Polihale State Park

Polihale State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Hawaii
Location:At the end of a 5-mile-long dirt road from Mana Village, off KaumualiiHighway (Highway 50) past the Pacific Missile Range facility.
Facilities:Campground, picnic shelters, beach, scenic vista.
Activities:Tent camping, shore fishing, swimming (in summer, during calm conditions).
Special Features:Park is situated on a wild coastline with a large sand beach backed bydunes and offers good views of the high sea cliffs of Na Pali Coast.
Address:c/o Kauai District Office
3060 Eiwa St, Rm 306
Lihue, HI 96766

Web: www.hawaii.gov/dlnr/dsp/kauai.html
Size: 138 acres.

See other parks in Hawaii.