Tureng Tepe
Tureng Tepe
a Bronze Age settlement located 20 km northeast of Gorgan, Iran. It was excavated by an American expedition (F. Wulsin, 1931) and by a joint Iranian and French expedition (J. Deshayes, 1960–68). The lower layers probably date from the Aneolithic period. Tureng Tepe was one of the largest centers of northeastern Iran in the Bronze Age (second half of the third millennium and the early second millennium B.C.); the As-terabad Treasure, which was found there and contained gold, bronze, and stone objects, dates to this time. The culture of Tureng Tepe during the period of the city’s zenith closely parallels that of Hissar. The upper layers of the settlement date from the first millennium B.C.
Masson, V. M. Sredniaia Aziia i Drevnii Vostok. Moscow-Leningrad, 1964.Deshayes, J. “New Evidence for the Indio-Europeans From Tureng Tepe, Iran.” Archaeology, 1969, vol. 22, no. 1.