

The journal was founded in 1920 under the title Neftianoe i slantsevoe khoziaistvo (Petroleum and Shale Industry); from 1925 to 1940 it was called Neftianoe khoziaistvo, and in 1940–41, Neftianaia promyshlennost’ SSSR (Petroleum Industry of the USSR). It has had its present name since 1945. The journal deals with questions of the economics of the petroleum industry, well-drilling, and the extraction, shipment, and storage of petroleum. Circulation, 6,100 (1974).