

 [sim-e´le-ah] a anomaly" >developmental anomaly characterized by apparent fusion of the lower limbs. There may be three feet (tripodial symmelia), two feet (dipodial symmelia), one foot (monopodial symmelia), or no feet (apodal symmelia or sirenomelia).


(sī'rĕ-nō-mē'lē-ă), Union of the legs with partial or complete union of the feet.
See also: sympus.
Synonym(s): mermaid malformation, symmelia [L. siren, G. seirēn, a siren]
A heterogeneous dysplastic complex that may be inherited—caudal regression syndrome—or teratogenic, characterised by fusion—symmelia—of legs with external leg rotation, musculoskeletal atrophy and clubfoot, and other anomalies—e.g., imperforate anus, uni- or bilateral agenesis of kidneys and/or genitalia, focal agenesis of lumbosacral spine, various viscera


(sī'rĕ-nō-mē'lē-ă ) Union of the legs with partial or complete fusion of the feet. [L. siren, G. seirēn, a siren]