

单词 up



abbr. Upper Peninsula


U0128400 (ŭp)adv.1. a. In or to a higher position: looking up.b. In a direction opposite to the center of the earth or a comparable gravitational center: up from the lunar surface.2. In or to an upright position: sat up in bed.3. a. Above a surface: coming up for air.b. So as to detach or unearth: pulling up weeds.c. Above the horizon: as the sun came up.4. Into view or existence: draw up a will.5. Into consideration: take up a new topic.6. In or toward a position conventionally regarded as higher, as on a scale, chart, or map: temperatures heading up; up in Canada.7. To or at a higher price: stocks that are going up.8. So as to advance, increase, or improve: Our spirits went up.9. With or to a greater intensity, pitch, or volume: turn the sound up.10. Into a state of excitement or turbulence: stir up; rouse up.11. Completely; entirely: drank it up in a gulp; fastened up the coat.12. Used as an intensifier of the action of a verb: typed up a list.13. So as to approach; near: came up and kissed me.14. To a stop: pulled up in front of the station.15. Each; apiece: The score was tied at 11 up.16. Apart; into pieces: tore it up.17. Nautical To windward.adj.1. Being above a former position or level; higher: My grades are up. The pressure is up.2. a. Out of bed: was up by seven.b. Standing; erect.c. Facing upward: two cards up, one down; the up side of a tossed coin.3. Raised; lifted: a switch in the up position.4. Moving or directed upward: an up elevator.5. a. Marked by increased excitement or agitation; aroused: Our fighting spirit was up.b. Informal Cheerful; optimistic; upbeat.c. Slang Happily excited; euphoric: After receiving the award, the performer was really up.6. Informal Taking place; going on: wondered what was up back home.7. Being considered; under study: a contract that is up for renewal.8. Running as a candidate.9. On trial; charged: The defendant is up for manslaughter.10. Having been finished; over: Your time is up.11. Informal a. Prepared; ready: had to be up for the game.b. Well informed; abreast: not up on sports.12. Functioning or capable of functioning normally; operational: Their computers are now up.13. Sports Being ahead or at a numerical advantage over one's opponent: up two strokes in golf; up one man during the power play.14. Baseball At bat.15. As a bet; at stake.16. Nautical Bound; headed: a freighter up for Panama.prep.1. From a lower to or toward a higher point on: up the hill.2. Toward or at a point farther along: two miles up the road.3. In a direction toward the source of: up the Mississippi.4. Nautical Against: up the wind.n.1. An upward slope; a rise.2. An upward movement or trend.3. Slang A feeling of excitement or euphoria.v. upped, up·ping, ups v.tr.1. To increase: upped their fees; upping our output.2. To raise to a higher level, especially to promote to a higher position.3. Nautical To raise: up anchor; up sail.v.intr. To get up; rise.Idioms: on the up-and-up/up and up Informal Open and honest. up against Confronted with; facing: up against a strong opponent. up and Abruptly and unexpectedly: They up and left without saying goodbye. up to1. Occupied with, especially devising or scheming: a prowler up to no good.2. Able to do or deal with: didn't feel up to a long drive.3. Dependent on: The success of this project is up to us.4. a. To the point of; as far as or until: I'm up to chapter 15 in my book. The kids played right up to dinnertime.b. As long as: allowed up to two hours to finish the test.c. As many as: seed that yields up to 300 bushels per acre.
[Middle English up, upward and uppe, on high, both from Old English ūp; see upo in Indo-European roots.]


