

单词 strip mining

strip mining

strip mining

n (Mining & Quarrying) another term (esp US) for opencast mining
Noun1.strip mining - the mining of ore or coal from an open minestrip mining - the mining of ore or coal from an open mineopencast miningmining, excavation - the act of extracting ores or coal etc from the earth

strip mining

strip mining:

see coal miningcoal mining,
physical extraction of coal resources to yield coal; also, the business of exploring for, developing, mining, and transporting coal in any form. Strip mining is the process in which the overburden (earth and rock material overlying the coal) is removed to expose a
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strip mining

[′strip ‚mīn·iŋ] (mining engineering) The mining of coal by surface mining methods.

strip mining

Related to strip mining: Underground mining, Open pit mining
  • noun

Synonyms for strip mining

noun the mining of ore or coal from an open mine


  • opencast mining

Related Words

  • mining
  • excavation




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