Quervain, Alfred de

Quervain, Alfred de


Born June 15, 1879, in Zürich; died there Jan. 6, 1927. Swiss geophysicist.

Beginning in 1915, Quervain was a professor at the University of Zürich. His principal works were in aerology, seismology, and glaciology. In 1901 he conducted a series of ascents of sounding balloons in Russia (in St. Petersburg and Moscow). He improved the methods of aerological observations and designed a theodolite for piloted-balloon observations. In 1912–13 he took part in the Swiss expedition that crossed Greenland from west to east. He also designed and built a 21-ton seismograph (with A. Pic-card).


Khrgian, A. Kh. Ocherki razvitiia meteorologii. Leningrad, 1948.
Billwiller, R. “Alfred August de Quervain (1879–1927).” Vierteljahrsschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich, 1927, vol. 72, pp. 424–32. (Contains a bibliography of Quervain’s works.)