(ʌp) prep1. indicating movement from a lower to a higher position: climbing up a mountain. 2. at a higher or further level or position in or on: soot up the chimney; a shop up the road. adv3. (often particle) to an upward, higher, or erect position, esp indicating readiness for an activity: looking up at the stars; up and doing something. 4. (particle) indicating intensity or completion of an action: he tore up the cheque; drink up now!. 5. to the place referred to or where the speaker is: the man came up and asked the way. 6. a. to a more important place: up to London. b. to a more northerly place: up to Scotland. c. (of a member of some British universities) to or at universityd. in a particular part of the country: up north. 7. above the horizon: the sun is up. 8. (Law) appearing for trial: up before the magistrate. 9. having gained: ten pounds up on the deal. 10. (Commerce) higher in price: coffee is up again. 11. raised (for discussion, etc): the plan was up for consideration. 12. (Education) taught: well up in physics. 13. (functioning as imperative) get, stand, etc, up: up with you!. 14. all up with informal a. over; finishedb. doomed to die15. up with (functioning as imperative) wanting the beginning or continuation of: up with the monarchy!. 16. something's up informal something strange is happening17. up against a. touchingb. having to cope with: look what we're up against now. 18. up and running in operation; functioning properly19. up for a. as a candidate or applicant for: he's up for re-election again. b. informal keen or willing to try: she's up for anything. 20. informal keen or willing to try: she's up for anything. 21. up for it informal keen or willing to try something out or make a good effort: it's a big challenge and I'm up for it. 22. up to a. devising or scheming; occupied with: she's up to no good. b. dependent or incumbent upon: the decision is up to you. c. equal to (a challenge, etc) or capable of (doing, etc): are you up to playing in the final?. d. aware of: up to a person's tricks. e. as far as: up to his waist in mud. f. as many as: up to two years' waiting time. g. comparable with: not up to your normal standard. 23. up top informal in the head or mind24. up yours slang a vulgar expression of contempt or refusal25. what's up? informal a. what is the matter?b. what is happening?adj26. (predicative) of a high or higher position27. (predicative) out of bed; awake: the children aren't up yet. 28. (Railways) (prenominal) of or relating to a train or trains to a more important place or one regarded as higher: the up platform. 29. (predicative) over or completed: the examiner announced that their time was up. 30. (predicative) beating one's opponent by a specified amount: three goals up by half-time. vb, ups, upping or upped31. (tr) to increase or raise32. (intr; foll by and with a verb) informal to do (something) suddenly, unexpectedly, etc: she upped and married someone else. n33. high point; good or pleasant period (esp in the phrase ups and downs)34. (Recreational Drugs) slang another word (esp US) for upper935. on the up and up a. trustworthy or honestb. Brit on the upward trend or movement: our firm's on the up and up. 36. up oneself slang self-absorbed or arrogant: he's so up himself. [Old English upp; related to Old Saxon, Old Norse up, Old High German ūf, Gothic iup]Usage: The use of up before until is redundant and should be avoided: the talks will continue until (not up until) 23rd March


abbreviation for 1. (Journalism & Publishing) United Press 2. Uttar Pradesh



adv., prep., adj., n., v. upped, up•ping. adv. 1. to, toward, or in a more elevated position. 2. to or in an erect position: to stand up. 3. out of bed: to get up. 4. above the horizon: The moon came up. 5. to or at any point that is considered higher. 6. to or at a source, origin, center, or the like. 7. to or at a higher point or degree, as of rank, size, value, or intensity: Prices went up. Speak up! 8. to or at a point of equal advance, extent, etc.: to catch up in a race. 9. in continuing contact, esp. as reflecting continuing awareness or knowledge: to keep up with the news. 10. into or in activity, operation, etc.: to set up shop. 11. into a state of emotional agitation: Don't get all worked up. 12. into existence, view, prominence, or consideration: The lost papers turned up. 13. into or in a place of safekeeping, storage, etc.: to put up preserves. 14. into or in a state of union, contraction, etc.: to add up a column of figures. 15. to the final point; to an end; entirely: to be used up. 16. to a halt: The car pulled up. 17. (used with a verb for additional emphasis): Wake your brother up. 18. at bat in baseball. 19. ahead; in a leading position in a competition. 20. each; apiece: The score was 20 up. 21. Informal. without ice; straight up. 22. Naut. toward the wind: Put the helm up. prep. 23. to, toward, or at a higher place on or in: to go up the stairs. 24. to, toward, or at a higher station, condition, or rank on or in: being well up the social ladder. 25. at or to a farther point or higher place on or in: The store is up the street. 26. toward the source, origin, etc., of: to float up a stream. 27. toward or in the interior of (a region, etc.). 28. in a direction contrary to that of: to row up the current. adj. 29. moving in or related to a direction that is up or is regarded as up: the up elevator. 30. informed; familiar; aware (usu. fol. by on or in): I'm not up on current events. 31. concluded; ended: Your time is up. 32. going on or happening: What's up over there? 33. having a high position or station: to be up in society. 34. in an erect, vertical, or raised position: The tent is up. 35. above the ground: The corn is up. 36. (of heavenly bodies) risen above the horizon. 37. awake or out of bed. 38. mounted on horseback. 39. (of water in natural bodies) high with relation to the banks or shore. 40. built; constructed. 41. facing upward. 42. sunnyside up. 43. in a state of agitation. 44. cheerful or optimistic; exuberant; upbeat. 45. afoot or amiss: Her nervous manner told me that something was up. 46. higher than formerly in amount, degree, etc.: The price of meat is up. 47. in a state of enthusiastic or confident readiness (usu. fol. by for). 48. being or due to be prosecuted: to be up for fraud. 49. in operation or ready for use; working: The theater's lights are up. 50. ahead of an opponent in a competition: He's two sets up. 51. considered or under consideration: a candidate up for reelection. 52. wagered; bet. 53. living or located inland or on elevated ground: They live two miles up from the coast. n. 54. an upward movement; ascent. 55. a time of good fortune, prosperity, etc.: the ups and downs in a career. 56. Informal. a feeling or state of happiness or exuberance. 57. Slang. upper 2. 58. an upward slope; elevation. 59. an upward course or rise, as in price or value. v.t. 60. to put or take up. 61. to make larger; step up: to up output. 62. to raise; go better than (a preceding wager). v.i. 63. Informal. to start up; begin something abruptly (usu. fol. by and and another verb): Then he upped and ran away from home. 64. (often used imperatively or hortatively) to stand or rise up: Up, men, and fight! Idioms: 1. on the up and up, worth believing; honest; trustworthy. 2. up against, confronted with; faced with. 3. up and around or about, recovered from an illness; able to leave one's bed. 4. up and doing, busily engaged in activities. 5. up for grabs, Informal. freely available to whoever can acquire it first. 6. up to, a. as far as: I am up to the eighth lesson. b. in fulfillment of: I couldn't live up to their expectations. c. as many as; to the limit of: up to five persons. d. capable of; equal to: Is he up to the job? e. incumbent upon: It's up to you to tell her. f. engaged in; doing: What have you been up to lately? [before 900; Middle English up(pe) (adv.), Old English up(p) to a higher position, c. Old Frisian up, Old Norse upp; akin to Old High German ūf, Gothic iup]


