

单词 ripe



R0256200 (rīp)adj. rip·er, rip·est 1. Fully developed; mature: ripe peaches.2. Sufficiently advanced in preparation or aging to be used or eaten: ripe cheese.3. Thoroughly matured, as by study or experience; seasoned: ripe judgment.4. Advanced in years: the ripe age of 90.5. Fully prepared to do or undergo something; ready: "By 1965 the republic was ripe for a coup" (Alex Shoumatoff).6. Sufficiently advanced; opportune: The time is ripe for great societal changes.7. Sensuous and full: ripe lips.8. Coarse or indecent; vulgar: the comic's ripe language.9. Emitting a foul odor: "the dirt and stench ... the mountains of ripe bushmeat in every camp" (Bryan Mealer).
[Middle English, from Old English rīpe.]
ripe′ly adv.ripe′ness n.


(raɪp) adj1. (Botany) (of fruit, grain, etc) mature and ready to be eaten or used; fully developed2. mature enough to be eaten or used: ripe cheese. 3. fully developed in mind or body4. resembling ripe fruit, esp in redness or fullness: a ripe complexion. 5. (foll by: for) ready or eager (to undertake or undergo an action)6. (foll by: for) suitable; right or opportune: the time is not yet ripe. 7. mature in judgment or knowledge8. advanced but healthy (esp in the phrase a ripe old age)9. slang a. complete; thoroughb. excessive; exorbitant10. slang slightly indecent; risqué[Old English rīpe; related to Old Saxon rīpi, Old High German rīfi, German reif] ˈripely adv ˈripeness n



adj. rip•er, rip•est. 1. completely matured or developed, as grain or fruit that is ready for harvesting or eating. 2. resembling fruit, as in ruddiness and fullness: ripe red lips. 3. advanced to the point of being in the best condition for use, as cheese or beer. 4. characterized by full development of body or mind; mature: of ripe years. 5. of mature judgment or knowledge: a ripe mind. 6. (of time) advanced: a ripe old age. 7. (of ideas, plans, etc.) ready for action, execution, etc. 8. (of people) completely ready to do or undergo something: ripe for a change in jobs. 9. ready enough; auspicious: The time is ripe for a new policy. 10. ready for some operation or process: a ripe abscess. [before 900; Middle English; Old English rīpe, c. Old Saxon rīpi, Old High German rīfi (German reif)] ripe′ly, adv. ripe′ness, n.


  • immature - Comes from Latin words meaning "not ripe."
  • market-ripe - Describing fruits and vegetables picked before they are ripe.
  • mellow - Describing fruit that is soft, sweet, and juicy when ripe.
  • ripe - The bank of a river or a seashore.


In mine warfare, a word once used to mean "armed." See also armed mine.
Adj.1.ripe - fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used; "ripe peaches"; "full-bodied mature wines"matureunripe, unripened, green, immature - not fully developed or mature; not ripe; "unripe fruit"; "fried green tomatoes"; "green wood"
2.ripe - fully prepared or eager; "the colonists were ripe for revolution"ready - completely prepared or in condition for immediate action or use or progress; "get ready"; "she is ready to resign"; "the bridge is ready to collapse"; "I am ready to work"; "ready for action"; "ready for use"; "the soup will be ready in a minute"; "ready to learn to read"
3.ripe - most suitable or right for a particular purpose; "a good time to plant tomatoes"; "the right time to act"; "the time is ripe for great sociological changes"good, rightopportune - suitable or at a time that is suitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose; "an opportune place to make camp"; "an opportune arrival"
4.ripe - at the highest point of development especially in judgment or knowledge; "a ripe mind"mature - characteristic of maturity; "mature for her age"
5.ripe - far along in timeripe - far along in time; "a man of advanced age"; "advanced in years"; "a ripe old age"; "the ripe age of 90"advancedlate - being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time; "late evening"; "late 18th century"; "a late movie"; "took a late flight"; "had a late breakfast"


adjective1. ripened, seasoned, ready, mature, mellow, fully developed, fully grown Always choose firm, but ripe fruit.
ripened green, immature, undeveloped, unripe
2. right, fit, ready, suitable Conditions are ripe for an outbreak of cholera.3. mature, old, advanced, hoary He lived to the ripe old age of 65.4. suitable, timely, ideal, favourable, auspicious, opportune The time is ripe for high-level dialogue.
suitable inappropriate, unfitting, unsuitable, inconvenient, unseemly, untimely, unfavourable, inopportune, disadvantageous
5. (with for) ready for, prepared for, eager for, in readiness for Do you think she's ripe for romance again?


adjective1. Having reached full growth and development:adult, big, developed, full-blown, full-fledged, full-grown, grown, grown-up, mature.Idiom: of age.2. Brought to full flavor and richness by aging:aged, mellow.


