Ultimate Xphoria

A proprietary form of ma huang which, given its content of ephedrine-like alkaloids, has been self-administered to produce euphoria; HE is composed of ephedrine (ma huang) or pseudoephedrine, and caffeine (koala nut), stimulants that simulate the effects of Ecstasy. It has been marketed as an ‘advanced designer recreational supplement’
Route Oral
Pharmacology CNS stimulant, hallucinogenic properties, alertness, paranoia, sensory distortion
Adverse reactions Hypertension, seizures, acute MI, strokes, death

Ultimate Xphoria

Substance abuse A proprietary form of ma huang which, given its high content of ephedrine-like alkaloids, may be self-administered to produce euphoria and, if taken in excess, cause death. See Herbal medicine, Natural drug, Rave party. Cf Peyote.