a combining form of up: upland; upshot; upheaval. [Middle English; Old English]


In artillery and naval gunfire support:1. A term used in a call for fire to indicate that the target is higher in altitude than the point which has been used as a reference point for the target location.
2. A correction used by an observer or a spotter in time fire to indicate that an increase in height of burst is desired.


1. 'up'

Up can be a preposition. You usually use it to show that someone or something moves towards a higher place or position.

I carried my suitcase up the stairs behind her.The heat goes straight up the chimney.

Up can also be an adverb. It is often used in phrasal verbs to show that someone or something moves towards a higher place or position.

The coffee was sent up from the kitchen below.Bill put up his hand.

You also use up as an adverb to show that someone or something is in a high place.

He was up in his bedroom.They live in a house up in the hills.
2. 'up to'

You can say that someone goes up to a higher place.

I went up to the top floor.

You also say that someone goes up to a place when it is further north than the place they started from.

I thought of going up to New York.Why did you come up to Edinburgh?

British speakers sometimes use up to instead of 'to' for no special reason.

The other day I went up to the supermarket.We all went up to the pub.


Past participle: upped
Gerund: upping
PresentI upyou uphe/she/it upswe upyou upthey up
PreteriteI uppedyou uppedhe/she/it uppedwe uppedyou uppedthey upped
Present ContinuousI am uppingyou are uppinghe/she/it is uppingwe are uppingyou are uppingthey are upping
Present PerfectI have uppedyou have uppedhe/she/it has uppedwe have uppedyou have uppedthey have upped
Past ContinuousI was uppingyou were uppinghe/she/it was uppingwe were uppingyou were uppingthey were upping
Past PerfectI had uppedyou had uppedhe/she/it had uppedwe had uppedyou had uppedthey had upped
FutureI will upyou will uphe/she/it will upwe will upyou will upthey will up
Future PerfectI will have uppedyou will have uppedhe/she/it will have uppedwe will have uppedyou will have uppedthey will have upped
Future ContinuousI will be uppingyou will be uppinghe/she/it will be uppingwe will be uppingyou will be uppingthey will be upping
Present Perfect ContinuousI have been uppingyou have been uppinghe/she/it has been uppingwe have been uppingyou have been uppingthey have been upping
Future Perfect ContinuousI will have been uppingyou will have been uppinghe/she/it will have been uppingwe will have been uppingyou will have been uppingthey will have been upping
Past Perfect ContinuousI had been uppingyou had been uppinghe/she/it had been uppingwe had been uppingyou had been uppingthey had been upping
ConditionalI would upyou would uphe/she/it would upwe would upyou would upthey would up
Past ConditionalI would have uppedyou would have uppedhe/she/it would have uppedwe would have uppedyou would have uppedthey would have upped
Verb1.up - raiseup - raise; "up the ante" increase - make bigger or more; "The boss finally increased her salary"; "The university increased the number of students it admitted"Adj.1.up - being or moving higher in position or greater in some valueup - being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level; "the anchor is up"; "the sun is up"; "he lay face up"; "he is up by a pawn"; "the market is up"; "the corn is up"high - (literal meaning) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high'); "a high mountain"; "high ceilings"; "high buildings"; "a high forehead"; "a high incline"; "a foot high"ascending - moving or going or growing upward; "the ascending plane"; "the ascending staircase"; "the ascending stems of chickweed"down - being or moving lower in position or less in some value; "lay face down"; "the moon is down"; "our team is down by a run"; "down by a pawn"; "the stock market is down today"2.up - out of bedup - out of bed; "are they astir yet?"; "up by seven each morning"astirawake - not in a state of sleep; completely conscious; "lay awake thinking about his new job"; "still not fully awake"3.up - getting higher or more vigorousup - getting higher or more vigorous; "its an up market"; "an improving economy"improvingrising - advancing or becoming higher or greater in degree or value or status; "a rising trend"; "a rising market"4.up - extending or moving toward a higher placeup - extending or moving toward a higher place; "the up staircase"; "a general upward movement of fish"upwardascending - moving or going or growing upward; "the ascending plane"; "the ascending staircase"; "the ascending stems of chickweed"5.up - (usually followed by `on' or `for') in readinessup - (usually followed by `on' or `for') in readiness; "he was up on his homework"; "had to be up for the game"prepared - made ready or fit or suitable beforehand; "a prepared statement"; "be prepared for emergencies"6.up - openup - open; "the windows are up" raised - located or moved above the surround or above the normal position; "a raised