释义 |
USR (1)U.S. Robotics, Inc.usr (2)User. The "/usr" directory hierarchy on Unix systems. Onceupon a time, in the early days of Unix, this area actuallyheld users' home directories and files. Since these tend toexpand much faster than system files, /usr would be mounted onthe biggest disk on the system. The root directory, "/" incontrast, contains only what is needed to boot the kernel,after which /usr and other disks could be mounted as part ofthe multi-user start-up process.
/usr has been used as the "everything else" area, with many"system" files such as compiler libraries (/usr/include,/usr/lib), utilty programs (/usr/bin, /usr/ucb), games(/usr/games), local additions (/usr/local), manuals(/usr/man), temporary files and queues for various daemons(/usr/spool). These optional extras have grown in size asUnix has evolved and disks have dropped in price. Under laterversions of SunOS, the user files have fled /usr altogetherfor a new "/home" partition and temporary files have movedto "/var". This allows /usr to be mounted read-only with somegain in security and performance since access times are notupdated for files on read-only file systems.USR
Acronym | Definition |
USR➣Ufficio Scolastico Regionale (Italian: Regional Office of Education) | USR➣U.S. Robotics | USR➣Unix System Resources | USR➣Upper Saddle River (New Jersey) | USR➣Ultimate Software Radio | USR➣Us Robotics | USR➣User Service Request | USR➣Unix Directory Structure | USR➣Unix System Resource | USR➣Unit Status Report | USR➣Urban Search and Rescue | USR➣Ufficio Studi e Ricerche (Italian: Office of Studies and Research; Canton Ticino, Switzerland) | USR➣User Support Room (US NASA) | USR➣Usui System of Reiki (natural healing) | USR➣Upwelling Solar Radiation (meteorology) | USR➣Universities Statistical Record | USR➣Universal Sporting Rifle (Steyr) | USR➣Universal Space Rectangular | USR➣Up Stage Right | USR➣Unité de Secours Régional (French: Regional Emergency Unit; Switzerland) | USR➣Unit Safety Representative | USR➣Uniunii Studentilor Din România (Romania) | USR➣Upstream Ready | USR➣Unsatisfactory Service Report |