

单词 ring


ring 1

R0251300 (rĭng)n.1. A circular object, form, line, or arrangement.2. A small circular band, generally made of precious metal and often set with jewels, worn on the finger.3. A circular band used for carrying, holding, or containing something: a napkin ring.4. rings Sports A pair of circular metal bands suspended in the air for gymnastic exercises, on which balancing and swinging maneuvers are performed while holding the bands as motionless as possible.5. A circular movement or course, as in dancing.6. An enclosed, usually circular area in which exhibitions, sports, or contests take place: a circus ring.7. Sports a. A rectangular arena set off by stakes and ropes in which boxing or wrestling events are held.b. The sport of boxing.8. Games a. An enclosed area in which bets are placed at a racetrack.b. Bookmakers considered as a group.9. An exclusive group of people acting privately or illegally to advance their own interests: a drug ring.10. A political contest; a race.11. Botany An annual ring.12. Mathematics The area between two concentric circles; annulus.13. Mathematics A set of elements subject to the operations of addition and multiplication, in which the set is a commutative group under addition and associative under multiplication and in which the two operations are related by distributive laws.14. Any of the turns constituting a spiral or helix.15. Chemistry A group of atoms linked by bonds that may be represented graphically in polygonal form. Also called closed chain.v. ringed, ring·ing, rings v.tr.1. To surround with or as if with a ring; encircle: Guests ringed the coffee table.2. To form into a ring or rings.3. To ornament or supply with a ring or rings: ringed the door knocker with a wreath of holly.4. To remove a circular strip of bark around the circumference of (a tree trunk or branch); girdle.5. To put a ring in the nose of (an animal).6. To hem in (animals) by riding in a circle around them.7. Games To toss a ring over (a peg), as in horseshoes.v.intr.1. To form a ring or rings.2. To move, run, or fly in a spiral or circular course.
[Middle English, from Old English hring; see sker- in Indo-European roots.]

ring 2

R0251300 (rĭng)v. rang (răng), rung (rŭng), ring·ing, rings v.intr.1. To give forth a clear resonant sound.2. To cause something to ring.3. To sound a bell in order to summon someone: I'll ring for the maid.4. To have a sound or character suggestive of a particular quality: a story that rings true.5. To be filled with sound; resound: The room rang with the children's laughter.6. To hear a persistent humming or buzzing: My ears were ringing from the sound of the blast.7. To be filled with talk or rumor: The whole town rang with the bad news.v.tr.1. To cause (a bell, for example) to ring.2. To produce (a sound) by or as if by ringing.3. To announce, proclaim, or signal by or as if by ringing: a clock that rings the hour.4. Chiefly British To call (someone) on the telephone. Often used with up: She rang me at noon. Let's ring her up and invite her.5. To test (a coin, for example) for quality by the sound it produces when struck against something.n.1. The sound created by a bell or another sonorous vibrating object.2. A loud sound, especially one that is repeated or continued.3. A telephone call: Give me a ring when you have time.4. A suggestion of a particular quality: His offer has a suspicious ring.5. A set of bells.6. The act or an instance of sounding a bell.Phrasal Verb: ring up1. To record, especially by means of a cash register: ring up a sale.2. To accomplish or achieve: rang up several consecutive victories.3. Baseball a. To call (a batter) out on strikes. Used of an umpire.b. To strike out (a batter). Used of a pitcher.Idioms: ring a bell Informal To arouse an often indistinct memory. ring down the curtain To end a performance, event, or action.ring (someone's) chimes/bells Slang To knock (an opponent) out by physical or other force. ring up the curtain To begin a performance, event, or action.
[Middle English ringen, from Old English hringan.]


(rɪŋ) n1. (Jewellery) a circular band usually of a precious metal, esp gold, often set with gems and worn upon the finger as an adornment or as a token of engagement or marriage2. any object or mark that is circular in shape3. a circular path or course: to run around in a ring. 4. a group of people or things standing or arranged so as to form a circle: a ring of spectators. 5. an enclosed space, usually circular in shape, where circus acts are performed6. (Boxing) a square apron or raised platform, marked off by ropes, in which contestants box or wrestle7. (Wrestling) a square apron or raised platform, marked off by ropes, in which contestants box or wrestle8. (Boxing) the ring the sport of boxing9. the field of competition or rivalry10. throw one's hat in the ring to announce one's intention to be a candidate or contestant11. a group of people usually operating illegally and covertly: a drug ring; a paedophile ring. 12. (Agriculture) (esp at country fairs) an enclosure, often circular, where horses, cattle, and other livestock are paraded and auctioned13. (Gambling, except Cards) an area reserved for betting at a racecourse14. (Forestry) a circular strip of bark cut from a tree or branch, esp in order to kill it15. a single turn in a spiral16. (Mathematics) geometry the area of space lying between two concentric circles17. (Mathematics) maths a set that is subject to two binary operations, addition and multiplication, such that the set is an Abelian group under addition and is closed under multiplication, this latter operation being associative18. (Botany) botany short for annual ring19. (Chemistry) chem Also called: closed chain a closed loop of atoms in a molecule20. (Astronomy) astronomy any of the thin circular bands of small bodies orbiting a giant planet, esp Saturn. See also Saturn2121. run rings around informal to be greatly superior to; outclass completelyvb (tr) , rings, ringing or ringed22. to surround with, or as if with, or form a ring; encircle23. (Zoology) to mark (a bird) with a ring or clip for subsequent identification24. (Agriculture) to fit a ring in the nose of (a bull, pig, etc) so that it can be led easily25. (Forestry) a. to cut away a circular strip of bark from (a tree or branch) in order to kill itb. to cut a narrow or partial ring from (the trunk of a tree) in order to check or prevent vigorous growth26. (Agriculture) Austral and NZ to be the fastest shearer in (a shearing shed), esp in the phrase ring the shed)[Old English hring; related to Old Norse hringr]


(rɪŋ) vb, rings, ringing, rang or rung1. to emit or cause to emit a sonorous or resonant sound, characteristic of certain metals when struck2. to cause (a bell) to emit a ringing sound by striking it once or repeatedly or (of a bell) to emit such a sound3. a. (tr) to cause (a large bell, esp a church bell) to emit a ringing sound by pulling on a rope that is attached to a wheel on which the bell swings back and forth, being sounded by a clapper inside it. Compare chime16b. (intr) (of a bell) to sound by being swung in this way4. (intr) (of a building, place, etc) to be filled with sound; echo: the church rang with singing. 5. (foll by: for) to call by means of a bell, buzzer, etc: to ring for the butler. 6. (Telecommunications) chiefly Also: ring up Brit to call (a person) by telephone7. (tr) to strike or tap (a coin) in order to assess its genuineness by the sound produced8. (intr) (of the ears) to have or give the sensation of humming or ringing9. (Electronics) (intr) electronics (of an electric circuit) to produce a damped oscillatory wave after the application of a sharp input transition10. (tr) slang to change the identity of (a stolen vehicle) by using the licence plate, serial number, etc, of another, usually disused, vehicle11. ring a bell to sound familiar; remind one of something, esp indistinctly12. (Theatre) ring down the curtain a. to lower the curtain at the end of a theatrical performanceb. (foll by on) to put an end (to)13. ring false to give the impression of being false14. ring the bell a. to do, say, or be the right thingb. to reach the pinnacle of success or happiness15. ring the changes to vary the manner or performance of an action that is often repeated16. ring true to give the impression of being true: that story doesn't ring true. n17. the act of or a sound made by ringing18. a sound produced by or suggestive of a bell19. any resonant or metallic sound, esp one sustained or re-echoed: the ring of trumpets. 20. (Telecommunications) informal chiefly Brit a telephone call: he gave her a ring last night. 21. the complete set of bells in a tower or belfry: a ring of eight bells. See peal1322. an inherent quality or characteristic: his explanation has the ring of sincerity. 23. (Electronics) electronics the damped oscillatory wave produced by a circuit that rings[Old English hringan; related to Old High German hringen Old Norse hringja]Usage: Rang and sang are the correct forms of the past tenses of ring and sing, although rung and sung are still heard informally and dialectally: he rung (rang) the bell