design"; "raised eyebrows"7.up - (used of computers) operating properlyup - (used of computers) operating properly; "how soon will the computers be up?"computer, computing device, computing machine, data processor, electronic computer, information processing system - a machine for performing calculations automaticallyfunctioning - performing or able to perform its regular function; "a functioning flashlight"8.up - used upup - used up; "time is up" finished - ended or brought to an end; "are you finished?"; "gave me the finished manuscript"Adv.1.up - spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher positionup - spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position; "look up!"; "the music surged up"; "the fragments flew upwards"; "prices soared upwards"; "upwardly mobile"upward, upwardly, upwardsdown, downward, downwardly, downwards - spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position; "don't fall down"; "rode the lift up and skied down"; "prices plunged downward"2.up - to a higher intensityup - to a higher intensity; "he turned up the volume"down - to a lower intensity; "he slowly phased down the light until the stage was completely black"3.up - nearer to the speakerup - nearer to the speaker; "he walked up and grabbed my lapels"4.up - to a more central or a more northerly place; "was transferred up to headquarters"; "up to Canada for a vacation"down - away from a more central or a more northerly place; "was sent down to work at the regional office"; "worked down on the farm"; "came down for the wedding"; "flew down to Florida"5.up - to a later timeup - to a later time; "they moved the meeting date up"; "from childhood upward"upward, upwards


prepositionups and downs fluctuations, changes, vicissitudes, moods, ebb and flow Every relationship has a lot of ups and downs.


adjectiveSlang. Feeling great delight and joy:elate, elated, elevated, overjoyed.verbTo increase in amount:boost, hike, jack (up), jump, raise.


(ap) adverb, adjective1. to, or at, a higher or better position. Is the elevator going up?; The office is up on the top floor; She looked up at him; The price of coffee is up again. 往上 向上2. erect. Sit/Stand up; He got up from his chair. 直立起來 成直立姿势 3. out of bed. What time do you get up?; I'll be up all night finishing this work. 起(床) 起(床) 4. to the place or person mentioned or understood. A taxi drove up and she got in; He came up (to me) and shook hands. 移向某處或某人 朝(某人或某物)的方向,向…的地方 5. into the presence, or consideration, of a person, group of people etc. He brought up the subject during the conversation. 向(某人)提出 向…提出(话题) 6. to an increased degree eg of loudness, speed etc. Please turn the radio up a little!; Speak up! I can't hear you 提高(聲音、速度等) (声音、速度等)变高 7. used to indicate completeness; throughly or finally. You'll end up in hospital if you don't drive more carefully; Help me wash up the dishes!; I've used up the whole supply of paper; He tore up the letter. (表示動作完成的程度)完全地 (表示动作完成的程度)完全地 preposition1. to or at a higher level on. He climbed up the tree. 往或在高處 向或在高处2. (at a place) along. They walked up the street; Their house is up the road. 沿著... 沿着...,向... 3. towards the source of (a river). When do the salmon start swimming up the river? 往...(河流的)源頭 到...(地方) verbpast tense, past participle upped to increase (a price etc). They upped the price that they wanted for their house. 提高(價格) 提高(价格) ˈupward adjective going up or directed up. They took the upward path; an upward glance. 往上的 向上的ˈupward(s) adverb (facing) towards a higher place or level. He was lying on the floor face upwards; The path led upwards. 向上,朝上 向上,上升 ˌup-and-ˈcoming adjective (of eg a person starting a career) progressing well. an up-and-coming young doctor. 漸露頭角的 积极进取的,很有前途的 ˌupˈhill adverb up a slope. We travelled uphill for several hours. 上坡 上坡 adjective1. sloping upwards; ascending. an uphill road. 上坡的 上坡的2. difficult. This will be an uphill struggle. 艱難的,費力的 艰难的,费力的 ˌupˈstairs adverb on or to an upper floor. His room is upstairs; She went upstairs to her bedroom. 樓上 楼上 nounplural upˈstairs the upper floor(s). The ground floor needs painting, but the upstairs is nice; (also adjective) an upstairs sitting room. 樓上(的) 楼上(的) upˈstream adverb towards the upper part or source of a stream, river etc. Salmon swim upstream to lay their eggs. 朝著(河流的)上游 向上游(的) be up and about to be out of bed. I've been up and about for hours; Is she up and about again after her accident? 下床走動 下床走动be up to1. to be busy or occupied with (an activity etc). What is he up to now? 忙於... 忙于...事情2. to be capable of. He isn't quite up to the job. 勝任 胜任...工作3. to reach the standard of. This work isn't up to your best. 達到…水平 达到...水平4. to be the duty or privilege of. It's up to you to decide; The final choice is up to him. 由...來決定 由...来决定up to as far, or as much, as. He counted up to 100; Up to now, the work has been easy. 直到... 直到...up to date1. completed etc up to the present time. Is the catalogue up to date? 最新的 最新的2. modern and in touch with the latest ideas. This method is up to date. 現代的 现代的


