Sitka Summer Music Festival

Sitka Summer Music Festival

First three weeks in JuneThe Sitka Summer Music Festival is a series of concerts featuring internationally known musicians, held during the first three weeks in June in Sitka, Alaska. Chamber music concerts are held on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, and there are programs ranging from classical to pop. The concerts are given in the Centennial Building auditorium, which has a wall of glass behind the stage. Since the nights are light in June, the audience can look at mountains, eagles, water, and mist while listening to the music. Violin virtuoso Paul Rosenthal founded the festival in 1972, producing the first musical event with four other musicians, and going on to emphasize a repertoire of 18th- and 19th-century classics.
Sitka Summer Music Festival
P.O. Box 201988
Anchorage, AK 99520
907-277-4852; fax: 907-277-4842
MusFestAmer-1990, p. 22