释义 |
tooalso: me too; excessive: too much Not to be confused with:to – toward, on, against, upontwo – a number: Take two; they’re small.too T0242200 (to͞o)adv.1. In addition; also: He's coming along too.2. More than enough; excessively: She worries too much.3. To a regrettable degree: My error was all too apparent.4. Very; extremely; immensely: He's only too willing to be of service.5. Informal Indeed; so: You will too do it! [Middle English to, from Old English tō, to, furthermore; see de- in Indo-European roots.]Usage Note: Some people object to the use of not too as an equivalent of not very, as in She was not too pleased with the results. In many contexts this construction is entirely idiomatic and should pass without notice: It wasn't too long ago that deregulation was being hailed as the savior of the savings and loan industry. It was not too bright of them to build in an area where rock slides occur. In these cases not too adds a note of ironic understatement. · Negation of too by can't may sometimes lead to ambiguities, as in You can't check your child's temperature too often, which may mean either that the temperature should be checked only occasionally or that it should be checked as frequently as possible.too (tuː) adv1. as well; in addition; also: can I come too?. 2. in or to an excessive degree; more than a fitting or desirable amount: I have too many things to do. 3. extremely: you're too kind. 4. informal US and Canadian indeed: used to reinforce a command: you will too do it!. 5. too right! Brit and Austral and NZ certainly; indeed[Old English tō; related to Old Frisian, Old Saxon to, Old High German zou; see to1]Usage: See at verytoo (tu) adv. 1. in addition; also; furthermore; moreover: young, clever, and rich too. 2. to an excessive or marked degree; beyond what is usual, desirable, fitting, etc.: too sick to travel; too suprised for words. 3. more, as specified, than should be: too near the fire. 4. (used as an emphatic affirmative to contradict a negative statement): I am too! 5. extremely; very (usu. with a negative): none too pleased with the results. [before 900; Middle English to, Old English, stressed variant of to (adv.), sp. too since the 16th century] also too as well">as wellYou use also, too, or as well when you are giving more information about something. 1. 'also'Also is usually used in front of a verb. If there is no auxiliary verb, you put also immediately in front of the verb, unless the verb is be. I also began to be interested in cricket.They also helped out.If the verb is be, you put also after it. I was also an American.If there is an auxiliary verb, you put also after the auxiliary verb. The symptoms of the illness were also described in the book.If there is more than one auxiliary verb, you put also after the first one. We'll also be learning about healthy eating.Also is sometimes put at the beginning of a clause. She is very intelligent. Also, she is gorgeous.Be Careful! Don't put also at the end of a clause. 2. 'too'You usually put too at the end of a clause. Now the problem affects middle-class children, too.I'll miss you, and Steve will, too.In conversation, too is used after a word or phrase when you are making a brief comment on something that has just been said. 'His father kicked him out of the house.' 'Quite right, too.''They've finished mending the road.' 'About time, too!'Too is sometimes put after the first noun phrase in a clause. I wondered whether I too would become ill., Melissa, too, felt miserable.However, the position of too can make a difference to the meaning of a sentence. 'I am an American too' can mean either 'Like the person just mentioned, I am an American' or 'Besides having the other qualities just mentioned, I am an American'. However, 'I too am an American' can only mean 'Like the person just mentioned, I am an American'. Don't put too at the beginning of a sentence. For more information, see too3. 'as well'As well always goes at the end of a clause. Filter coffee is better for your health than instant coffee. And it tastes nicer as well.They will have a difficult year next year as well.4. negativesYou don't usually use 'also', 'too', or 'as well' in negative clauses. Don't say, for example, 'I'm not hungry and she's not hungry too'. You say 'I'm not hungry and she's not hungry either', 'I'm not hungry and neither is she', or 'I'm not hungry and nor is she'. Edward wasn't at the ceremony, either.'I don't normally drink coffee in the evening.' 'Neither do I.'See either, neither, nor
so very">very tooSo, very, and too can all be used to intensify the meaning of an adjective, an adverb, or a word like much or many. 1. 'very'Very is a simple intensifier, without any other meaning. The room was very small.We finished very quickly.See very2. 'so'So can suggest an emotion in the speaker, such as pleasure, surprise, or disappointment. Juan makes me so angry!Oh, thank you so much!So can also refer forward to a result clause introduced by that. The traffic was moving so slowly that he arrived three hours late.3. 'too'Too suggests an excessive or undesirable amount. The soup is too salty.She wears too much make-up.Too can be used with a to-infinitive or with for to say that a particular result does not or cannot happen. He was too late to save her.The water was too cold for swimming.See too