→ 去...的路上有积雪吗?
  • Fill it up, please → 请加满油箱
  • Could you have my luggage taken up? → 请帮我把行李拿上楼好吗?
  • Where can I do the dishes? (US)
    Where is the washing up area? (UK) → 洗碗间在哪儿?
  • Could you wrap it up for me, please? → 请帮我包起来吧
  • May I turn up the volume? (US)
    May I turn the volume up? (UK) → 我可以把音量开大吗?
  • Could you warm this up, please? (US)
    Can you warm this up, please? (UK) → 请给我们加热
  • Where can I have this prescription filled? (US)
    Where can I get this prescription made up? (UK) → 哪儿能买到这副处方上的药品?
  • What time do you get up? → 您几点钟起床?
  • Shall I wake you up? → 要我叫醒您吗?
  • up

    • (all) dolled up
    • (all) dressed up
    • (all) het up
    • (all) sealed up
    • (all) washed up
    • (in) up to (one's) elbows
    • (in) up to (one's) eye(ball)s
    • (just/right) up (one's) street
    • (not) up to scratch
    • (one) won't give up without a fight
    • (one's) back is up
    • (one's) blood is up
    • (one's) jig is up
    • (one's) number comes up
    • (one's) number is up
    • (please) don't get up
    • (right) up (one's) alley
    • (right) up there with (someone or something)
    • (you've) got to get up pretty early in the morning to (do something)
    • a bad penny always turns up
    • a bang up job
    • a card up (one's) sleeve
    • a kick up the backside
    • a leg up
    • a paid-up member, etc.
    • a put-up job
    • a riddle wrapped in an enigma
    • a shiver ran up (one's) spine
    • a shiver went up (one's) spine
    • a toss-up
    • a turn-up for the book
    • a turn-up for the book(s)
    • a turn-up for the books
    • a wake-up call
    • abut (up) against
    • ace up (one's) sleeve
    • act (up)on
    • act up
    • add up
    • add up to
    • add up to (something)
    • advance (up)on (something or some place)
    • agree (up)on
    • ahead of time
    • alight (up)on
    • alkied (up)
    • alkied up
    • all dressed up and nowhere to go
    • all dressed up with nowhere to go
    • all ends up
    • all it's cracked up to be
    • all sharped up
    • all shook up
    • all spruced up
    • all the marbles
    • all tore up
    • all up
    • all wound up
    • allow (one) up
    • allow up
    • amount to the same thing
    • amped-up
    • ante up
    • ante up, to
    • arm up
    • arrive (somewhere) (up)on the stroke of (some time)
    • arrive (up)on the scene
    • ask up
    • ate up with (someone or something)
    • ate up with someone/something
    • average up
    • baby up
    • back (someone or something) up to (something)
    • back up
    • back up to
    • backed up
    • bad penny always turns up
    • bad penny, always turns up (comes back) like a
    • bail up
    • bake up
    • bake up a storm
    • bale up
    • ball someone/something up
    • ball up
    • balled up
    • balled-up
    • balloon goes up, the
    • balls up
    • bandage up
    • bang up
    • banged up
    • bang-up
    • bang-up cove
    • bank up
    • bar up
    • barf up
    • bark up the wrong tree
    • bark up the wrong tree, to
    • barreled (up)
    • barreled up
    • base (up)on
    • bash up
    • batter up
    • be (just/right) up (one's) street
    • be (not) well up on (something)
    • be (right) up there with (someone or something)
    • be a (fully) paid-up member of something
    • be a toss-up
    • be a wake-up
    • be above par
    • be all dressed up and nowhere to go
    • be all het up
    • be barking up the wrong tree
    • be bringing up the rear
    • be dead from the neck up
    • be dressed (up) to the nines
    • be fed up to the back teeth
    • be gone up
    • be had up (for something)
    • be hard up
    • be hard up for something
    • be het up
    • be jumping up and down
    • be laughing up (one's) sleeve
    • be laughing up your sleeve
    • be made up
    • be made up about (something)
    • be made up with (something)
    • be mixed up in (something)
    • be mixed up with (someone)
    • be nestled (up) into (something or some place)
    • be not all it's cracked up to be
    • be not up to much
    • be not up to scratch
    • be not up to snuff
    • be not up to the mark
    • be not what it's cracked up to be
    • be on the up and up
    • be one up on (someone or something)
