S&DSearch & Destroy
S&DScratch & Dent
S&DService & Delivery
S&DStand and Deliver
S&DSpecial and Differential (trade)
S&DSupply & Demand
S&DSpecial and Differential Treatment (various nations)
S&DSales and Distribution
S&DSupply & Distribution
S&DSoiled and Damaged (inventory)
S&DSpeech & Debate
S&DSewer & Drain (plumbing, pipe usage)
S&DSkate and Destroy (game)
S&DSelling & Distribution (commerce)
S&DStuds & Duds (sports)
S&DSuave and Debonair
S&DSchiel & Denver (publishing company)
S&DSingle and Double Reduction Gears (US Navy)
S&DSickness and Diarrhea
S&DSwipe & Deploy (marketing)