Turck degeneration

Türck de·gen·er·a·tion

(tērk), degeneration of a nerve fiber and its sheath distal to the point of injury or section of the axon; usually applied to degeneration within the central nervous system.

Türck de·gen·er·a·tion

(tērk dĕ-jen'ĕr-ā'shŭn) Degeneration of a nerve fiber and its sheath distal to the point of injury or section of the axon; usually applied to degeneration within the central nervous system.


Ludwig, Austrian neurologist, 1810-1868. Türck bundle - uncrossed fibers forming a small bundle in the pyramidal tract. Synonym(s): Türck column; Türck tractTürck column - Synonym(s): Türck bundleTürck degeneration - degeneration of a nerve fiber and its sheath distal to the point of injury or section of the axon.Türck tract - Synonym(s): Türck bundle