spin glass

Spin glass

One of a wide variety of materials which contain interacting atomic magnetic moments and also possess some form of disorder, in which the temperature variation of the magnetic susceptibility undergoes an abrupt change in slope, that is, a cusp, at a temperature generally referred to as the freezing temperature. At lower temperatures the spins have no long-range magnetic order, but instead are found to have static or quasistatic orientations which vary randomly over macroscopic distances. The latter state is referred to as spin-glass magnetic order. Spin-glass ordering is usually detected by means of magnetic susceptibility measurements, although additional data are required to demonstrate the absence of long-range order. Closely related susceptibility cusps can also be observed by using neutron diffraction. It is not generally agreed whether spin glasses undergo a phase transition or not. See Magnetic susceptibility, Neutron diffraction, Phase transitions

spin glass

[′spin ‚glas] (solid-state physics) A substance in which the atomic spins are oriented in random but fixed directions.