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oxaluria[‚äk·səl′yu̇r·ē·ə] (medicine) The presence of oxalic acid or oxalates in the urine. oxaluria
hyperoxaluria [hi″per-ok″sah-lu´re-ah] an excess of oxalates in the urine, which can lead to formation of kidney stones. Called also oxaluria.enteric hyperoxaluria formation of calculi" >calcium oxalate calculi in the urinary tract, occurring after extensive resection or disease of the ileum, due to excessive absorption of oxalate from the colon.primary hyperoxaluria an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by urinary excretion of oxalate, with nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis, early onset of renal failure, and often a generalized deposit of calcium oxalate.hy·per·ox·a·lu·ri·a (hī'pĕr-ok'să-lyū'rē-ă), Presence of an unusually large amount of oxalic acid or oxalates in the urine; renal stones may occur. Synonym(s): oxaluriahy·per·ox·a·lu·ri·a (hī'pĕr-ok-să-lyūr'ē-ă) Presence of an unusually large amount of oxalic acid or oxalates in the urine. Synonym(s): oxaluria. oxaluria Abnormal excretion of oxalic acid or oxalates in the urine.hy·per·ox·a·lu·ri·a (hī'pĕr-ok-să-lyūr'ē-ă) Presence of an unusually large amount of oxalic acid or oxalates in the urine. Synonym(s): oxaluria. |