Polipoli Spring State Recreation Area

Polipoli Spring State Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Hawaii
Location:In Kula Forest Reserve, 10 miles upland from Kula on Waipoli Road offKekaulike Avenue (Highway 377); four-wheel-drive vehicle recommended.
Facilities:Campground (no showers), cabin (10-person capacity), picnic area, trails; no drinking water.
Activities:Camping, hiking, pig and seasonal bird hunting.
Special Features:Camping and lodging at Polipoli Spring are located within the fog beltof the Kula Forest Reserve at an elevation of 6,200 feet, and nightshere are generally cold, often below freezing in winter. An extensivetrail system in the Reserve includes an area of conifer forestreminiscent of the Pacific Northwest.
Address:c/o Maui District Office
54 S High St, Rm 101
Wailuku, HI 96793

Web: www.hawaii.gov/dlnr/dsp/maui.html
Size: 10 acres. Elevation: 6,200 feet.

See other parks in Hawaii.