    • be one up on someone
    • be puffed up with pride
    • be puffed up with pride, etc.
    • be pushing up (the) daisies
    • be pushing up daisies
    • be pushing up the daisies
    • be riled up
    • be shacked up with (someone)
    • be steamed up
    • be tied (up) in knots
    • be toes up
    • be togged out (in something)
    • be togged out/up
    • be togged up (in something)
    • be up
    • be up (one's) alley
    • be up (oneself)
    • be up a/the creek (without a paddle)
    • be up against it
    • be up and around
    • be up and down
    • be up for (something)
    • be up for grabs
    • be up on
    • be up on (something)
    • be up the creek without a paddle
    • be up the duff
    • be up the pole
    • be up the spout
    • be up the stick
    • be up to (one)
    • be up to (one's) (old) tricks
    • be up to (one's) chin in (something)
    • be up to (one's) ears in (something)
    • be up to (one's) eyeballs in (something)
    • be up to (one's) eyes in (something)
    • be up to (one's) neck in (something)
    • be up to (one's) old tricks
    • be up to (something)
    • be up to ninety
    • be up to par
    • be up to somebody
    • be up to the mark
    • be up to your ears in something
    • be up to your eyes/eyeballs in something
    • be up to your neck in something
    • be up to your tricks
    • be up to/above par
    • be up with the chickens
    • be up with the crows
    • be up with the lark(s)
    • be up your street
    • be up/rise with the lark
    • be well up on something
    • be worked up
    • be wrapped up in (someone or something)
    • be wrapped up in somebody/something
    • be/come up against a brick wall
    • be/get mixed up in something
    • be/get mixed up with somebody
    • be/get riled up
    • be/get steamed up
    • be/get/have one up on somebody
    • be/go up the spout
    • bead up
    • Beam me up, Scotty
    • Beam me up, Scotty!
    • beam up
    • beaned up
    • bear (up)on (something)
    • bear up
    • beat (oneself) up
    • beat oneself up
    • beat out
    • beat up
    • beat up on
    • beef something up
    • beef up
    • beer up
    • before the balloon goes up
    • belch up
    • belly up
    • belly up to (something)
    • belly up to something
    • belly up to the bar
    • belt up
    • bid up
    • big up
    • bind up
    • blaze up
    • blind alley, (up) a
    • block up
    • blow (something) up out of proportion
    • blow up
    • blow up (one's) phone
    • blow up a storm
    • blow up in (one's) face
    • blow up in face
    • blow up in somebody's face
    • blow up in your face
    • blowing up
    • blown up
    • board up
    • boarded up
    • bob up
    • boil up
    • bollix up
    • bollixed up
    • bolster up
    • bone up
    • bone up on (something)
    • book up
    • boost up
    • boot up
    • booze
    • booze (it) up
    • booze it up
    • booze up
    • border (up)on (something)
    • botch up
    • bottle up
    • bottle up feelings, to
    • bottoms up
    • Bottoms up!
    • bounce up and down
    • bound up in
    • bound up in (something)
    • bound up with
    • bound up with (someone or something)
    • bowl up
    • box up
    • boxed up
    • brace up
    • brave face, put on a
    • break it up
    • Break it up!
    • break someone up
    • break up
    • break up with (one)
    • breathe (up)on (someone or something)
    • breed up a storm
    • brew up
    • brew up (something)
    • brick up
    • brighten up
    • brighten up (the) day
    • bring (one) up for (something)
    • bring (one) up on (something)
    • bring (one) up on charges
    • bring (one) up sharply
    • bring (one) up short
    • bring (one) up with a start
    • bring (someone or something) up to date
    • bring (something) up to code
    • bring someone up short
    • bring something up
    • bring something up to code
    • bring up
    • bring up for
    • bring up on
    • bring up sharply
    • bring up the rear
    • bring up to
    • bring up to date
    • bring up-to-date
    • bring/pull somebody up short
    • brush up
    • bubble up
    • buck (one's) ideas up
    • buck up
    • buck up (one's) ideas
    • buck up your ideas