(raip) adjective (negative unripe) (of fruit, grain etc) ready to be gathered in or eaten. ripe apples/corn. 成熟的 成熟的ˈripeness noun 成熟 成熟ˈripen verb to make or become ripe or riper. The sun ripened the corn; The corn ripened in the sun. (使)成熟 使...成熟,成熟 ripe (old) age a very old age. He lived to the ripe (old) age of ninety-five. 老年 老年




be ripe for the picking

To be in an ideal position or at the perfect stage to be utilized, benefited or profited from, taken advantage of, exploited, etc. (Alludes to fruit being at the right stage to be harvested.) Assert our brand early and aggressively enough, and this new market will be ripe for the picking. I heard that massive company just dropped their current PR team—that contract is ripe for the picking! This land is ripe for the picking if we can get the locals to sign over the rights to it.See also: picking, ripe

early ripe, early rotten

A child prodigy will likely lose their abilities as they age. A: "But you played the piano so beautifully when you were younger." B: "I know. I guess it's true what they say—early ripe, early rotten."See also: early, rotten

live to a ripe old age

To live to an especially old age. You won't be living to a ripe old age if you keep eating all that junk food! My grandmother on my dad's side lived to the ripe old age of 108.See also: age, live, old, ripe

ripe for (something)

In the condition that most invites or calls for something to happen, or particularly ready or in need of something. In the absence of the dictator's authoritarian regime, the country is ripe for the rise of extremist groups. The industry claims that it has instituted safety standards, but in reality it is ripe for reform.See also: ripe

the time is ripe

Now is the best moment or most favorable time to do something. With prices so low, the time is ripe to buy up real estate in the city. Public sentiment is on our side. The time is ripe for revolution!See also: ripe, time

at a/the ripe old age

At an especially old age. Even at the ripe old age of 90, my grandmother still loves to go shopping.See also: age, old, ripe

to a/the ripe old age

To an especially old age. You won't live to a ripe old age if you keep eating all that junk food! My grandmother on my dad's side lived to the ripe old age of 108.See also: age, old, ripe

like a ripe plum

Easily; with very little resistance. After a few months of being cut off from supplies, the city will fall into our hands like a ripe plum.See also: like, plum, ripe

ripe old age

A very old age. Even at the ripe old age of 90, my grandmother still loves to go shopping. All I want at the end of my life is to die at a ripe old age surrounded by my family.See also: age, old, ripe

Early ripe, early rotten,

 and Soon ripe, soon rotten.Prov. A child with extraordinary talent or intelligence will probably lose those qualities by the time he or she grows up. Jill: Philip was such a fine young boy; I'm surprised he's become such a good-for-nothing adult. Jane: Early ripe, early rotten. Jane: You must be very proud of your little boy. He seems so mature for his age. Ellen: I'm afraid it won't last. You know what they say: "Soon ripe, soon rotten."See also: early, rotten

ripe old age

a very old age. Mr. Smith died last night, but he lived to a ripe old age—99. All the Smiths seem to reach a ripe old age.See also: age, old, ripe

time is ripe

Prov. It is the most favorable time to do something. You ought to buy a house this year. Prices are so low, and you have enough money saved for a down payment. The time is ripe. Since Joe was in a good mood, I judged that the time was ripe to ask him for the favor I needed.See also: ripe, time

when the time is ripe

Fig. at exactly the right time. I'll tell her the good news when the time is ripe. When the time is ripe, I'll bring up the subject again.See also: ripe, time

ripe old age

An age advanced in years, as in I expect to live to a ripe old age. The adjective ripe here means "fully developed physically and mentally," but the current use of the idiom usually just signifies a long lifespan. [Second half of 1300s] See also: age, old, ripe

time is ripe

This is the right moment for something, as in The time is ripe for a revival of that play. Shakespeare used this term (and may have originated it) in 1 Henry IV (1:3): "Letters shall direct your course when time is ripe." See also: ripe, time

like a ripe plum (or ripe plums)

used to convey that something can be obtained with little or no effort.See also: like, plum, ripe

at/to a ˈripe old age


at/to the ripe old age of...

