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EncyclopediaSeePoiseuille's LawPoiseuille law
Poi·seu·il·le law (pwah-swē'), in laminar flow, the volume of a homogeneous fluid passing per unit of time through a capillary tube is directly proportional to the pressure difference between its ends and to the fourth power of its internal radius, and inversely proportional to its length and to the viscosity of the fluid. [Jean Léonard Marie poiseville] Poi·seu·il·le law (pwah-soy' law) In laminar flow, the volume of a homogeneous fluid passing per unit time through a capillary tube is directly proportional to the pressure difference between its ends and to the fourth power of its internal radius, and inversely proportional to its length and to the viscosity of the fluid. Poiseuille law (pwa-zŭy′) [Jean Marie Poiseuille, Fr. physiologist, 1799–1869] A law that states that the rapidity of the capillary current is directly proportional to the fourth power of the radius of the capillary tube, the pressure on the fluid, and inversely proportional to the viscosity of the liquid and the length of the tube.Poiseuille, Jean Léonard Marie, French physiologist and physicist, 1797-1869. poise - the unit of viscosity equal to 1 dyne-second per square centimeter and to 0.1 pascal-second.Poiseuille equationPoiseuille law - describes the volume flow rate of a liquid through a tube.Poiseuille space - Synonym(s): still layerPoiseuille viscosity coefficient - an expression of the viscosity as determined by the capillary tube method. |