释义 |
spinovestibular tract spinovestibular tract [TA] a group of axons that originate from neurons primarily in lumbosacral levels; ascend ipsilaterally and in close apposition to the posterior spinocerebellar tract; and terminate in the lateral, medial, and spinal vestibular nuclei. Some of these axons may be collaterals of posterior spinocerebellar fibers. Synonym(s): tractus spinovestibularis [TA]spi·no·ves·tib·u·lar tract (spī'nō-ves-tib'yū-lăr trakt) [TA] A group of axons that originate from neurons primarily in lumbosacral levels, ascend ipsilaterally and in close apposition to the posterior spinocerebellar tract, and terminate in the lateral, medial, and spinal vestibular nuclei. Some of these axons may be collaterals of posterior spinocerebellar fibers. |