

单词 sdp



abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Social Democratic Party



Service Discovery Protocol


(1) (Standard Downstream Port) See USB power.

(2) (Session Description Protocol) An IETF protocol that defines a text-based message format for describing a multimedia session. Data such as version number, contact information, broadcast times and audio and video encoding types are included in the message. Designed originally for describing multicast transmissions in the Mbone, SDP is also used by the RTSP streaming protocol and SIP and MGCP IP telephony protocols. See SDP, Mbone, RTSP, SIP and MGCP/MEGACO.



ISO 4217 code for the first Sudanese pound. It was introduced in 1956, replacing the Egyptian pound. The pound was itself replaced by the Sudanese dinar in 1992, but it continued to circulate in Southern Sudan and the dinar was used only in the North. Both currencies were replaced by the second Sudanese pound in 2007.


SDPSession Description Protocol
SDPService Delivery Platform (Sprint)
SDPSocial Democratic Party
SDPSustainable Development Plan (various locations)
SDPSingapore Democratic Party
SDPStrategic Development Plan (various organizations)
SDPSustainable Development Programme (various organizations)
SDPSociety of Decorative Painters
SDPSustainable Development Practice
SDPSubmersible Dewatering Pump
SDPSan Diego Padres
SDPSoftware Data Protection
SDPSakai Display Products (liquid display crystals)
SDPStowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy Polskich (Polish: Association of Polish Journalists)
SDPSchool District of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)
SDPService Discovery Protocol
SDPSkills Development Project (various organizations)
SDPSpecial Diabetes Program (est. 1997)
SDPStaff Development Programme (various locations)
SDPSocial Development Policy (various locations)
SDPSystem Design Principles
SDPShared Data Pool
SDPSecure Device Provisioning
SDPSoftware Distribution Points
SDPSockets Direct Protocol
SDPSession Destination Protocol
SDPSession Data Protocol
SDPService Delivery Platform
SDPStorserver Data Protection
SDPStorage Data Protector
SDPSite Data Protection Program
SDPService Delivery Point
SDPSoftware Defined Radio
SDPSpookie Daly Pride (band)
SDPService Delivery Point (various organizations)
SDPSchool Development Planning (various locations)
SDPSemidefinite Programming
SDPSoftware Development Plan
SDPSoftware Development Process
SDPSavings Deposit Program
SDPSocial Democratic Party of Croatia
SDPSoftware Development Platform
SDPSite Development Plan
SDPSharp Display Products Corporation (Japan)
SDPSchool Development Program
SDPShift Differential Pay
SDPSubstantive Due Process
SDPSigma Delta Pi (National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society)
SDPService du Domaine Public (French: Service in the Public Domain; Switzerland)
SDPService Data Point
SDPSelf-Directed Plan (various organizations)
SDPSociety of Decorating Professionals
SDPSosiaalidemokraattinen Puolue (Finnish: Finnish Social Democratic Party)
SDPSkype Developer Program
SDPStable Dependencies Principle
SDPSummer Dance Program (Boston, MA)
SDPScitex Digital Printing (Dayton, OH)
SDPScience Data Processing
SDPSpecial Duty Pay (US DoD)
SDPSoftware Development Procedure
SDPStrategic Distribution Platform (US DoD)
SDPStrain Distribution Pattern
SDPSocial, Domestic and Pleasure (motor insurance)
SDPSystem Development Plan
SDPState Data Program (highway safety)
SDPStudent Diversity Program (various locations)
SDPSenior Design Project
SDPSefate Democratic Party (Lesotho)
SDPStarter Deck Pegasus (Yu-Gi-Oh cards)
SDPService Delivery Partner
SDPSilent Drill Platoon
SDPScientific Diving Program (various organizations)
SDPSignal Data Processor
SDPSum of Disjoint Products
SDPSafety Data Package
SDPSupport to Deprived Peoples
SDPSouthern Diversified Products (Hattiesburg, MS)
SDPStudent Development Program
SDPService Delivery Professional
SDPStreaming Data Procedure
SDPSecretarial Development Program (US FEMA)
SDPSystem Design Plan
SDPSustainable Development Partnership
SDPSystem Decision Paper
SDPSimplified Deep Space Perturbation (astronomy)
SDPSosyalist Devrim Partisi (Turkey)
SDPSteepest Descent Path
SDPSilent Discharge Plasma
SDPStatistical Documentation Program (Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission)
SDPSectoral Development Programme
SDPShelf Discovery Protocol (Cisco)
SDPSodium Dihydrogen Phosphate
SDPStrategic Data Plan
SDPStandard Data Processor
SDPSite Data Processor
SDPSand Point Municipal Airport (Alaska)
SDPSpiral Development Process
SDPSilver Discount Properties (Los Angeles, CA)
SDPSuivi de Projet (French: Project Tracking)
SDPSequenced Data with Poll (Cisco)
SDPSanjak Democratic Party (Serbia)
SDPSocial Development Partnerships (Canada)
SDPSegment and Drop Policy (IEEE)
SDPSimple Device Protocol
SDPSystem Definition Phase
SDPSpray Dried Powder (ceramic industry)
SDPSingle Department Purchasing
SDPSpecial Documentation Project
SDPService Drive Process (automobile dealerships)
SDPSimilar Data Pattern
SDPSystem Data Processor
SDPSlave Dispatch Processor
SDPSuomen Demokraattinen Puolue (Finnish: Finnish Democratic Party)
SDPSocijalna Demokratska Partija
SDPSolvent Detergent Plasma (hematology)
SDPSource Data Package
SDPScenario Development Plan
SDPScreen Definition Processor (Unisys)
SDPSolution Development Prompter (CustomerCentric Systems, LLC)
SDPSensor Display Processor
SDPSpecial Departure Procedure (thrust deficient aircraft)
SDPStrategic Distribution Partner
SDPSupplier Delivery Performance
SDPService Delivery/Distribution Point
SDPSet Delay Point
SDPSynchronous Data Push
SDPStorage & Distribution Point
SDPStandard Distance Package
SDPSigma Delta Phi Sorority (University of the Philippines)
ThesaurusSeeSocial Democratic Party




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