

单词 sdr




dimension ratio

The average specified diameter of a pipe divided by the minimum specified wall thickness.

standard dimensions ratio (SDR)

The ratio of the average specified outside diameter to the minimum specified wall thickness of a pipe.



See: Special drawing rights

Special Drawing Rights

A reserve currency created by the International Monetary Fund to reduce the pressure on gold and the U.S. dollar in international transactions. It was established in the late 1960s and is mainly used in the IMF's internal accounting. A few currencies are pegged to the SDR; they derive their value from a currency basket consisting of the U.S. dollar, the Japanese yen, the British pound, and the euro.






SDRSoftware Defined Radio (interoperable cellular technology)
SDRSales Development Representative (various companies)
SDRSpecial Drawing Rights (of the International Monetary Fund)
SDRState Department of Rehabilitation (various locations)
SDRStandard Dynamic Range (video)
SDRSecret Decoder Ring
SDRSingle Data Rate (semiconductors/memory/RAM)
SDRSustainable Development Report (various companies)
SDRSveriges Dövas Riksförbund (Swedish: Swedish Association of the Deaf)
SDRSwap Data Repository (finance)
SDRSara Delano Roosevelt
SDRSoftware Defined Radar
SDRSensor Data Records
SDRSoftware Drivers
SDRStorage Descriptor Register
SDRSingle Data Rate
SDRSoftware Defined Radio
SDRSynchronous Dynamic Ram
SDRSpecial Drawing Rights
SDRSession Director
SDRStrategic Defence Review (British government report)
SDRStandard Dimension Ratio (pipe specification; ratio of diameter to wall thickness)
SDRSüddeutscher Rundfunk (now defunct Southern German Radio Station; merged with SWF to SWR)
SDRSystem Design Review
SDRStudent Disciplinary Regulations (conduct code; various schools)
SDRSelective Dorsal Rhizotomy
SDRSupply Discrepancy Report
SDRSystem Definition Review
SDRScalable Data Reduction (various companies)
SDRSession Directory
SDRSpeaker Dependent Recognition (speech recognition)
SDRService Difficulty Report
SDRSensor Data Record
SDRSatellite Digital Radio (ETSI standard)
SDRSpoken Document Retrieval
SDRSony Dream Robot
SDRSediment Delivery Ratio
SDRSystem Design Responsibility
SDRSuper Desperation Radio (Internet radio)
SDRSociété de Développement Régional (French: regional development company)
SDRSecretaría de Desarrollo Rural (Spanish: Ministry of Rural Development; Mexico)
SDRSubcommittee on Disaster Reduction (MCEER)
SDRSpace Division Regulation (US Air Force)
SDRSoftware Design Review
SDRStreaming Data Request
SDRStop Drop and Roll
SDRSignal-to-Distortion Ratio
SDRSum Difference Ratio (imaging)
SDRStandard Data Release (Long-Term Pavement Performance)
SDRShort Direct Repeat
SDRSystem of Distinct Representatives
SDRSantander, Spain - Santander (Airport Code)
SDRStandardized Death Rate (cancer)
SDRStandard Drawing Rights
SDRStandard Direct Receiver
SDRSustainable Design Resources (California)
SDRState-Dependent Routing
SDRService Desk Request (computer support; various organizations)
SDRService Delivery Router (Zeugma)
SDRSupplier Deviation Request (various companies)
SDRSupplier Document Requirement
SDRSystem Development Requirement
SDRStandard Diameter Ratio (pipe)
SDRSpecial Dietary Requirement (nutrition)
SDRSpec Deviation Request (construction)
SDRSign-Difference Ratio
SDRSoftware Discrepancy Report
SDRSystem Deviation Report (inspections)
SDRSystem Dynamic Range
SDRStatistical Data Recorder
SDRStorage Data Register
SDRStudent Dining Room (Moody Bible Institute)
SDRSurveillance Detection Route
SDRStrategic Data Retention (document management; Atlanta, GA)
SDRSession Detail Record
SDRSurrogate Digital Radio
SDRSubeconomic Demonstrated Resources (Australian mining)
SDRSurveillance Detection Run
SDRSupply Demand Review
SDRSplash Detection Radar
SDRSmall Development Requirement
SDRSoftware Development Review (Microsoft)
SDRSex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll
SDRSubsystem Design Review
SDRSequence Determined Redundancy
SDRSingle Design Review
SDRSystolic Diastolic Ratio
SDRSource Directed Requirement
SDRSoftware Development Request
SDRSchedule Delete Request
SDRSoftware Deficiency Report
SDRSubsystem Design Requirement
SDRSignal Data Recorder
SDRSystems Data Resources (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)
SDRSpatial Data Repository
SDRService Defect Rate
SDRShared Data Repository (data warehousing concept)
SDRSurrogate Data Radio
SDRService Driven Routing
SDRStaged Data Repository
SDRShipping Destination Room
SDRSample Discrepancy Report
SDRStandard Distribution of Resistance
SDRStrange Dave Rosenberg (Long Island, New York band)
SDRState Department Request
SDRSuper Data Rate
SDRSonar Data Recorder
SDRSurface Duct Receiver
SDRSame Day Resolution
SDRSubcontractor Disposition Request
SDRSurveillance, Data Recording and Reprographics (Kodak)
SDRStress/Design Report
SDRSingle Donation Record (records kept with each volunteer blood donation)
SDRSupplemental Definition of Requirement
SDRSignal Data Reproducer
SDRService Discrepancy Report (replaced Report of Deficiency, ROD)
SDRSpatial Diversity Receiver
SDRSlam Dunk Records (Lusaka, Zambia)
ThesaurusSeespecial drawing rights




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