League for Programming Freedom
League for Programming Freedom
(body, legal)"Look and feel" lawsuits attempt to monopolise well-knowncommand languages; some have succeeded. Copyrights on commandlanguages enforce gratuitous incompatibility, closeopportunities for competition and stifle incrementalimprovements.
Software patents are even more dangerous; they make everydesign decision in the development of a program carry a riskof a lawsuit, with draconian pre-trial seizure. It isdifficult and expensive to find out whether the techniques youconsider using are patented; it is impossible to find outwhether they will be patented in the future.
The League is not opposed to the legal system that Congressintended -- copyright on individual programs. They aim toreverse the changes made by judges in response to specialinterests, often explicitly rejecting the public interestprinciples of the Constitution.
The League works to abolish the monopolies by publishingarticles, talking with public officials, boycotting egregiousoffenders and in the future may intervene in court cases. On1989-05-24, the League picketed Lotus headquarters onaccount of their lawsuits, and then again on 1990-08-02.These marches stimulated widespread media coverage for theissue.
The League's funds are used for filing briefs; printinghandouts, buttons and signs and whatever will persuade thecourts, the legislators and the people. The League is anon-profit corporation, but not considered a tax-exemptcharity.
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