at/to a very old age: My grandmother lived to a ripe old age.My uncle was still driving a car at the ripe old age of 89.See also: age, old, ripe

the time is ˈripe (for somebody) (to do something)


the time is ˈripe for something/for doing something

(literary) it is the right time to do something: I think the time’s ripe for him to leave home if he wants to.The time is ripe for a change in this country.See also: ripe, time


1. mod. alcohol intoxicated. Yes, they were ripe all right. Stinking drunk. 2. mod. foul; smelly. Whooey! This place is ripe. What died? 3. mod. crude; raunchy. Your jokes are a bit ripe.

ripe old age

Advanced in years, quite old. This expression is itself of a ripe old age—it dates from the second half of the fourteenth century—and is generally used in a positive, admiring sense.W. Somerset Maugham used it in Creatures of Circumstance (1947): “. . . little house in the country where he could potter about till death claimed him at a ripe old age.”See also: age, old, ripe

time is ripe, the

This is a suitable occasion or moment for a particular event. Time here is likened to fruit that has ripened and is ready to pick or eat. The term was already known in Shakespeare’s time. He used it in Henry IV, Part 1: “I by letters shall direct your course. When time is ripe, which will be suddenly, I’ll steal to Glendower and Lord Mortimer” (1.3).See also: time



(of fruit, grain, etc.) mature and ready to be eaten or used; fully developed


[rīp] (botany) Of fruit, fully developed, having mature seed and so usable as food. (forestry) Of timber or a forest, ready to be cut. (geology) Referring to peat, in an advanced state of decay. (hydrology) Descriptive of snow that is in a condition to discharge meltwater; ripe snow usually has a coarse crystalline structure, a snow density near 0.5, and a temperature near 32°F (0°C).


R?seaux IP Europ?ens



adj. in Constitutional law, referring to a law case appealed from a state or federal court which is ready for consideration by the Supreme Court, meaning that all other avenues for determining the case have been exhausted, there is a real controversy, and the law needs to be settled on one or more issues raised by the case.


RIPERace Integrity Primitives Evaluation
RIPEReseaux Ip Europeens
RIPERegional Internet Registry for Europe
RIPEReview of International Political Economy
RIPERéseaux Internet Protocol Européens
RIPERotary International President Elect
RIPERobust Integrated Power Electronics (DARPA program)
RIPERifampin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, and Ethambutol (treatment for TB)
RIPERegistrar Information Processing Environment
RIPEReal Installed Property/Equipment
RIPEReduction In Paper Exchange
RIPERhode Island Plant Engineering & Maintenance (show)


  • adj

Synonyms for ripe

adj ripened


  • ripened
  • seasoned
  • ready
  • mature
  • mellow
  • fully developed
  • fully grown


  • green
  • immature
  • undeveloped
  • unripe

adj right


  • right
  • fit
  • ready
  • suitable

adj mature


  • mature
  • old
  • advanced
  • hoary

adj suitable


  • suitable
  • timely
  • ideal
  • favourable
  • auspicious
  • opportune


  • inappropriate
  • unfitting
  • unsuitable
  • inconvenient
  • unseemly
  • untimely
  • unfavourable
  • inopportune
  • disadvantageous

adj ready for


  • ready for
  • prepared for
  • eager for
  • in readiness for

Synonyms for ripe

adj having reached full growth and development


  • adult
  • big
  • developed
  • full-blown
  • full-fledged
  • full-grown
  • grown
  • grown-up
  • mature

adj brought to full flavor and richness by aging


  • aged
  • mellow

Synonyms for ripe

adj fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used


  • mature


  • unripe
  • unripened
  • green
  • immature

adj fully prepared or eager

Related Words

  • ready

adj most suitable or right for a particular purpose


  • good
  • right

Related Words

  • opportune

adj at the highest point of development especially in judgment or knowledge

Related Words

  • mature

adj far along in time


  • advanced

Related Words

  • late




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