tooToo can be an adverb or a grading adverb. 1. used as an adverbYou use too as an adverb to show that what has just been said applies to or includes someone or something else. Of course, you're a teacher too, aren't you?Hey, where are you from? Brooklyn? Me too!See also - too - as well2. used as a grading adverbYou use too in front of an adjective or adverb to say that an amount or degree of a quality is more than is needed or wanted. By then he was far too tall for his little bed.I realized my mistake too late.Don't use 'very' in front of too. Don't say, for example, 'The hat was very too small for her'. Say 'The hat was much too small for her' or 'The hat was far too small for her'. That may seem much too expensive.You can use rather, slightly, or a bit in front of too. The dress was rather too small for her.His hair had grown slightly too long over his ears.I'm afraid the price may just be a bit too high.Be Careful! Don't use 'fairly', 'quite', or 'pretty' in front of too. You don't normally use too with an adjective in front of a noun. Don't say, for example, 'These are too big boots'. You say 'These boots are too big'. However, too is sometimes used with an adjective in front of a noun in formal or literary English. A or an is put after the adjective. For example, you can say 'This is too complex a problem to be dealt with here'. Don't say 'This is a too complex problem to be dealt with here'. That's too easy an answer.Somehow, Vadim seems too nice a man for the job.3. used as an intensifierSome people use too in front of words like kind to say how grateful they are. This is fairly formal. You're too kind.However, you don't usually use 'too' in front of an adjective or adverb simply to emphasize it. Don't say, for example, 'I am too pleased with my new car'. The word you use is very. She was upset and very angry.Think very carefully.See very4. 'too much' and 'too many'You can use too much with an uncountable noun to say that there is more of something than is needed or wanted. They said I was earning too much money.You can also say that there is too little of something. There would be too little moisture for the plants to grow.You can use too many with a countable noun to say that there are more people or things than are needed or wanted. I was making too many mistakes.You can also say that there are too few people or things. Too few people nowadays are interested in literature.You can use much too much or far too much with an uncountable noun to say that there is very much more of something than is necessary or desirable. This would leave much too much power in the hands of the judges.These people are getting far too much attention.You can use far too many with a countable noun to say that there is a much larger number of people or things than is necessary or desirable. Don't say that there are 'much too many' of them. Every middle-class child gets far too many toys.Be Careful! Don't use too much or much too much in front of an adjective which is not followed by a noun. Don't say, for example, 'It's too much hot to play football'. Say 'It's too hot to play football' or 'It's much too hot to play football'. ThesaurusAdv. | 1.too - to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits; "too big"excessively, overly, to a fault | | 2. too - in addition; "he has a Mercedes, too"also, as well, besides, likewise |
tooadverb1. also, as well, further, in addition, moreover, besides, likewise, to boot, into the bargain Depression may be expressed physically too.2. excessively, very, extremely, overly, unduly, unreasonably, inordinately, exorbitantly, immoderately, over- I'm afraid you're too late; she's gone. see verytooadverbIn addition:additionally, also, besides, further, furthermore, item, likewise, more, moreover, still, yet.Idioms: as well, to boot.Translationstoo (tuː) adverb1. to a greater extent, or more, than is required, desirable or suitable. He's too fat for his clothes; I'm not feeling too well. 太,非常,很 太,过于,非常,很 2. in addition; also; as well. My husband likes cycling, and I do, too. 也 也too → → 我太热It's a little too hot (US) It's a bit too hot (UK) → 有点太热了The seat is too high → 座位太高It's too expensive for me → 太贵了,我买不起This is too heavy → 太重了It's too big → 太大了It's too small → 太小了The room is too cold → 房间里太热The food is too spicy → 菜太辣There's too much ... in it → 这菜里放了太多的...You were driving too fast → 你车开得太快He was driving too fast → 他车开得太快It's too loud → 太吵闹It's too smoky here → 这里烟味太大It's too late → 太晚了too See:- #MeToo
- (I) can too
- (I) spoke too soon
- (it's) nice to see you, too
- (one) is (just) too much
- (there are) too many chiefs and not enough Indians
- a (damn) sight too (something)
- a bit too much
- a bridge too far
- a good job/thing too
- a peg too low
- a sight too good, too much, etc.
