Voice, Weak

Voice, Weak

  1. Forced little voice, wavering like a puff of smoke —Ivan Turgenev
  2. Her voice came soft and faint, as though another person had said the words first and she was merely passing them on —Harvey Swados
  3. Her voice was small, as if she had to squeeze it up from the depths —Laura Furman
  4. Little voice, that wavered like a thread of smoke —Ivan Turgenev
  5. Voice as faint as the buzzing of a bee’s wings —Kenzaburo Oe
  6. Voice … faded, thin away. Like a river diminishing to a stream and then to a trickle —Maya Angelou
  7. Voice no bigger than a starling’s —R. Wright Campbell
  8. Voice … thin as a sheet of Zig Zag —Arnold Sawislak
  9. His voice [Tennesee Williams,] wavers unsteadily like old gray cigar smoke in a room with no ventilation, rising to a mad cackle like a wounded macaw, settling finally in a cross somewhere between Tallulah Bankhead and Everett Dirksen —Rex Reed