Quechee State Park

Quechee State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Vermont
Location:In Quechee, off US 4.
Facilities:47 campsites (7 with lean-tos, @di), hot showers, flush toilets, picnic areas, play area, hiking trail.
Activities:Camping, hiking.
Special Features:Park occupies the site of an old wool mill. Remains of the mill and an old dam can still be seen at the head of the gorge. The park's campground was the mill's recreation area, and the current toilet building contained a skeet range, baseball field, and picnic area. All that remains of this facility are a few foundations of the fireplaces and millions of broken clay pigeons.
Address:764 Dewey Mills Rd
White River Junction, VT 05001

Web: www.vtstateparks.com/htm/quechee.cfm
Size: 611 acres.

See other parks in Vermont.