- About time too
- all too (something)
- and a good job, too
- and a good thing, too
- be in too deep
- be too
- be too clever by half
- be too many for
- be too many for (someone)
- be too much
- be too much (for one)
- can too
- carry (something) too far
- carry too far
- carry/take something too, etc. far
- close call/shave, a
- come on (too) strong
- didn't care too hard
- do too
- eat one's cake and have it (too)
- eat one's cake and have it, too
- eat one's cake and have it, too, to
- go to the well too often
- go too far
- have (an amount of) plates spinning
- have (one's) cake and eat it (too)
- have (one's) finger in too many pies
- have a few too many
- have a lot on one's plate
- have cake and eat it too
- have finger in too many pies
- have had one too many
- have one too many
- have time on (one's) hands
- have too
- have too many irons in the fire
- have too much of a good thing
- have too much on (one's) plate
- have too much on plate
- I spoke too soon
- in the not too distant future
- in the not-too-distant future
- in too deep
- irons in the fire, lots of/too many
- irons in the fire, too many
- It is never too late
- It is never too late to learn
- It is never too late to mend
- keep (an amount of) balls in the air
- keep (an amount of) plates spinning
- know only too well
- know too much
- land so poor it wouldn't even raise a fuss
- land so poor you couldn't raise a fuss on it
- life is too short
- life's too short
- me too
- me, too
- none too
- none too clever, happy, quickly, etc.
- none too pleased
- none too soon
- not a minute too soon
- not a moment too soon
- not bad
- not much
- not so hot
- not so/too hot
- not to put too fine a point on it
- not too bad
- not too hot
- not too shabby
- once too often
- one too many
- only too
- only too (something)
- only too glad, ready, etc.
- only too pleased
- only too well
- pay too dearly for (one's) whistle
- protest too much
- push too far
- put too fine a point on
- put too fine a point on it
- put too much on (something)
- put too much on it
- See you, too
- speak too soon
- spread (something or oneself) too thin
- spread oneself too thin
- spread too thin
- spread yourself too thin
- take (something) too far
- take on too much
- take too much on
- that's (just) too much
- that's too bad
- That's too much!
- the not-too-distant future
- the not-too-distant past
- the pitcher will go to the well once too often
- there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians
- this too shall happen to you
- this too shall pass (away)
- this, too, shall/will pass
- too (something) by half
- too (something) for comfort
- too (something) for words
- too bad
- too big for (one's) boots
- too big for (one's) breeches
- too big for (one's) britches
- too big for britches
- too big for one's britches
- too big for one's britches (breeches)
- too big for your boots
- too clever by half
- too clever, quick, etc. by half
- too close for comfort
- too close to call
- too close/high, etc. for comfort
- too far north
- too for comfort
- too for words
- too funny for words
- too funny, sad, etc. for words
- too good to be true
- too hot for (someone or something)
- too hot for somebody
- too hot to handle
- too hot to hold (someone)
- too hot to hold you
- too little too late
- too little, too late
- too long; didn't read
- too many balls in the air
- too many chefs in the kitchen
- Too many chiefs and not enough Indians
- too many cooks
- too many cooks in the kitchen
- too many cooks spoil the broth
- too many cooks spoil the soup
- Too many cooks spoil the stew
- too many irons in the fire
- too much
- too much information
- too much like hard work
- too much of a good thing
- too posh to push
- too rich for blood
- too rich for someone’s blood
- too right
- too right/true
- too something by half
- too true
- wear too many hats
- Yesterday wouldn't be too soon
- you are never too old to learn
- you can have too much of a good thing
- you can't be too careful
- You give up too easy
- You're too much!
Acronym | Definition |
TOO➣The Other Ones | TOO➣Targets Of Opportunity | TOO➣Theatre of Operations | TOO➣Table of Organization (group structure) | TOO➣Tactical Operations Officer | TOO➣Task Order Officer | TOO➣Test Operations Order (US DoD and US NASA) |
Synonyms for tooadv alsoSynonyms- also
- as well
- further
- in addition
- moreover
- besides
- likewise
- to boot
- into the bargain
adv excessivelySynonyms- excessively
- very
- extremely
- overly
- unduly
- unreasonably
- inordinately
- exorbitantly
- immoderately
- over-
Synonyms for tooadv in additionSynonyms- additionally
- also
- besides
- further
- furthermore
- item
- likewise
- more
- moreover
- still
- yet
Synonyms for tooadv to a degree exceeding normal or proper limitsSynonyms- excessively
- overly
- to a fault
adv in additionSynonyms- also
- as well
- besides
- likewise