    • buck your ideas up
    • buckle up
    • buddy up
    • buddy up to (someone)
    • buddy up to someone
    • buddy up with (someone)
    • buddy up with someone
    • buff up
    • build up
    • build up (one's) hopes
    • build up a head of steam
    • build up to
    • build up to (something)
    • build up/raise somebody's hopes
    • build up/work up, etc. a head of steam
    • bulk up
    • bump (up) against (someone or something)
    • bump up
    • bunch up
    • bundle up
    • bung up
    • bunged up
    • bungle up
    • bunk (up) together
    • bunk (up) with (someone)
    • bunk up
    • buoy up
    • burn someone up
    • burn up
    • burn up the road
    • burned
    • burned up
    • burst (up)on (one)
    • burst (up)on the scene
    • bury the hatchet
    • bust someone up
    • bust something up
    • bust up
    • butt (up) against (someone or something)
    • butter up
    • button up
    • buttoned-up
    • buttress up
    • buy up
    • cage (someone or something) up (in something)
    • cage up
    • call up
    • camp it up
    • card up one's sleeve
    • card up sleeve
    • carve up
    • cash up
    • cast up
    • cast up (one's) accounts
    • catch napping
    • catch up
    • catch up in
    • catch up in (something)
    • catch up on
    • catch up on (something)
    • catch up to (something or someone)
    • catch up with
    • catch up with (someone)
    • caught up in
    • caught up in (something)
    • chain up
    • chalk (something) up to (something)
    • chalk (something) up to experience
    • chalk it up
    • chalk it up to, to
    • chalk up
    • change up
    • change with the times
    • charge (something) (up) to (something)
    • charge up
    • charge up to
    • charged up
    • chase up
    • chat (someone) up
    • chat up
    • check on
    • check up
    • check up on (someone or something)
    • checkup
    • cheer up
    • chew up
    • chew up the scenery
    • chin up
    • chink up (something)
    • chip up (something)
    • chirk up
    • choke up
    • choose up
    • choose up sides
    • chop up
    • chuck
    • chuck up
    • chum up
    • chum up to
    • chum up to (one)
    • chum up with
    • chum up with (one)
    • churn up
    • cinch up
    • clam up
    • clamber up
    • clamber up (something)
    • clean (one's) act up
    • clean (one's) plate (up)
    • clean act up
    • clean one’s act up
    • clean the floor (up) with (one)
    • clean the floor up with
    • clean up
    • clean up (one's) act
    • clean up act
    • clean up after (someone or something)
    • clean up nice(ly)
    • clean up on (something)
    • clean up on something
    • clean up your act
    • clean-up operation
    • clear up
    • climb (up) the ladder
    • climb up
    • climb up the ladder
    • clock up
    • clog up
    • close up
    • close up shop
    • cloud over
    • cloud up
    • clue in
    • clutch up
    • clutter up
    • cobble (something) up
    • cobble up
    • coil up
    • coil up into
    • coil up into (something)
    • collect up
    • come from behind
    • come up
    • come up a storm
    • come up against
    • come up against (something)
    • come up against a brick wall
    • come up dry
    • come up for
    • come up for (something)
    • come up for air
    • come up from behind
    • come up heads
    • come up in the world
    • come up roses
    • come up smelling like a rose
    • come up smelling like roses, to
    • come up smelling of roses
    • come up smiling
    • come up through the ranks
    • come up to
    • come up to (one's) expectations
    • come up to expectations
    • come up to standards
    • come up trumps
    • come up with
    • come up with (something)
    • come up with the goods
    • come up with the rations
    • come up with/deliver/produce the goods
    • come up/out of something smelling of roses
    • come up/rise through the ranks
    • come/go down/up in the world
    • come/turn up trumps
    • coming up a cloud
    • confer (up)on (someone or something)
    • confuse with
    • congratulate (someone) (up)on (something)
    • conjure up
    • connect (up) to (someone or something)
    • connect (up) with (someone or something)



