释义 |
Poland syndrome
Po·land syn·drome (pō'lănd), [MIM*173800] an anomaly consisting of absence of the pectoralis major and minor muscles, ipsilateral breast hypoplasia, and absence of two to four rib segments.An autosomal dominant [MIM 173800] condition—which may be a developmental field defect, or sequence—which is characterised by unilateral hypoplasia of skeletal muscle in the shoulder and chest wall, affecting the pectoralis major, serratus anterior, latissimus dorsi, variable hypoplasia of ribs, hand or entire arm, or ipsilateral syndactyly; most cases are de novo mutationsPo·land syn·drome (pō'lănd sin'drōm) An anomaly consisting of absence of the pectoralis major and minor muscles, ipsilateral breast hypoplasia, and absence of two to four rib segments. Poland, (Polland), Alfred, English physician, 1820-1872. Poland anomaly - Synonym(s): Poland syndromePoland syndrome - absence of a portion of the pectoralis major muscle and syndactyly. Synonym(s): Poland anomaly |