n. 1. a typically circular band of durable material, as gold, worn on the finger as an ornament, a token of betrothal or marriage, etc. 2. anything having the form of such a band: a smoke ring. 3. a circular line or mark: dark rings around the eyes. 4. a circular course: to dance in a ring. 5. a number of persons or things situated in a circle: a ring of hills. 6. an enclosed area, often circular, for a sports contest or exhibition: a circus ring. 7. a bullring. 8. a square enclosure in which boxing and wrestling matches take place. 9. the sport of boxing. 10. rings, a. a pair of suspended rings that can be grasped by a gymnast for performing feats of balance and strength. b. a competitive event in men's gymnastics using such an apparatus. 11. a group of persons cooperating for unethical or illegal purposes: a ring of dope smugglers. 12. a single turn in a spiral or helix or in a spiral course. 13. annual ring. 14. a number of atoms so united that they may be graphically represented in cyclic form. Compare chain (def. 6). 15. a bowlike or circular piece at the top of an anchor, to which the chain or cable is secured. 16. a set of mathematical elements that is commutative under addition and associative under multiplication and in which multiplication is distributive with respect to addition. v.t. 17. to surround with a ring; encircle. 18. to form into a ring. 19. girdle (def. 10). 20. to throw a ring or horseshoe over (a stake or peg). v.i. 21. to form a ring or rings. 22. to move in a ring or a constantly curving course. Idioms: run rings around, to surpass; outdo. [before 900; (n.) Old English hring, c. Old Norse hringr]



v. rang, rung, ring•ing,
n. v.i. 1. to give forth a clear resonant sound: The doorbell rang twice. 2. to cause a bell, telephone, or the like to sound: Just ring for service. 3. to resound; reecho: The room rang with shouts. 4. (of the ears) to have the sensation of a continued ringing sound. 5. to make a given impression on the mind: a story that rings true. 6. to telephone (usu. fol. by up). v.t. 7. to cause to ring; sound by striking: to ring a bell. 8. to produce (sound) by or as if by ringing. 9. to announce by or as if by the sound of a bell: The bell rang the hour. 10. to telephone (usu. fol. by up). 11. ring off, to end a telephone conversation. 12. ring up, a. to register (the amount of a sale) on a cash register. b. to accomplish: to ring up successes. n. 13. a ringing sound: the ring of sleigh bells. 14. a sound like that of a ringing bell: the ring of laughter. 15. reverberation: the ring of iron upon stone. 16. a set of bells. 17. a telephone call. 18. an act or instance of ringing a bell. 19. a characteristic sound or quality: the ring of truth. Idioms: 1. ring a bell, to evoke a memory; remind one of someone or something. 2. ring down the curtain, a. to bring a performance or action to a close. b. to lower or close the curtain in front of a stage. 3. ring the bell, to be outstandingly satisfactory. 4. ring the changes, a. to ring variations on a set of bells. b. to range through the possible variations of something. 5. ring up the curtain, a. to start a performance or action. b. to raise or open the curtain in front of a stage. [before 900; Old English hringan, c. Old Norse hringja] ring′ing•ly, adv.


- Boxing started off in circles, and when the Marquess of Queensbury introduced a set of rules in 1867, he also introduced the roped-off square, which continued to be called the "ring."See also related terms for rules.


 a circular arrangement or group. See also circle.Examples: ring of disciples, 1732; of branching elms, 1784; of forts; of all iniquity, 1578; of jewellers—Lipton, 1970; of fair ladies, 1450; of mushrooms; of oaks, 1820.


– call">call1. 'ring'

In British English, when you ring someone, you dial their phone number and speak to them by phone. The past tense of ring is rang.

I rang Aunt Jane this evening.

The -ed participle is rung.

Have you rung Dad yet?

You can say that someone rings a place.

You must ring the hospital.

In conversation, people often use ring up, instead of 'ring'. There is no difference in meaning.

He had rung up Emily and told her all about it.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'to' after ring or ring up.

2. 'call'

American speakers don't usually use ring in this sense. The word they use is call. British speakers also say call.

He promised to call me soon.See call


(to encircle)
Past participle: ringed
Gerund: ringing
I ring
you ring
he/she/it rings
we ring
you ring
they ring
I ringed
you ringed
he/she/it ringed
we ringed
you ringed
they ringed
Present Continuous
I am ringing
you are ringing
he/she/it is ringing
we are ringing
you are ringing
they are ringing
Present Perfect
I have ringed
you have ringed
he/she/it has ringed
we have ringed
you have ringed
they have ringed
Past Continuous
I was ringing
you were ringing
he/she/it was ringing
we were ringing
you were ringing
they were ringing
Past Perfect
I had ringed
you had ringed
he/she/it had ringed
we had ringed
you had ringed
they had ringed
I will ring
you will ring
he/she/it will ring
we will ring
you will ring
they will ring
Future Perfect
I will have ringed
you will have ringed
he/she/it will have ringed
we will have ringed
you will have ringed
they will have ringed
Future Continuous
I will be ringing
you will be ringing
he/she/it will be ringing
we will be ringing
you will be ringing
they will be ringing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been ringing
you have been ringing
he/she/it has been ringing
we have been ringing
you have been ringing
they have been ringing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been ringing
you will have been ringing
he/she/it will have been ringing
we will have been ringing
you will have been ringing
they will have been ringing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been ringing
you had been ringing
he/she/it had been ringing
we had been ringing
you had been ringing
they had been ringing
I would ring
you would ring
he/she/it would ring
we would ring
you would ring
they would ring
Past Conditional
I would have ringed
you would have ringed
he/she/it would have ringed
we would have ringed
you would have ringed
they would have ringed


