video-assisted thoracic surgery

vid·e·o-·as·sist·ed tho·rac·ic sur·ger·y (VATS),

thoracic surgery performed using endoscopic cameras, optical systems, and display screens, as well as specially designed surgical instruments and staplers; the ability to make small incisions without spreading of the ribs is an advantage over standard thoracotomy; has been applied to most thoracic procedures.

video-assisted thoracic surgery

Surgery A format of minimally invasive thoracic surgery used to treat a number of specific lesions Indications Pulmonary nodules, effusions, infiltrates, pneumothorax, mediastinal mass, pleural mass, etc Procedures Wedge resection–excision, examination, pleural biopsy, talc pleurodesis, decortication, excision of masses, application of fibrin glue to air leak Complications Persistent air leak, A Fib, respiratory failure Conversion to open procedure 33% require conversion, due to obscure nature of lesion, malignancy, obliterated pleural space Mortality 2%

video-assisted thoracic surgery

Abbreviation: VATS
Surgery for the diagnosis and treatment of many conditions affecting the lung or the pleural space, e.g., biopsies, drainage of empyema, pulmonary resections, Heller procedures.See also: surgery

Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS)

A technique used to aid in the placement of chest tubes or when performing decortications when treating advanced empyema.Mentioned in: Empyema