ring off

ring off

vb (Telecommunications) (intr, adverb) chiefly Brit to terminate a telephone conversation by replacing the receiver; hang up


(riŋ) past tense rang (raŋ) : past participle rung (raŋ) verb1. to (cause to) sound. The doorbell rang; He rang the doorbell; The telephone rang. (使)鳴響 响(鸣),使...响(呜) 2. (often with up) to telephone (someone). I'll ring you (up) tonight. 打電話 打电话3. (often with for) to ring a bell (eg in a hotel) to tell someone to come, to bring something etc. She rang for the maid. 按鈴請服務生 按铃叫(要) 4. (of certain objects) to make a high sound like a bell. The glass rang as she hit it with a metal spoon. 發出鈴聲般高音 产生铃声般响声5. to be filled with sound. The hall rang with the sound of laughter. 充滿響聲 充满响声(场所)响着 6. (often with out) to make a loud, clear sound. His voice rang through the house; A shot rang out. 響徹 响彻 noun1. the act or sound of ringing. the ring of a telephone. 鈴聲 铃声2. a telephone call. I'll give you a ring. 來電 打电话3. a suggestion, impression or feeling. His story has a ring of truth about it. 意味 口气ring a bell to have been seen, heard etc before, but not remembered in detail. His name rings a bell, but I don't remember where I've heard it before. 似曾見過或聽過 曾见(听)到过 ring back to telephone (someone who has telephoned). If he is busy at the moment, he can ring me back; He'll ring back tomorrow. 回電話 回电话ring off to end a telephone call. 掛斷電話 挂断电话ring true to sound true. His story does not ring true. 聽起來像真的 听来真实可靠真实的