(to toll)
Past participle: rung
Gerund: ringing
I ring
you ring
he/she/it rings
we ring
you ring
they ring
I rang
you rang
he/she/it rang
we rang
you rang
they rang
Present Continuous
I am ringing
you are ringing
he/she/it is ringing
we are ringing
you are ringing
they are ringing
Present Perfect
I have rung
you have rung
he/she/it has rung
we have rung
you have rung
they have rung
Past Continuous
I was ringing
you were ringing
he/she/it was ringing
we were ringing
you were ringing
they were ringing
Past Perfect
I had rung
you had rung
he/she/it had rung
we had rung
you had rung
they had rung
I will ring
you will ring
he/she/it will ring
we will ring
you will ring
they will ring
Future Perfect
I will have rung
you will have rung
he/she/it will have rung
we will have rung
you will have rung
they will have rung
Future Continuous
I will be ringing
you will be ringing
he/she/it will be ringing
we will be ringing
you will be ringing
they will be ringing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been ringing
you have been ringing
he/she/it has been ringing
we have been ringing
you have been ringing
they have been ringing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been ringing
you will have been ringing
he/she/it will have been ringing
we will have been ringing
you will have been ringing
they will have been ringing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been ringing
you had been ringing
he/she/it had been ringing
we had been ringing
you had been ringing
they had been ringing
I would ring
you would ring
he/she/it would ring
we would ring
you would ring
they would ring
Past Conditional
I would have rung
you would have rung
he/she/it would have rung
we would have rung
you would have rung
they would have rung


Three-roped square platform with a post at each corner.
Noun1.ring - a characteristic soundring - a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"sound - the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause; "the sound of rain on the roof"; "the beautiful sound of music"
2.ring - a toroidal shapering - a toroidal shape; "a ring of ships in the harbor"; "a halo of smoke"anchor ring, annulus, doughnut, halofairy circle, fairy ring - a ring of fungi marking the periphery of the perennial underground growth of the myceliumtoroid - the doughnut-shaped object enclosed by a torus
3.ring - a rigid circular band of metal or wood or other material used for holding or fastening or hanging or pulling; "there was still a rusty iron hoop for tying a horse"hoopband - a thin flat strip of flexible material that is worn around the body or one of the limbs (especially to decorate the body)barrel, cask - a cylindrical container that holds liquidscarabiner, karabiner, snap ring - an oblong metal ring with a spring clip; used in mountaineering to attach a rope to a piton or to connect two ropescollar - a short ring fastened over a rod or shaft to limit, guide, or secure a machine partcurtain ring - a circular ring for holding up a curtainkey ring - a circular ring of metal for holding keysnapkin ring - a circular band used to hold a particular person's napkinnose ring - a ring worn on the nose as an ornament or on the nose of an animal to control itrim - the outer part of a wheel to which the tire is attachedrim - (basketball) the hoop from which the net is suspended; "the ball hit the rim and bounced off"tire, tyre - hoop that covers a wheel; "automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"towel ring - a circular hoop for holding a towelwagon wheel - a wheel of a wagon
4.ring - (chemistry) a chain of atoms in a molecule that forms a closed loopclosed chainchemical science, chemistry - the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactionschemical chain, chain - (chemistry) a series of linked atoms (generally in an organic molecule)heterocyclic ring, heterocycle - a ring of atoms of more than one kind; especially a ring of carbon atoms containing at least one atom that is not carbon
5.ring - an association of criminalsring - an association of criminals; "police tried to break up the gang"; "a pack of thieves"gang, mob, packassociation - a formal organization of people or groups of people; "he joined the Modern Language Association"nest - a gang of people (criminals or spies or terrorists) assembled in one locality; "a nest of thieves"youth gang - a gang whose members are teenagersgangdom, gangland, organized crime - underworld organizationsgangster, mobster - a criminal who is a member of gang
6.ring - the sound of a bell ringingring - the sound of a bell ringing; "the distinctive ring of the church bell"; "the ringing of the telephone"; "the tintinnabulation that so voluminously swells from the ringing and the dinging of the bells"--E. A. Poeringing, tintinnabulationsound - the sudden occurrence of an audible event; "the sound awakened them"bell ringing - the sound of someone playing a set of bells
7.ring - a platform usually marked off by ropes in which contestants box or wrestleboxing ring, prize ring - a square ring where boxers fightcanvas, canvass - the mat that forms the floor of the ring in which boxers or professional wrestlers compete; "the boxer picked himself up off the canvas"platform - a raised horizontal surface; "the speaker mounted the platform"sumo ring - the circular ring in which Sumo wrestlers competewrestling ring - a square ring in which wrestlers compete
8.ring - jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the fingerring - jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger; "she had rings on every finger"; "he noted that she wore a wedding band"bandannulet - a small ringengagement ring - a ring given and worn as a sign of betrothaljewellery, jewelry - an adornment (as a bracelet or ring or necklace) made of precious metals and set with gems (or imitation gems)mourning ring - a ring worn as a memorial to a dead personringlet - a small ringseal ring, signet ring - a ring bearing a signetwedding band, wedding ring - a ring (usually plain gold) given to the bride (and sometimes one is also given to the groom) at the wedding
9.ring - a strip of material attached to the leg of a bird to identify it (as in studies of bird migration)bandstrip, slip - artifact consisting of a narrow flat piece of material
Verb1.ring - sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"pealsound, go - make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'"ding, dingdong, dong - go `ding dong', like a belltintinnabulate - ring or sound like a small bellpeal - ring recurrently; "bells were pealing"knell - ring as in announcing deathring out - sound loudly; "a shot rang out"
2.ring - ring or echo with sound; "the hall resounded with laughter"resound, reverberate, echosound, go - make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'"consonate - sound in sympathyreecho - repeat or return an echo again or repeatedly; send (an echo) backreecho - echo repeatedly, echo again and againbong - ring loudly and deeply; "the big bell bonged"
3.ring - make (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification; "Ring the bells"; "My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church"knellsound - cause to sound; "sound the bell"; "sound a certain note"toll - ring slowly; "For whom the bell tolls"
4.ring - get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone; "I tried to call you all night"; "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning"phone, telephone, call up, calltelephony, telephone - transmitting speech at a distancecell phone - call up by using a cellular phone; "If the train is late, I will cell phone you"call in - make a phone call; "call in to a radio station"; "call in sick"telecommunicate - communicate over long distances, as via the telephone or e-mailcall - send a message or attempt to reach someone by radio, phone, etc.; make a signal to in order to transmit a message; "Hawaii is calling!"; "A transmitter in Samoa was heard calling"
5.ring - extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle; "The forest surrounds my property"border, environ, surround, skirtadjoin, contact, touch, meet - be in direct physical contact with; make contact; "The two buildings touch"; "Their hands touched"; "The wire must not contact the metal cover"; "The surfaces contact at this point"fringe - decorate with or as if with a surrounding fringe; "fur fringed the hem of the dress"gird, girdle - put a girdle on or around; "gird your loins"cloister - surround with a cloister; "cloister the garden"inclose, shut in, close in, enclose - surround completely; "Darkness enclosed him"; "They closed in the porch with a fence"hem in - surround in a restrictive manner; "The building was hemmed in by flowers"cloister - surround with a cloister, as of a garden
6.ring - attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identifyring - attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify; "ring birds"; "band the geese to observe their migratory patterns"bandattach - cause to be attached


1verb1. phone, call, telephone, buzz (informal, chiefly Brit.), give someone a call, get on the phone to, give someone a bell (informal), give someone a tinkle (informal), reach He rang me at my mother's.2. chime, sound, toll, resound, resonate, reverberate, clang, peal He heard the school bell ring.3. reverberate, echo, resound, resonate The whole place was ringing with music.noun1. call, phone call, buzz (informal, chiefly Brit.), tinkle We'll give him a ring as soon as we get back.2. chime, toll, jingle, ding, tinkle, knell, peal, dinging There was a ring of the bell.ring something in celebrate, announce, introduce, proclaim, herald, usher in Ring in the New Year someplace really special!


