VTBVermont Teddy Bear
VTBVirtual Test Bed (electrical power systems software; University of South Carolina)
VTBVneshtorgbank (Russia foreign trade bank)
VTBVisual Task Board (software)
VTBVendor Take Back (real estate)
VTBVolcano the Bear (band)
VTBVic the Brick (sports radio personality)
VTBValve Trombone (musical instrument)
VTBVocational Training Board ( various locations)
VTBVolvo Trucks Belgium
VTBVirtual Tape Backup
VTBVlaamse Toeristen Bond (Flemish Tourist Board)
VTBTorpedo-Bombing Plane (US Navy)
VTBVerification Test Bed (Sprint)
VTBVacuum Tower Bottom
VTBVote to Ban (message boards)
VTBVestibular Test Battery
VTBVery High Speed Integrated Circuit Technology Brassboard
VTBVirginia Tax Bulletin