spider telangiectasia


 [tel-an″je-ek-ta´zhah] a vascular lesion formed by dilation of a group of small blood vessels. adj., adj telangiectat´ic. Superficial telangiectasias are sometimes seen in the normal newborn on the nape of the neck (stork bites) or on the upper eyelids or upper lip (flame nevi). They usually disappear within the first year of life.hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia an autosomal dominant vascular anomaly characterized by the presence of multiple small telangiectases of the skin, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, and other organs associated with recurrent episodes of bleeding from affected sites and gross occult melena.spider telangiectasia vascular spider.

spi·der an·gi·o·ma

a telangiectatic arteriole in the skin with radiating capillary branches simulating the legs of a spider; characteristic, but not pathognomonic, of parenchymatous liver disease; also seen in pregnancy, often disappearing after delivery, and at times in healthy people. Synonym(s): arterial spider, nevus araneus, spider hemangioma, spider nevus, spider telangiectasia, vascular spider
A superficial spider-like cluster of capillaries composed of a central ‘feeder’ vessel and multiple minute tortuous and dilated radiating vessels with a peripheral erythaema; when the involved vessel is large, it may pulsate and blanch on pressure; while classically due to increased circulating oestrogens as seen in pregnancy and alcoholic cirrhosis, SAs may occur in chronic hepatic congestion 2º to constrictive pericarditis and may be a normal birthmark in children

spi·der an·gi·o·ma

(spī'dĕr an'jē-ō'mă) A telangiectatic arteriole in the skin with radiating capillary branches simulating the legs of a spider; characteristic, but not pathognomonic, of parenchymatous liver disease; also seen in pregnancy, often disappearing after delivery, and at times in otherwise healthy people.
Synonym(s): arterial spider, spider nevus, spider telangiectasia, spider (2) , vascular spider.


, telangiectasis (tel-an?je-ek-ta'ze-a) (-ek'ta-sis) [Gr. telos, end, + angeion, vessel, + ektasis, dilatation] TELANGIECTASIAA vascular lesion formed by dilatation of a group of small blood vessels. It may appear as a birthmark or become apparent in young children. It may also be caused by long-term sun exposure. Although the lesion may occur anywhere on the skin, it is seen most frequently on the face and thighs. See: illustrationtelangiectatic, adjective

hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia

A disease transmitted by autosomal dominant inheritance marked by thinness of the walls of the blood vessels of the nose, skin, and digestive tract, as well as a tendency to hemorrhage. Synonym: Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome

telangiectasia lymphatica

A tumor composed of dilated lymph vessels.

spider telangiectasia

Stellate angioma.