2noun1. circle, round, band, circuit, loop, hoop, halo a ring of blue smoke2. arena, enclosure, ground, field, circus, rink The fight continued in the ring.3. gang, group, firm (slang), association, band, cell, combine, organization, circle, crew (informal), knot, mob, syndicate, cartel, junta, clique, coterie, cabal investigation of an international crime ringverb1. encircle, surround, enclose, encompass, seal off, girdle, circumscribe, hem in, gird The area is ringed by troops.

ring 1

noun1. A closed plane curve everywhere equidistant from a fixed point or something shaped like this:band, circle, circuit, disk, gyre, wheel.Archaic: orb.2. A length of line folded over and joined at the ends so as to form a curve or circle:eye, loop.3. A group of individuals united in a common cause:bloc, cartel, coalition, combination, combine, faction, party.4. An organized group of criminals, hoodlums, or wrongdoers:band, gang, pack.Informal: mob.verb1. To encircle with or as if with a band:band, begird, belt, cincture, compass, encompass, engirdle, gird, girdle, girt.Archaic: engird.2. To shut in on all sides:begird, beset, circle, compass, encircle, encompass, environ, gird, girdle, hedge, hem, surround.

ring 2

verb1. To give forth or cause to give forth a clear, resonant sound:bong, chime, knell, peal, strike, toll.2. To communicate with (someone) by telephone:buzz, call, telephone.Informal: dial, phone.Idioms: get someone on the horn, give someone a buzz.nounA telephone communication:buzz, call.


(riŋ) noun1. a small circle eg of gold or silver, sometimes having a jewel set in it, worn on the finger. a wedding ring; She wears a diamond ring. 戒指 戒指2. a circle of metal, wood etc for any of various purposes. a scarf-ring; a key-ring; The trap-door had a ring attached for lifting it. 圓環 圆环3. anything which is like a circle in shape. The children formed a ring round their teacher; The hot teapot left a ring on the polished table. 圓圈 圆圈4. an enclosed space for boxing matches, circus performances etc. the circus-ring; The crowd cheered as the boxer entered the ring. 圍起的場地(如拳擊台,馬戲舞台) 比赛场5. a small group of people formed for business or criminal purposes. a drugs ring. verbpast tense, past participle ringedverb . 1. to form a ring round. 發出鈴(鐘)響 鸣响伙 2. to put, draw etc a ring round (something). He has ringed all your errors. 圈出 (用笔)圈出 3. to put a ring on the leg of (a bird) as a means of identifying it. (幫鳥)裝腳環 装卡环ˈring binder noun a looseleaf binder; a stiff cardboard file with metal rings inside for holding loose pages together. 文件夾 活页ˈringlet (-lit) noun a long curl of hair. 捲髮 卷发ˈring finger noun the finger on which the wedding ring is worn (usually the third finger of the left hand). 戴婚戒的手指(通常是左手無名指) 左手的无名指((可以戴结婚戒指)) ˈringleader noun the leader of a group of people who are doing something wrong. The teacher punished the ring-leader. 罪魁禍首 罪魁, ,魁首,头目 ˈringmaster noun a person who is in charge of performances in a circus ring. 馬戲團領班 马戏表演领班(指挥)演员,表演指导者 run rings round to be very much better at doing something than; to beat easily. 表現遠勝過某人 大大胜过,远远超过做事比某人好得多


(riŋ) past tense rang (raŋ) : past participle rung (raŋ) verb1. to (cause to) sound. The doorbell rang; He rang the doorbell; The telephone rang. (使)鳴響 响(鸣),使...响(呜) 2. (often with up) to telephone (someone). I'll ring you (up) tonight. 打電話 打电话3. (often with for) to ring a bell (eg in a hotel) to tell someone to come, to bring something etc. She rang for the maid. 按鈴請服務生 按铃叫(要) 4. (of certain objects) to make a high sound like a bell. The glass rang as she hit it with a metal spoon. 發出鈴聲般高音 产生铃声般响声5. to be filled with sound. The hall rang with the sound of laughter. 充滿響聲 充满响声(场所)响着 6. (often with out) to make a loud, clear sound. His voice rang through the house; A shot rang out. 響徹 响彻 noun1. the act or sound of ringing. the ring of a telephone. 鈴聲 铃声2. a telephone call. I'll give you a ring. 來電 打电话3. a suggestion, impression or feeling. His story has a ring of truth about it. 意味 口气ring a bell to have been seen, heard etc before, but not remembered in detail. His name rings a bell, but I don't remember where I've heard it before. 似曾見過或聽過 曾见(听)到过 ring back to telephone (someone who has telephoned). If he is busy at the moment, he can ring me back; He'll ring back tomorrow. 回電話 回电话ring off to end a telephone call. 掛斷電話 挂断电话ring true to sound true. His story does not ring true. 聽起來像真的 听来真实可靠真实的


打电话zhCN, 铃响zhCN, 铃声zhCN


ring (someone's)

chimes/bells Slang To knock (an opponent) out by physical or other force.
  • (one's) ears are ringing
  • a three-ring circus
  • alarm bells start ringing
  • alarm bells start to ring
  • be ringing off the hook
  • brass ring
  • bring down the curtain (on something)
  • bring/ring down the curtain
  • give (one) a ring
  • give a ring
  • Give me a call
  • give somebody a ring
  • give someone a ring
  • hat in the ring, to put/throw one's
  • have a familiar ring
  • have a ring to it
  • hold the ring
  • jump in
  • like a three-ring circus
  • make the welkin ring
  • one's ears are ringing
  • pudding ring
  • put (one's) hat in(to) the ring
  • ring
  • ring (one's) bell
  • ring (one's) bells
  • ring (one's) chimes
  • ring a bell
  • ring around
  • ring around (someone or something)
  • ring back
  • ring down the curtain
  • ring down the curtain (on something)
  • ring down the curtain (on), to
  • ring down the curtain on
  • ring false
  • ring hollow
  • ring in (one's) ears
  • ring in (one's) head
  • ring in ears
  • ring in the new year
  • ring in your ears
  • ring in your ears/head
  • ring of steel
  • ring of truth, the
  • ring off the hook
  • ring one's chimes
  • ring out
  • ring out the old
  • ring out the old and ring in the new
  • ring someone's bell
  • ring the bell
  • ring the changes
  • ring the changes, to
  • ring the curtain down
  • ring the curtain down (on something)
  • ring the curtain up
  • ring the curtain up (on something)
  • ring the knell of
  • ring the knell of (something)
  • ring true
  • ring true/false/hollow
  • ring up
  • ring up the curtain
  • ring up the curtain (on something)
  • ring with
  • rings a bell, that
  • ring-tailed snorter
  • run circles around
  • run circles/rings around, to
  • run rings around
  • run rings around (one)
  • run rings around someone
  • run rings around/round somebody/something
  • run rings round (one)
  • run rings round someone
  • set alarm bells ringing
  • the brass ring
  • three-ring circus
  • three-ring circus, a
  • throw (one's) hat in(to) the ring
  • throw one’s hat in the ring
  • throw one's hat in the ring
  • throw your hat in the ring
  • throw your hat into the ring
  • toss (one's) hat in(to) the ring
  • toss hat into the ring
  • warning bells start ringing
  • warning bells start to ring