    Transport of or relating to a train or trains to a more important place or one regarded as higher


    [əp] (engineering) Fully in operation. (graphic arts) In flat-bed terminology, indicating one or more documents being in position to photograph, for example, two up.


    (jargon)Working, in order. E.g. "The down escalator is up."

    Opposite: down.


    (1) A device that is currently working.

    (2) (uP) (microProcessor) uP is an alternate spelling for µP. Micro comes from the Greek mikros, which means "small," and the symbol is µ. See microprocessor.



    Market indication; willingness to go both ways (buy or sell) at the mentioned volume and market. Print; up on the ticker tape, confirming that the trade has been executed.


    In North Korea, a political subdivision equivalent to an urban municipality.


    UPUpper Peninsula (of Michigan)
    UPUsed Part
    UPUnited Press
    UPUniversity Press
    UPUniversity Place (Washington)
    UPUser Profile
    UPUser Program
    UPUnit Price
    UPUniversity of Pennsylvania
    UPUniversity of Phoenix
    UPUpgrade Package
    UPUpper Division (degree plan)
    UPUrban Planning
    UPUniversity of Portland
    UPUniversity of the Philippines
    UPUniversity of Pittsburgh
    UPUtility Player
    UPUnited Party (Papua New Guinea)
    UPUnion Pacific Corporation (US railroad)
    UPUnited Planet
    UPUniversal Precautions (Centers for Disease Control)
    UPUnified Process
    UPUniversity of Pretoria (South Africa)
    UPUnity Party
    UPUnited Provinces (India)
    UPUnion Pacific Railroad Company
    UPUniversidade do Porto (University of Oporto, Portugal)
    UPUnit Police (military)
    UPUttar Pradesh (state in India)
    UPUnlimited Potential (various locations)
    UPUninterruptible Power
    UPUnit Personnel
    UPUniversidad de Palermo (Spanish)
    UPUnited Personnel
    UPUser Plane (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System)
    UPUniversidad del Pacifico (Spanish: University of the Pacific, Peru)
    UPUniversidad Panamericana (Guadalajara, Mexico)
    UPUnder Provisions
    UPUniversité de Poitiers (French: University of Poitiers; France)
    UPUnsaturated Polyester
    UPUniversiteit Van Pretoria (South Africa)
    UPUnsolicited Proposal
    UPUtgarde Pinnacle (World of Warcraft)
    UPUnión Popular (Spanish: Popular Union)
    UPUrban Pipeline (clothing)
    UPUillean Pipes
    UPUtopia Planitia (Star Trek shipyard)
    UPUrticaria Pigmentosa
    UPUser Priority
    UPUlcerative Proctitis
    UPUnion Parishad
    UPUnderstanding Principles (Universal Foundation for Better Living)
    UPUniform Population (sectorization method)
    UPUniversität Passau (Germany)
    UPUniversité de Perpignan
    UPUniquePhones (website)
    UPUnion of Labor (Poland)
    UPUtilities Privatization
    UPUnknown Precipitation (METAR precipitation)
    UPUnibersidad Ng Pilipinas (University of the Philippines)
    UPUmbral Plains (gaming, Everquest)
    UPUnion Pétrolière
    UPUtopia Prime (gaming)
    UPUncrossable Parallel (Half-Life modification)
    UPUnforgiven Promises (band)


    • all
    • adj
    • verb
    • adv
    • phrase

    Synonyms for up

    phrase ups and downs


    • fluctuations
    • changes
    • vicissitudes
    • moods
    • ebb and flow

    Synonyms for up

    adj feeling great delight and joy


    • elate
    • elated
    • elevated
    • overjoyed

    verb to increase in amount


    • boost
    • hike
    • jack
    • jump
    • raise

    Synonyms for up

    verb raise

    Related Words

    • increase

    adj being or moving higher in position or greater in some value

    Related Words

    • high
    • ascending


    • down

    adj out of bed


    • astir

    Related Words

    • awake

    adj getting higher or more vigorous


    • improving

    Related Words

    • rising

    adj extending or moving toward a higher place


    • upward

    Related Words

    • ascending

    adj (usually followed by 'on' or 'for') in readiness

    Related Words

    • prepared

    adj open

    Related Words

    • raised

    adj (used of computers) operating properly

    Related Words

    • computer
    • computing device
    • computing machine
    • data processor
    • electronic computer
    • information processing system
    • functioning

    adj used up

    Related Words

    • finished

    adv spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position


    • upward
    • upwardly
    • upwards


    • down
    • downward
    • downwardly
    • downwards

    adv to a higher intensity


    • down

    adv to a more central or a more northerly place


    • down

    adv to a later time


    • upward
    • upwards




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