Acronym | Definition |
BHE➣Ball Handling Error (volleyball) |
BHE➣Board for Higher Education (various organizations) |
BHE➣Bangor Hydro-Electric Company (Bangor, Maine) |
BHE➣Barrière Hémato-Encéphalique (French: Blood-Brain Barrier) |
BHE➣Bund der Heimatvertriebenen und Entrechteten (Union of Homeless and Rightless) |
BHE➣Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment |
BHE➣Baptist Hospital East (Louisville, KY) |
BHE➣Blue Heron Elementary (Circle Pines, MN) |
BHE➣Bachelor of Human Ecology |
BHE➣Blenheim New Zealand |
BHE➣Byte High Enable |
BHE➣Benchmark Electrs Inc |
BHE➣Battlefield Helicopter Emulator (US DoD) |
BHE➣Bethel-Hanberry Elementary (Blythewood, SC) |
BHE➣Bureau Hypothécaire Européen (French: European Mortgage Bureau; Belgium) |
BHE➣Bachelor of Home Economics |
BHE➣Bonnie Holland Elementary (Texas) |
BHE➣Bulk Helium |
BHE➣Bourgogne Hygiène Entretien (French: Burgundy Health Care; Burgundy, France) |
BHE➣Blissborn Hypnosis Educator (Blissborn; Albuquerque, NM) |
BHE➣Bundesverband der Hersteller- und Errichterfirmen von Sicherheitssystemen eV (German: National Association of Manufacturers and Installers of Security Systems) |