small ornamental hoop usually worn on finger or thumb, but it may be attached to the ear or the nose. Finger rings made of bronze, gold, and silver from the period c.2600–1500 B.C. have been found in the Indus valley in India; in Egypt rings from c.1600 B.C. served as a symbol of status and were exchanged as a pledge or seal of faith. They were often also used as money. The signet ring grew from the custom of wearing a cylindrical seal suspended from the arm or neck, developed in Egypt, and was widely adopted as a seal of authority. Numerous rings were worn by Egyptian women, sometimes as many as three on a finger. In Greece gold bands were worn; later they were engraved with cameos or intaglios. Talismanic rings, endowed with many charms and powers, were also worn. In the middle and latter part of the Roman civilization the type of ring worn was governed by law. Iron rings were worn by the mass of the people; gold rings were reserved for those of civil or military rank. Later the gold ring was permitted to freeborn citizens, silver to freedmen, and iron to slaves. The Romans also used poison rings for assassination or suicide in the case of capture by an enemy. In addition there were key rings, which, worn by a matron, symbolized her authority to carry the keys of the house. The betrothal ring, used by Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, was adopted by early Christians in the 2d cent. and later evolved into the wedding ring. The engagement ring set with a precious gem came into use in the Middle Ages; the diamond attained popularity in the 15th cent. and became customary c.1800. From the Middle Ages rings have figured in the coronation of kings and the consecration of bishops as emblems of authority or mystical significance. Since that time a gold seal ring (Fisherman's ring) with an intaglio of St. Peter in a fishing boat has been given each pope and is destroyed when he dies. By the 16th cent. the extravagant use of rings had reached its height. Highly decorated with enamel and jewels, they were sometimes worn on every finger and on several joints. At that time, too, the gold wedding band became popular, and signet rings were engraved with the family crest. Later, memorial rings and mourning rings became fashionable.


See W. Jones, Finger-Ring Lore (1898, repr. 1968); S. Bury, Rings (1985).


in mathematics, system consisting of a set R of elements and two binary operations, such that addition makes R a commutative group and multiplication is associative and distributes over addition (see commutative lawcommutative law,
in mathematics, law holding that for a given binary operation (combining two quantities) the order of the quantities is arbitrary; e.g., in addition, the numbers 2 and 5 can be combined as 2+5=7 or as 5+2=7.
..... Click the link for more information.
; associative lawassociative law,
in mathematics, law holding that for a given operation combining three quantities, two at a time, the initial pairing is arbitrary; e.g., using the operation of addition, the numbers 2, 3, and 4 may be combined (2+3)+4=5+4=9 or 2+(3+4)=2+7=9.
..... Click the link for more information.
; distributive lawdistributive law.
In mathematics, given any two operations, symbolized by * and +, the first operation, *, is distributive over the second, +, if a*(b+c)=(a*b)+(a*c) for all possible choices of a, b, and c.
..... Click the link for more information.
). A commutative ring is one in which the commutative law also holds for multiplication. Examples of commutative rings are the sets of integers (see numbernumber,
entity describing the magnitude or position of a mathematical object or extensions of these concepts. The Natural Numbers

Cardinal numbers describe the size of a collection of objects; two such collections have the same (cardinal) number of objects if their
..... Click the link for more information.
) and real numbers. Square matrices (see matrixmatrix,
in mathematics, a rectangular array of elements (e.g., numbers) considered as a single entity. A matrix is distinguished by the number of rows and columns it contains. The matrix

is a 2×3 (read "2 by 3") matrix, because it contains 2 rows and 3 columns.
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) furnish examples of non-communtative rings.


in astronomy, relatively thin band of rocks and dust and ice particles that orbit around a planet in the planet's equatorial plane. All four of the giant planets in the solar system—JupiterJupiter
, in astronomy, 5th planet from the sun and largest planet of the solar system. Astronomical and Physical Characteristics

Jupiter's orbit lies beyond the asteroid belt at a mean distance of 483.6 million mi (778.
..... Click the link for more information.
, SaturnSaturn,
in astronomy, 6th planet from the sun. Astronomical and Physical Characteristics of Saturn

Saturn's orbit lies between those of Jupiter and Uranus; its mean distance from the sun is c.886 million mi (1.
..... Click the link for more information.
, UranusUranus
, in astronomy, 7th planet from the sun, at a mean distance of 1.78 billion mi (2.87 billion km), with an orbit lying between those of Saturn and Neptune; its period of revolution is slightly more than 84 years.
..... Click the link for more information.
, and NeptuneNeptune,
in astronomy, 8th planet from the sun at a mean distance of about 2.8 billion mi (4.5 billion km) with an orbit lying between those of Uranus and the dwarf planet Pluto; its period of revolution is about 165 years.
..... Click the link for more information.
— have rings, although only those of Saturn are easily visible. The origin of the rings is unknown. One theory is that they may have been formed from moons that were shattered by the impact of comets and meteoroids. Another holds that they might be the remnants of moons or comets that came within the planet's Roche limitRoche limit,
the closest distance that a celestial body held together only by its own gravity can come to a planet without being pulled apart by the planet's tidal (gravitational) force. This distance depends on the densities of the two bodies and the orbit of the celestial body.
..... Click the link for more information.
 and were broken up by gravitational forces. In the case of the E ring, it is now known that geyserlike eruptions on Enceladus are a source of the material in the ring.

