quartan malaria

ma·lar·i·ae ma·lar·i·a

a malarial fever with paroxysms that typically recur every 72 hours or every fourth day, reckoning the day of the paroxysm as the first; due to the schizogony and release of merozoites from infected cells, with invasion of new red blood corpuscles by Plasmodium malariae. Synonym(s): quartan fever, quartan malaria

ma·lar·i·ae ma·la·ri·a

(mă-lar'ē-ē mă-lar'ē-ă) A malarial fever with paroxysms that recur every 72 hours or every fourth day, reckoning the day of the paroxysm as the first; due to the schizogony and release of merozoites from infected cells, with invasion of new red blood corpuscles by Plasmodium malariae.
Synonym(s): quartan malaria.

quartan malaria

Malaria with short and less severe paroxysms. Sporulation occurs each 72 hr, causing seizures every 4 days. It is caused by Plasmodium malariae.See also: malaria