

单词 sdl
释义 DictionarySeeUML



Specification and Design Language.

Defined by the ITU-T (recommendation Z100) to provide a toolfor unambiguous specification and description of the behaviourof telecommunications systems. The area of application alsoincludes process control and real-time applications. SDLprovides a Graphic Representation (SDL/GR) and a textualPhrase Representation (SDL/PR), which are equivalentrepresentations of the same semantics. A system is specifiedas a set of interconnected abstract machines which areextensions of the Finite State Machine (FSM).

1. System Software Development Language. System software forthe B1700. "System Software Development Language ReferenceManual", 1081346, Burroughs Corp (Dec 1974).

2. Specification and Description Language. ITU-T.Specification language with both graphical and character-basedsyntaxes for defining interacting extended finite statemachines. Used to specify discrete interactive systems suchas industrial process control, traffic control, andtelecommunication systems. Proc Plenary Assembly, Melbourne14-1988-11-25, Fasc X.1, CCITT. "Telecommunications SystemsEngineering Using SDL", R. Saracco et al, N-H 1989. Availablefrom Verilog, MD. (See XDL).

3. Shared Dataspace Language. "A Shared Dataspace LanguageSupporting Large-Scale Concurrency", G. Roman et al, Proc 8thIntl Conf Distrib Comp Sys, IEEE 1988, pp.265-272.

4. Structure Definition Language. Used internally by DEC todefine and generate the symbols used for VAX/VMS internal datastructures in various languages.

5. System Description Language. language used by the Eiffel/Simplementation of Eiffel to assemble clusters into a system.(see Lace).


(Specification and Description Language) A modeling language used to describe real-time systems. It is widely used to model state machines in the telecommunications, aviation, automotive and medical industries. SDL is used to model the details of a system, which can be simulated and proven, whereas UML is used to model at a higher level of abstraction.

There are three parts to an SDL diagram: the system definition, block and process. The system definition defines the major nodes (blocks) of the system such as clients and servers, while the block charts show more details. The process diagram shows the processing steps in each block. See state machine and UML.

SDL Process Diagram
This simple system in a server lets the user add two numbers at a terminal. There is more detail in this diagram than in the UML model from which it originated (see below). (Diagram courtesy of Telelogic, AB, www.telelogic.com)

UML Equivalent
This UML diagram was turned into the SDL description above by Telelogic's UML to SDL Translator (see UML for more diagrams). (Diagram courtesy of Telelogic, AB, www.telelogic.com)


SDLSAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) Delay Line
SDLSecurity Development Lifecycle
SDLSturm der Liebe (German: Storm of Love)
SDLSimple DirectMedia Layer
SDLSkills Development Levy (tax; South Africa)
SDLStudio Daniel Libeskind (architecture firm; various locations)
SDLSchool of Distance Learning (various organizations)
SDLSelf Directed Learning
SDLScheduling Description Language
SDLSimple Data Link
SDLSolution Deliverables List
SDLShielded Data Link
SDLSpecification and Description Language
SDLSystem Directory List
SDLService Definition Language
SDLSimple Directmedia Library
SDLSound Library
SDLSlidell (Amtrak station code; Slidell, LA)
SDLSpecification and Description Language (CCITT)
SDLSoftware Development Lifecycle
SDLSpace Dynamics Laboratory
SDLSustainable Development Law
SDLSchematic Driven Layout
SDLService Description Language
SDLSchool District Leadership (New York)
SDLSoftware Development Library
SDLSystem Description Language
SDLStructural Dynamics Laboratory (US NASA)
SDLStatewide Database Licensing (Washington State Library)
SDLSystems Development Laboratory (JPL)
SDLSpecification and Design Language
SDLSystem Design Language
SDLSogosogo Duavata Ni Lewenivanua (United Fiji Party, Fiji)
SDLService Delivery Lead
SDLStorage Definition Language
SDLStatistical Disclosure Limitation
SDLSystem Design Laboratory
SDLSchool Download Library (OverDrive, Inc.)
SDLSoftware Development Laboratory
SDLSuperimposed Dead Load
SDLSerial Data Link
SDLSundsvall, Sweden - Sundsvall (Airport Code)
SDLSearch Digital Libraries
SDLSecure Domain Logon
SDLStructure Description Language
SDLStrana Demokratické Levice (Czech Republic)
SDLSupported Distance Learning (various locations)
SDLSymbian Developer Library (computing)
SDLSignaling Data Link
SDLSociolinguistique et Dynamique des Langues (French: Sociolinguistics and Dynamic Languages)
SDLStandard Distribution List
SDLSatellite Data Link
SDLSoft Defect Localization (scanning laser microscopy methodology)
SDLSoftware Development Lohninger
SDLSurface Data Logging
SDLState Designated Level
SDLSample Detection Limit
SDLStructured Design Language
SDLScouts du Liban (Lebanon)
SDLStammdienststelle der Luftwaffe (German)
SDLSensor Data Link
SDLSynchronous Delay Line
SDLSwitched Delay Line (fiber optics)
SDLSupplementary Defect List
SDLScreen Definition Language
SDLShared Distribution List
SDLSolution Demonstration Laboratory
SDLSpace Disturbances Laboratory
SDLScottsdale, Arizona - Municipal (airport code)
SDLSmart Data Loopback (Hekimian)
SDLSupplier Document List
SDLSubcontractor Data List
SDLStandard Direct Layer (low level computer graphics)




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