Saturn has seven rings designated alphabetically as A through G in the order of their discovery. Two additional rings, designated as R/2004 S1 and R/2004 S2 were discovered in images returned to earth from the Cassini space probe in 2004. In 2009 the Spitzer Space Telescope discovered an enormous but faint dust ring that originates in material removed from the moon Phoebe by impacts. From the planet outward, the rings are D, C, B, A, R/2004 S1, R/2004 S2, F, G, E, and the Phoebe ring. With named gaps occupying the space between several of the rings, Saturn's rings are a highly complex structure stretching almost 167,770 mi (270,000 km) from the planet's center to the farthest edge of ring E; the Phoebe ring extends from 3.7 to 7.4 million mi (6 to 12 million km). The rings are not perfectly circular, and the gaps are not completely empty. The Columbo and Maxwell Gaps separate the C and B rings, the Cassini Division and Huygens Gap separate the B and A rings, and the Encke Division and Keeler Gap separate the A and R/2004 S1 rings. Except for the A and B rings, which are separated primarily by the 2,920-mi-wide (4,700-km) Cassini Division, and the Phoebe ring, the rings are relatively close to one another. Most of the rings appear to be composed of small pieces of water ice mixed with a small amount of rocky material in a wide range of particle sizes, from 1 in. (2.5 cm) to 33 ft (10 m)—although there may be an occasional object as large as a mile (1.6 km) in diameter. The Phoebe ring is composed of dust particles about 10 microns in size. Data returned by Cassini indicates that the rings are not uniform; for example, the B ring is very different from the A and C rings (which are similar to one another) found on either side of it. The Phoebe ring is tilted at a 27° angle from the plane of the other rings and, unlike the other rings, orbits Saturn with a retrograde motion. Several of Saturn's small moons appear to be shepherd satellites, maintaining the shape of the rings through gravitational interactions, and there are also ring arcs associated with several moons.

Jupiter's rings are similar to those of Saturn but much smaller and fainter. The main ring is about 4,300 mi (7,000 km) wide and has an abrupt outer boundary 80,000 mi (128,940 km) from the center of the planet. The inner main ring is formed from dust and ice particles kicked up when meteoroids collide with the small Jovian satellites Metus and Adrastea. The particles then spiral slowly in toward Jupiter. At its inner edge the main ring merges into the halo. A broad, faint band of dust and particles, the halo is about 6,200 mi (10,000 km) thick and stretches halfway from the main ring down to the top of Jupiter's atmosphere. A pair of broad, faint gossamer rings are located just outside the main ring, one bounded by the orbit of the Jovian shepherd satellite Amalthea and the other by the orbit Thebe.

Uranus has a thin elliptical band of eleven faint, narrow rings composed of ice, rock, and dust. Stretching outward from the planet, the rings are named 1986 U2R, Six, Five, Four, Alpha, Beta, Eta, Gamma, Delta, 1986 U1R, and Epsilon; the distance from the planetary center to the Epsilon ring is 31,750 mi (51,140 km). The rings are distinctly different from those of Jupiter and Saturn. A tenuous distribution of fine dust is scattered throughout the ring system, and the rings all are the same flat, dark color (perhaps from methane or black-carbon ice coating the rock), unlike Saturn's bright rings. The nine main rings consist of a single layer of particles, the monolayer, which had not previously been seen in planetary rings; the particles are kept from drifting away by several shepherd satellites. Because there are ringlets and incomplete rings and a varying opacity in several rings, it is believed that the Uranian ring system may be the remnants of a small moon.

Neptune has four almost circular faint rings composed of small rocks and dust. The rings are not uniform in density and thickness; the thicker parts of the rings are called ring arcs. Stretching outward from the planet, the rings are named Galle, Le Verrier (whose outer extension is called Lassel), Arago, and Adams (which includes the ring arcs Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity); the distance from the planetary center to the Adams ring is 39,000 mi (62,930 km). The forces responsible for the development of ring arcs and ring extensions are not well understood, but shepherd satellites and gravitational forces attributable to Neptune's moons are thought to play a significant role. Earth-based observations indicate that the rings are less stable than was originally believed.

Barnard's loop



(bar -nardz) see Orion.



an ornament worn on the finger among most of the world’s peoples. Bone rings originated during the Paleolithic, and metal rings during the Bronze Age.

Seal rings with carved inscriptions or designs were common in ancient Egypt. The wax impression made with the ring served as the owner’s signature. Later, the Aegean peoples, the Greeks, and the Etruscans wore seal rings, which were often set with gems. In the Roman Republic senators and equites wore gold finger rings; ordinary citizens wore iron ones. Under the Roman Empire this rule was abolished, and in the third century all freeborn persons were granted the right to wear gold rings, and all freedmen the right to wear silver rings. In ancient Rus’ gold and silver rings with engraved or embossed designs were favored in the cities. Copper rings with geometric designs were worn in the countryside. In succeeding periods, gold or silver rings set with precious or semiprecious stones became common.

The ring worn by a Catholic bishop is a symbol of authority. Among many of the peoples of the world smooth, unornamented rings are used as wedding bands, following a custom that originated in ancient Rome.




a simple form of monopolistic association. It is a temporary speculative combination of several capitalists for the purpose of buying up a commodity on the market or holding the commodity in storage until it can be most profitably sold at inflated prices. The first rings appeared in the Middle Ages and were agreements between individual merchants for the establishment of monopolies. Under the conditions of industrial capitalism, rings usually appeared in times of general shortages of commodities resulting from, for example, wars or natural disasters. In the epoch of imperialism rings have been used by the monopolies as one means of establishing monopoly prices in order to increase profit.

What does it mean when you dream about a ring?

To dream of a ring as a piece of jewelry may indicate the expression of commitment to a relationship or to marriage. A ring can also represent the completion and wholeness that the dreamer is experiencing within themselves. In the case of a ringing sound, it may indicate that the dreamer needs to shift his or her attention to some issue or situation in their waking life. (See also Jewels/Jewelry, Necklace).


[riŋ] (computer science) A cyclic arrangement of data elements, usually including a specified entry pointer. (design engineering) A tie member or chain link; tension or compression applied through the center of the ring produces bending moment, shear, and normal force on radial sections. (mathematics) An algebraic system with two operations called multiplication and addition; the system is a commutative group relative to addition, and multiplication is associative, and is distributive with respect to addition. A ring of sets is a collection of sets where the union and difference of any two members is also a member. (organic chemistry) A closed loop of bonded atoms in a chemical structure, for example, benzene or cyclohexane.


A tie member or chain link. Tension or compression applied through the center of a ring produces bending moment, shear, and normal force on radial sections. Because shear stress is zero at the boundaries of the section where bending stress is maximum, it is usually neglected.


worn on fourth finger, left hand, symbolizes love. [Western Folklore: Brewer Dictionary, 919]See: Love


represents the cyclical nature of time. [Pop. Culture: Cirlot, 273–274]See: Time


11. a square apron or raised platform, marked off by ropes, in which contestants box or wrestle 2. the ring the sport of boxing 3. an area reserved for betting at a racecourse 4. a circular strip of bark cut from a tree or branch, esp in order to kill it 5. Geometry the area of space lying between two concentric circles 6. Maths a set that is subject to two binary operations, addition and multiplication, such that the set is an Abelian group under addition and is closed under multiplication, this latter operation being associative 7. Botany short for annual ring8. Chem a closed loop of atoms in a molecule 9. Astronomy any of the thin circular bands of small bodies orbiting a giant planet, esp Saturn


2 Electronics the damped oscillatory wave produced by a circuit that rings


(1) The ringer line in an early telephone cable. See tip and ring.

(2) A privilege level in the computer. When software is assigned to a ring, it may be limited to executing certain instructions in the computer. Ring 0 has the highest privilege and can access all instructions. The operating system or the virtual memory monitor (VMM) resides in ring 0.

