pokeweed mitogen

poke·weed mi·to·gen (PWM),

a mitogen (lectin) from Phytolacca americana (pokeweed) that stimulates chiefly B lymphocytes.

pokeweed mitogen

A carbohydrate-binding lectin isolated from Phytolocca americana that stimulates growth and proliferation of B cells in culture, resulting in production of cytoplasmic or surface immunoglobulins.

pokeweed mitogen

Abbreviation: PWM
A mitogen isolated from the pokeweed plant, Phytolacca americana. In the presence of T lymphocytes, it has the capacity to induce primed B lymphocytes to proliferate and differentiate into plasma cells.See also: mitogen

pokeweed mitogen

An agent, useful for promoting MITOSIS especially in B lymphocytes, derived from the North American plant, Phytolacca americana .