Acronym | Definition |
SCV➣Santa Clarita Valley (California) |
SCV➣Sons of Confederate Veterans |
SCV➣Supreme Court of Virginia |
SCV➣Scott Catalog Value (stamps) |
SCV➣Santa Clara Vanguard |
SCV➣South Carolina Volunteers (Union Army regiment; American Civil War) |
SCV➣Single Customer View (marketing) |
SCV➣Subsea Construction Vessel (various companies) |
SCV➣Salmonella-Containing Vacuole (pathology) |
SCV➣Speed Control Volume |
SCV➣Samsung Commercial Vehicles |
SCV➣Speed Compensated Volume |
SCV➣Slender Comfort Vehicle |
SCV➣Service Civil Volontaire (French: Civil Service Volunteer) |
SCV➣Scienze Cliniche Veterinarie (Italian: Veterinary Clinical Sciences) |
SCV➣Singapore Cable Vision |
SCV➣Sub-Cave (Portuguese: sub-level; postal usage) |
SCV➣Surface Casing Vent (geochemistry) |
SCV➣StarHub Cable Vision (formerly Singapore Cable Vision) |
SCV➣Small Cap Value (investing) |
SCV➣Space Construction Vehicle (StarCraft game) |
SCV➣Supply Chain Visibility |
SCV➣Special Category Visa (Australia) |
SCV➣Small Commercial Vessel |
SCV➣Secure Configuration Verification |
SCV➣Sarvodaya Central Vidyalaya (school; India) |
SCV➣Swirl Control Valve |
SCV➣Several Complex Variables (mathematics) |
SCV➣Submerged Combustion Vaporizer (equipment used in LNG plants) |
SCV➣Site Close-out Visit (medical studies context) |
SCV➣Space Construction Vehicle (Computer game StarCraft) |
SCV➣Squared Coefficient of Variation (statistics) |
SCV➣Stato Citta' del Vaticano (Vatican City State) |
SCV➣Speed Controlled Volume |
SCV➣Steel Containment Vessel |
SCV➣Sub-Clutter Visibility |
SCV➣Surge Control Valve |
SCV➣Saga City Vision (Japan) |
SCV➣Software Capability Verification |
SCV➣Serialized Component Verification |
SCV➣Satellite Controlled Vehicle |
SCV➣Subaru Club du Var (French car club) |
SCV➣Sterilization Chamber Vent |
SCV➣Scrap Cost Variance (steel) |