Applications typically reside in ring 3, which has a lower priority, and are prohibited from executing instructions that address the hardware. If an application attempts to execute a prohibited instruction, an error indication (fault) is generated. Rings 1 and 2 are available in some computers, but may or may not be used. See virtual machine monitor.


(dreams)Are you dreaming about ornamental jewelry or merely noise? If you are dreaming the former, the ring may be symbolic of your commitments and promises. The ring can been seen from a larger point of view as a circle, which is a symbol of completion and wholeness. If the ring is a noise, it can be interpreted as an attention-seeking message. Consider those things that you have been ignoring or unwilling to look at and examine the details of your dream. Some people believe that a type of pleasant ringing may be a “joyful” noise and that it is the sound of God. In that case this dream is a real blessing!



 [ring] 1. any annular or circular organ, structure, or area.2. in chemistry, a collection of atoms united in a continuous or closed chain.abdominal ring, external an opening in the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle for the spermatic cord or round ligament.abdominal ring, internal an aperture in the transverse fascia for the spermatic cord or round ligament.Albl's ring a ring-shaped shadow in radiographs of the skull, caused by aneurysm of a cerebral artery.Bandl's ring see bandl's ring.benzene ring the hexagon representing the arrangement of carbon atoms in a molecule of benzene, different compounds being derived by replacement of the hydrogen atoms by different elements or compounds.Cannon's ring a focal contraction seen radiographically at the mid-third of the transverse colon, marking an area of overlap between the superior and inferior nerve plexuses.conjunctival ring a ring at the junction of the conjunctiva and cornea.constriction ring a contracted area of the uterus, where the resistance of the uterine contents is slight, as over a depression in the contour of the fetus, or below the presenting part.fibrous ring of heart anulus fibrosus.halo ring a metal orthosis used for traction in the treatment of spinal cord injuries. The halo apparatus can maintain stability and alignment of the cervical vertebrae while the patient is out of bed.inguinal ring, deep an aperture in the transverse fascia for the spermatic cord or the round ligament.inguinal ring, external superficial inguinal ring.inguinal ring, internal deep inguinal ring.inguinal ring, superficial an opening in the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle for the spermatic cord or the round ligament.Kayser-Fleischer ring a golden brown or green discoloration in the zone of Descemet's membrane in the limbic region of the cornea seen in wilson's disease and other liver disorders.pathologic retraction ring a complication of prolonged labor marked by failure of relaxation of the circular fibers at the internal opening of the cervix, obstructing delivery of the infant. See also bandl's ring.physiologic retraction ring the demarcation between the upper, contracting portion of the uterus in labor and the lower, dilating part.Schwalbe's ring a circular ridge composed of collagenous fibers surrounding the outer margin of Descemet's membrane.tympanic ring the bony ring forming part of the temporal bone at birth and developing into the tympanic plate.umbilical ring the orifice in the abdominal wall of the fetus for transmission of the umbilical vein and arteries.vascular ring a congenital anomaly of the aortic arch and its tributaries, the vessels forming a ring about the trachea and esophagus and causing varying degrees of compression.


(ring), [TA] 1. A circular band surrounding a wide central opening; an anular or circular structure surrounding an opening or level area. Synonym(s): anulus [TA]2. The closed (that is, endless) chain of atoms in a cyclic compound; commonly used for "cyclic" or "cycle." 3. A marginal growth on the upper surface of a broth culture of bacteria, adhering to the sides of the test tube in the form of a circle. Synonym(s): anulus [A.S. hring]
A 40-to-60 residue zinc-finger domain macromolecular protein consensus sequence which contains a Cys3HisCys4 amino acid motif that binds two zinc cations, and mediates protein-protein interactions—e.g., with E2 enzyme. They are the specificity determinants for cellular ubiquination and associated with certain transcription factors—e.g., TIF1b, the PML-family, NFX1, XPRF
RING is an acronym for Really Interesting New Gene


(ring) [TA] 1. Anular or circular structure surrounding an opening or level area.
Synonym(s): anulus [TA] .
2. anatomy Anulus. 3. The closed chain of atoms in a cyclic compound; commonly used for "cyclic" or "cycle." 4. A marginal growth on the upper surface of a broth culture of bacteria, adhering to the sides of the test tube in the form of a circle.


Any line, object or structure that is circular in shape.
anterior limiting ring of Schwalbe A bundle of connective tissue and elastic fibres forming the junction between the anterior termination of the trabecular meshwork and Descemet's membrane of the cornea. If it is unusually thickened or prominent, it is called posterior embryotoxon. Syn. line of Schwalbe. See direct gonioscopy; Axenfeld's syndrome; Rieger's syndrome.
Coat's white ring A small, oval or circular, whitish-grey ring opacity in the cornea found at the level of Bowman's layer, usually near the periphery. It is composed of a deposition of iron, possibly located at the site of a previous foreign body injury. No treatment is necessary. See iron line.
Fleischer's ring A narrow ring of brownish or greenish pigment containing iron, deposited in the epithelium of the cornea and surrounding (completely or partially) the base of the cone in keratoconus. It is not always present in that disease. Syn. Fleischer's line. See iron line.
Kayser-Fleischer ring A ring of pigment granules containing copper located in Descemet's membrane around the periphery of the cornea. It has a brown or greyish-green colour to the unaided eye or golden brown to reddish colour when viewed through the slit-lamp and appears in nearly all cases of Wilson's disease.
Landolt ring See Landolt ring.
Newton's ring's Circular, concentric interference fringes surrounding a point of contact when two glass surfaces are pressed together. The thicker the air film separating the two surfaces the greater the number of concentric rings.
scleral ring The appearance of a white patch of sclera adjacent to the optic disc when the retinal pigment epithelium and the choroid do not extend to the optic disc.
r . scotoma See ring scotoma.
Soemmering's ring Lens remnants found within the periphery of the capsular bag. It may occur as a result of trauma, but more commonly following extracapsular cataract extraction. The pupillary area is usually left relatively free. See after-cataract; Elschnig's pearls.
Vossius' ring An annulus-shaped opacity imprinted on the anterior lens capsule and containing pigment from the posterior epithelium of the iris. It occurs as a result of a blunt trauma to the eye in which the aqueous pressure throws the iris forcefully against the lens. The ring is usually located sufficiently off-axis not to impair vision.
Wessley ring A disc-shaped greyish opacity made up of inflammatory cells consisting of antigen-antibody complexes located in the corneal stroma. It is seen in stromal interstitial keratitis resulting from a herpes simplex virus or disciform keratitis. The ring may attract neovascularization. Syn. immune ring of Wessley.


(ring) [TA] 1. Circular band surrounding a wide central opening; anular or circular structure surrounding an opening or level area.

Patient discussion about ring

Q. What causes high pitch ringing in one ear? A. I never knew that about Iron. Thank you F3_4u

Q. Tinnitus (Ringing and Other Ear Noise) Anybody have this problem?Urrrrrrrrrrr, I think I want to shoot myself,you know what I mean.It is worst than the chinese torture.Someone, please send me a good tip how to stop it.I have this for 4 yrs and it is driving me crazy.You cannot enjoy total complete silence.They say silence is golden but not when you have this ringgi in your ears.It gets worst when there is no noise.The only remedy I have is eating hot spicy curry, it helps for 2-3 wks and then it comes back again and then eating spicy food again.Listening to classical music helps to.Oh well.....just have to suck it up.A. I've read that lipoflavinoids can help.

Q. How do you wake up in the morning if your narcolepsy is so severe you can't hear the alarm clock, phone ring? biggest problem is sleep paralysis, can't wake up. Late for work, everything, life is suffering because of severity. Have tried ritalin, natural supplements, hypnosis therapy, Provigal, antidepressants, nothing seems to work. Employer thinks it's an excuse, friends are irritated, I'm at my wits end. Life is spent sleeping more than awake.A. Narcolepsy cannot yet be cured. But EDS and cataplexy, the most disabling symptoms of the disorder, can be controlled in most patients with drug treatment. Often the treatment regimen is modified as symptoms change. For decades, doctors have used central nervous system stimulants-amphetamines such as methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine, methamphetamine, and pemoline-to alleviate EDS and reduce the incidence of sleep attacks. For most patients these medications are generally quite effective at reducing daytime drowsiness and improving levels of alertness. However, they are associated with a wide array of undesirable side effects so their use must be carefully monitored. Common side effects include irritability and nervousness, shakiness, disturbances in heart rhythm, stomach upset, nighttime sleep disruption, and anorexia. For full article: http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/narcolepsy/detail_narcolepsy.htm#120393201 Hope this helps.

More discussions about ring



A place on an exchange assigned for the trading of certain commodities, futures, or options. It is also called a pit or a trading pit.


See pit.


RINGReally Interesting New Gene
RINGRenault International Group
RINGRhode Island National Guard
RINGRegional and International Networking Group
RINGRehabilitation Insurance Nurses Group
RINGAirborne Television System (US Navy)
RINGRouting in Next Generation (Internet protocol conference)
RINGRete Integrata Nazionale GPS (Italian: Integrated National Net GPS (Global Positioning System))


Related to ring: Ringtones
  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for ring

verb phone


  • phone
  • call
  • telephone
  • buzz
  • give someone a call
  • get on the phone to
  • give someone a bell
  • give someone a tinkle
  • reach

verb chime


  • chime
  • sound
  • toll
  • resound
  • resonate
  • reverberate
  • clang
  • peal

verb reverberate


  • reverberate
  • echo
  • resound
  • resonate

noun call


  • call
  • phone call
  • buzz
  • tinkle

noun chime


  • chime
  • toll
  • jingle
  • ding
  • tinkle
  • knell
  • peal
  • dinging

phrase ring something in


  • celebrate
  • announce
  • introduce
  • proclaim
  • herald
  • usher in

noun circle


  • circle
  • round
  • band
  • circuit
  • loop
  • hoop
  • halo

noun arena


  • arena
  • enclosure
  • ground
  • field
  • circus
  • rink

noun gang


  • gang
  • group
  • firm
  • association
  • band
  • cell
  • combine
  • organization
  • circle
  • crew
  • knot
  • mob
  • syndicate
  • cartel
  • junta
  • clique
  • coterie
  • cabal

verb encircle


  • encircle
  • surround
  • enclose
  • encompass
  • seal off
  • girdle
  • circumscribe
  • hem in
  • gird

Synonyms for ring

noun a closed plane curve everywhere equidistant from a fixed point or something shaped like this


  • band
  • circle
  • circuit
  • disk
  • gyre
  • wheel
  • orb

noun a length of line folded over and joined at the ends so as to form a curve or circle


  • eye
  • loop

noun a group of individuals united in a common cause


  • bloc
  • cartel
  • coalition
  • combination
  • combine
  • faction
  • party

noun an organized group of criminals, hoodlums, or wrongdoers


  • band
  • gang
  • pack
  • mob

verb to encircle with or as if with a band


  • band
  • begird
  • belt
  • cincture
  • compass
  • encompass
  • engirdle
  • gird
  • girdle
  • girt
  • engird

verb to shut in on all sides


  • begird
  • beset
  • circle
  • compass
  • encircle
  • encompass
  • environ
  • gird
  • girdle
  • hedge
  • hem
  • surround

verb to give forth or cause to give forth a clear, resonant sound


  • bong
  • chime
  • knell
  • peal
  • strike
  • toll

verb to communicate with (someone) by telephone


  • buzz
  • call
  • telephone
  • dial
  • phone

noun a telephone communication


  • buzz
  • call

Synonyms for ring

noun a characteristic sound

Related Words

  • sound

noun a toroidal shape


  • anchor ring
  • annulus
  • doughnut
  • halo

Related Words

  • fairy circle
  • fairy ring
  • toroid

noun a rigid circular band of metal or wood or other material used for holding or fastening or hanging or pulling


  • hoop

Related Words

  • band
  • barrel
  • cask
  • carabiner
  • karabiner
  • snap ring
  • collar
  • curtain ring
  • key ring
  • napkin ring
  • nose ring
  • rim
  • tire
  • tyre
  • towel ring
  • wagon wheel

noun (chemistry) a chain of atoms in a molecule that forms a closed loop


  • closed chain

Related Words

  • chemical science
  • chemistry
  • chemical chain
  • chain
  • heterocyclic ring
  • heterocycle

noun an association of criminals


  • gang
  • mob
  • pack

Related Words

  • association
  • nest
  • youth gang
  • gangdom
  • gangland
  • organized crime
  • gangster
  • mobster

noun the sound of a bell ringing


  • ringing
  • tintinnabulation

Related Words

  • sound
  • bell ringing

noun a platform usually marked off by ropes in which contestants box or wrestle

Related Words

  • boxing ring
  • prize ring
  • canvas
  • canvass
  • platform
  • sumo ring
  • wrestling ring

noun jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger


  • band

Related Words

  • annulet
  • engagement ring
  • jewellery
  • jewelry
  • mourning ring
  • ringlet
  • seal ring
  • signet ring
  • wedding band
  • wedding ring

noun a strip of material attached to the leg of a bird to identify it (as in studies of bird migration)


  • band

Related Words

  • strip
  • slip

verb sound loudly and sonorously


  • peal

Related Words

  • sound
  • go
  • ding
  • dingdong
  • dong
  • tintinnabulate
  • peal
  • knell
  • ring out

verb ring or echo with sound


  • resound
  • reverberate
  • echo

Related Words

  • sound
  • go
  • consonate
  • reecho
  • bong

verb make (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification


  • knell

Related Words

  • sound
  • toll

verb get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone


  • phone
  • telephone
  • call up
  • call

Related Words

  • telephony
  • telephone
  • cell phone
  • call in
  • telecommunicate
  • call

verb extend on all sides of simultaneously


  • border
  • environ
  • surround
  • skirt

Related Words

  • adjoin
  • contact
  • touch
  • meet
  • fringe
  • gird
  • girdle
  • cloister
  • inclose
  • shut in
  • close in
  • enclose
  • hem in

verb attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify


  • band

Related Words

  • attach




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